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[考试辅导] 2011年外销员考试综合辅导:中外经贸短文互译3

发表于 2012-3-12 23:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 O  K; f: Y4 H2 L: i  一、英译汉概要& S- F7 A. k( |8 b( u# M: ~0 B& p- l
  (二)句子层面6 D6 p) }+ v4 r' L( A
: k( x; l5 I4 {. w  He spoke with understandable pride of his experience.
' H; o" Y2 o. q  他自豪地讲起他的经历,这是可以理解的。9 O1 T! p7 e9 z
. e& t( O" e7 C* C" L) d8 ?0 U  (1)意义或修饰上增词4 r- E/ S, k3 b. S8 j9 l' H
  Enclosed is our latest catalogue.0 ]' B4 C+ D% ^9 b+ P! h. L! `
  随函附上我们最新的商品目录。- i; B* R% e7 Y* {0 Y
  Trade wars arise from a ruthless determination on the part of a company or country to capture the market.
1 B; y* h* P6 B7 U6 L+ `# r  c5 ^  贸易战是一个公司或国家为占领市场而做出无情的决定引起的。(增加了动词“做出”)
8 e7 g8 g' ]% L6 J" }) P5 u) }9 t5 a4 w  With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism.
5 ]+ X. `- ~* i9 T  中国人民正在以多么高的热情建设社会主义呀!(增加了形容词“高的”)6 w* l& V* |, R  W: C
  This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine.
& ^2 _& C# J3 d: i9 Q' l, X, m  这部打字机真是价廉物美。(增加了形容词前的名词)
4 C, b" x' n0 i% U  The two countries cooperated militarily, politically and economically.$ _9 C/ _& U% Z2 @8 F/ d, ~

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