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[四级阅读] 四级英语学习:10种埋没潜能的生活方式08

发表于 2012-8-14 00:37:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Bottle up unhappiness.' G8 k5 a+ E% x; `2 I
把不开心封锁起来。' O3 n. S) C0 m
      Bottling up your emotions is like creating a bomb that will eventually self-implode.  Every time you bury an emotion, you're weighing yourself down with baggage.  The best way to deal with your emotions, whether happy ones or unhappy ones, is to lay them out on the table and face them.  Don't hide from your problems.  When you do you're just hiding from yourself.  I found a great way to clear emotional baggage is to use the brain dumping exercise, where you dump your emotions in a journal for about 10-15 minutes.  Try it—you'll feel lighter almost immediately.# J1 F) x5 q% Z4 F

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