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[四级词汇语法] 大学英语四级考试:语法笔记讲义28

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Though I like the dress, it doesn’t fit me. 尽管我喜欢那件连衣裙,但穿着不合适。(不说Though the dress is liked by me, I’m not fitted by the dress.) ) I5 D* q; B4 l" G
  We lack manpower at the moment. 我们现在缺少人手。(不说Manpower is lacked by us at the moment.)
. X8 Q" _. h+ S4 }" \/ o  My computer cost me seven hundred and ninety dollars. 我花了790美元买这台计算机。
' r* Y9 a8 o( X" K- M  She resembles her father. 她像她父亲。(不说her father is resembled by her.)
5 J7 B; ~7 R* B  3、短语动词中有些用于被动结构,有些不可以。但没有规律可循,只能个别掌握:
( j' U+ [" B& s! u2 r' g2 z& ^0 c  I was very well looked after when I was working there. 我在那里工作的时候,得到很好的照顾。 9 G% d. z$ W/ l4 o
  An overpass is being put up at the corner of the street. 在那条街的拐角处正在建起一个过街天桥。 $ g* W8 i! n# {6 \
  Everybody agreed with me. 大家都同意我的意见。(不能说 I was agreed with by everybody.)
7 G) R7 ?2 Y3 j: y. Z& P/ y% H  I walked into the house. 我走进房子。(不能说The house was walked into.)
# v) ?. _2 u$ |( R  I broke into the house. 我破门而入那栋房子。(却可以说The house was broken into by me.)
# d5 [. h- k/ t/ D: y: s( Z0 F  4、反身代词和each other, one another作宾语时不能变为被动。例如:
, A# H6 ]8 R% R6 _  They acknowledged themselves to be defeated. 他们承认他们自己被击败了。 $ m$ o/ l* D- ~# C
  She praised herself. 她自我表扬。
3 Z* o+ g: f* k  He ruined himself. 他毁了自己。 : f+ O. G, U$ U/ j2 a
- y" S# a4 L6 q" L6 @- m  The police officer shouted his loudest to stop the car. 警官用最大的声音喊叫,想叫住那辆车。 ( e' \1 H8 E4 Z
  The famous actress breathed her last. 那位著名的女影星咽气了。
0 Y0 s' _9 a8 m  She nodded her approval. 她点头同意。
1 u9 l. J$ k8 a2 K+ V2 j3 N& Q/ D( z  I smiled my thanks. 我微笑致谢。
7 i( k) e0 N9 j5 m8 D  He wishes to be somebody. 他想成个人物。 6 H1 w1 t5 r5 p* x; ]  @
  He enjoys taking pictures. 他喜欢摄影。   E0 U; T- X% r
  Keep silence, please. 请保持安静。 2 l: E4 y$ h: K& X
  They usually take a walk after supper. 他们通常晚饭后散步。
" m) B' X. o3 _: ^7 y# k2 v  (八)关于被动语态的几点说明
5 S8 @' x4 g4 Z# h! t3 T& ^, k  1、有些动词形式上是主动,意义上是被动。例如:
  M; w5 z* l' o" I6 ?  School begins in September. 学校九月份开学。
6 q1 A2 I2 }! o! K8 j/ a  The library doesn’t open on Sunday. 图书馆星期天不开放。 ) p/ @' L* z& s6 ]$ o# l* j
  The machine runs well. 这台机器容易操作。 ! Q6 O5 K) J, b* q
  My pen writes well. 我的钢笔好使。
! J" X7 c. {: s7 e' z2 V( k8 W# ^  The cloth washes well. 这料子耐洗。
& C4 h, F# N, U& Z  B9 G  The dictionary sells well. 这词典销路很好。
6 e, X4 z3 |" _' C  The book hardly sells. 这书买不出去。
' d7 Q& F+ S1 i# x5 J4 c7 {  The door will not shut/lock. 门关/锁不上。 # X& u8 k. e! x& L! p* i
  Am I to blame? 我该受责备吗?
+ D# v8 c( {; }! J( r; O. U* g  The house is to let. 房子要出租。 8 X. f8 K* R6 S+ }5 G0 W( V
  The story is interesting to read. 这故事读起来很有趣。
1 W, R2 h- B$ U( |" [/ x! n$ h  The film is worth seeing. 这片子值得一看。 7 r$ D" ^" R6 r& s$ W2 k
  Your shirt needs washing. 你的衬衫该洗了。

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