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[考试辅导] 2012年外销员外贸外语辅导:同事之间关系处理

发表于 2012-3-12 23:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  为了帮助考生系统的复习2012年外销员考试课程全面的了解外销员考试教材的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了2012年外销员考试辅导资料,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助!7 ?' Z* l) v  [. M* R; \0 j
' ?8 l; [/ m7 e+ M' h, Q& ~  A:I‘m really fed up with Larry! He’s the biggest airhead I‘ve ever met.He always makes careless mistakes,and he’s a pain to work with.
* |. Z" o# X6 E6 Q  B:You shouldn‘t be so negative.You’ll always have some co-workers that are harder to work with than others.But if you are negative and start name-calling in the office,it will make a bad working environment for everybody.
4 N) c7 B* c& {) c  A& ]' y* a! E  A:You only say that because you don‘t have to work with him.The people in your department seem so capable and nice to be around.
* E1 ^$ e) E8 a% K, f  Take Mary for example.She‘s smart and enthusiastic.I’ve never met anyone as cheery as she is.
- e$ P6 O' u, `- A  B:Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses.Even Larry.He might be a pain to be around,but he‘s also very good at staying in budget on projects.Mary, on the other hand,spends our project money like there’s no tomorrow.Also,she‘s never willing to stay a little later at the office.She always leaves at 5:00 pm sharp.
0 V3 H# i3 z# J% }  A:Isn‘t there anyone in the office that is a perfect co-worker? What about Bob? Everybody loves Bob.Even though he’s flesh out of college and still a bit green, he is a great co-worker.2 h# {1 w2 U2 X1 g
  B:You‘re right.He’s a hard worker,easy to get along with,honest,and he never steals the credit on projects.The only thing he‘s lacking in is experience.
% N1 q) Z( v' y" O  x( S& b  A:Maybe that‘s why he’s so nice!( o( J; {' d. S
6 h& p9 ?9 U  M) f- K" U- p  B:你不要这么否定他。你总会碰到这样一些同事,与他们共事比跟其他人要困难得多。但是如果你持否定态度,在办公室骂人,那只会给大家制造一个恶劣的工作环境。5 ?. ^( Q( x4 n8 v# p7 g
  A:你这么说是因为你没有和他共过事。你们部门的人好像很能干,很好交往。以玛丽为例, 她既精明又热情,我从来没有见过像她这样爽快的人。
: g! ]) j( S8 g7 Q/ a! G6 @  B:每个人都有自己的长处和弱点。拉里也如此。与他打交道可能会头疼,但他在预算支出方面做得很好。从另一方面讲,玛丽花我们的项目经费时根本不做长远打算。而且她从来不愿意多加一点儿班,总是在下午5点整准时下班。
/ x9 i; s2 X2 x+ K6 \) y: {* E1 B  A:难道办公室就没有一个人是你完美的同事吗?鲍勃怎么样?大家都喜欢他。尽管他刚刚大 学毕业还没什么经验,但是个不错的同事。1 T. A% R0 P" T1 i) {
1 J* i+ q8 O0 ]* @* d/ C  A:也许这就是他为什么这么讨人喜欢的原因。$ e7 }% m/ L  g1 q) t+ Y* m! x
  I‘m really fed up with Larry! He’s the biggest airhead I‘ve ever met.He always makes careless mistakes,and he’s a pain to work with.
7 N7 [3 S# c7 P2 h* z$ l8 U! Y5 p  fed up with……受够了……
% h6 I/ Q8 R8 b) K% O3 B( a- R  -EST + EVER 形容词最高级+EVER 表示"空前,有史以来,从来没有".6 k  u2 k% ?  e& Y
  The only thing he‘s lacking in is experience.: C2 C. ~0 Z' ]9 S* P& |
  he‘s lacking in 用现在分词表示一种当前属性。
2 |& u! K1 t8 d+ ?, R; h+ x  It seems there are always a few rotten apples in the bunch,though.Like Margaret.
& R; T& p( ?1 O9 R- `: a  Though ad.(一般放在句尾)然而,还是
7 s! e! w- s7 W7 `  H. ?  It was a hard job, he took it though.! m( o0 i1 J. o. @$ p! l' N/ g
, B& ~8 ]  F! P% H- w  Airhead 傻瓜
0 j: D& \2 e0 ?  w7 H" K  Name-calling 骂人
- q# ]8 R& U0 y; g# j3 e  Capable 有能力的
+ K* i2 s5 k& Z. L  Enthusiastic 热情的
2 g" j- Q& p) ?4 ]) d; [  Cheery 愉快的
& U4 f3 D! c. h/ y% A  Be fed up with 受够了
6 c. [7 g/ p/ ]' Q- i- u  Be a pain 是一种痛苦; w! B; [# ~7 y3 H6 Q) N0 _
  Working environment 工作环境   Nice to be around 友好相处- H9 v2 s, V/ }4 w, }
  Staying in budget 没有超过预算0 w. r( P# g5 O. c& W
  …like there‘s no tomorrow 就像没有明天似的
2 D* Y0 s5 B: @7 Y% r4 _6 P5 l  X:00 sharp(time) X点整
7 g: |1 o$ b  r/ g( {  Fresh out of 刚刚出了…: W9 J5 E4 n: [% g* `4 j8 |6 T
  Be green 没有经验
+ n# C2 b3 Y. e2 e  U8 P& Q% ~  Steal credit 盗用经费& b  R# m( K( J- K
  Get along with 与…相处
$ [2 Q/ \" B, J  y  Some co-workers are harder to work with than others.  G5 R* \  Q5 A, p( ]8 b- \0 [# V' R
  与其他人相比,有些同事比较难共事。- F% M+ `; I; e% Y
  Take Mary for example. 以玛丽为例。
& I+ D  _6 y- H& x2 b1 [" X5 u& e+ M" A  She‘s smart and enthusiastic. 她既精明又热情。0 [( i; v; v5 }/ j
  I‘ve never met anyone as cheery as she is.
3 h8 I6 ?& W" H2 ~  我从来没有见过像她这样爽快的人。8 \4 Q0 X0 o  m2 P0 {* S+ A
  She always leaves at 5:00 pm sharp./ E5 X3 H( x: u6 p5 |
  她总是在下午5点整准时下班。3 G' ^1 `7 M* d) R& r0 K' T  n" ~
  He lacks experience. 他缺少经验。8 f0 R1 x" T, C# h
  She‘s a terrible gossip.
, h& x% {% Q8 g! P) U9 N0 ~  她是令人厌恶的饶舌者。
! `9 E' T) J5 r9 V9 }8 y, {) F: I  She‘s trustworthy. 她值得信赖。! ]; f5 @" ?6 [% \
  He always makes careless mistakes,and he‘s a pain to work with.$ O- a% R7 x; I( ?$ x
2 p1 K9 D. X$ T3 f4 \7 I0 C" k8 A  The people in your department seem so capable and nice to be around./ J9 _( w& U9 O3 |3 m& ]3 v
  你们部门的人好像很能干,也很好交往。( F6 O, B8 [% @; q. V7 v
  Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses.: J6 v6 C, i; D
- _+ R; P( E4 x0 l6 j( s/ f  He might be a pain to be around,but he‘s also very good at staying in budget on projects.  v8 c5 n7 l, _+ j4 `

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