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[四级阅读] 2012年大学英语四级阅读:难句解析(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 00:37:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年大学英语四级阅读:难句解析(5)4 z/ `. x7 i/ J) p8 v2 q
2 j2 S- A6 ?4 C) {% D2 _   
( i4 e8 g9 B) ]0 g( s6 h& w2 A    He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups. (2008年12月)
) Y  j  O/ T7 Z8 c    ) z9 I; h, `" i7 t% c+ {
    【分析】本句为复合句,主干为He believes…diseases…could be addressed…。that引导的定语从句that commonly affect men修饰most diseases。by preventive check-ups为be addressed的方式状语。www.Examw.com
6 H* X# u( L! A0 c   
2 F9 t$ y; y; l    【译文】他相信,那些经常感染男性的疾病大多数都可以通过预防性的检查来处理掉。' u% J5 ^0 k: y
    ( p# w/ V; R7 ]+ {" `/ `
    2.4 X( a; |7 S* j+ \* N
2 a! o0 g/ D" P$ X% u6 E6 D" J    Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of a retail store, but instead will alert their friends, relatives, coworkers, strangers — and anyone who will listen. (2008年12月)
& ^: a- W! ]" }( @9 W+ M" m   
+ e! W* I- p) w$ `3 C$ i& y    【分析】本句为复合句,主干为Shoppers seldom complain to…but…will alert…。破折号在这里起到强调或引起别人注意破折号后面要说的话的作用。在破折号后,who引导的定语从句who will listen修饰的是anyone。) f8 o; @" j7 c( a, q  e
    / r3 D9 I5 p0 W3 y! L9 O  i
    【译文】顾客很少向经理或者零售店的老板投诉,相反,他们会转而向他们的朋友、亲戚、同事、陌生人——以及任何可以听到的人吐苦水。, }( g9 Y3 Z( n3 E/ W# D* O
6 y$ U; E1 U) o4 g    3.
* ?! ^/ m" H, P; _6 z    8 h6 B0 q' |, k6 v
    This guidance eliminated the need for customers to circle the parking lot endlessly, and avoided confrontation between those eyeing the same parking space. (2008年12月)3 X) B0 \) v. B" r+ M) R' U
  A$ {6 E0 Z0 O    【分析】本句为简单句,主干为This guidance eliminated the need…and avoided confrontation…。eyeing the same parking space为现在分词作后置定语,修饰those。
) E& t3 _( X( P+ E9 G/ l    * F7 c$ i1 u; D! z
; @2 l. x" N. ~. s6 J   
" j2 s8 O/ [% `* r    4.$ R' M! W* E; }3 S' T' Q/ h, R
    9 D* }7 A" O2 X9 p4 k: }
    Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filling complaints to the retailer, instead of complaining to the rest of the world. (2008年12月)
4 W; `, ]7 v: P/ R+ t# ^. t4 s    4 n+ |* Y8 }5 H4 X2 r
    【分析】本句为简单句,主干为Customers can…improve…experiences。方式状语by filling complaints to the retailer修饰improve future shopping experiences。instead of表示否定,其前后成分结构一致,complaining前其实省略了by。
# w. ?# k1 D) Y8 i! J) P   
. G8 }) \% `& x) f# ^  z0 m    【译文】顾客也可以通过向零售商投诉来改善今后的购物体验,而不是向全世界其他的人抱怨。来自www.Examw.com
9 r9 C& F/ i9 |& e2 N+ u6 E: w! L   
/ r6 c! H* R$ |" F    5.6 B2 ~: O6 M" R
# h! D0 G3 R& l5 {    A code of conduct is hard to create when you’re living in a world in which everyone is exhausted from overwork and lack of sleep, and a world in which nice people are perceived to finish last.(2008年12月)
2 P3 P# r& X- A4 L7 K6 h# G   
9 m& M. |/ k* u. k: }" p7 t7 G    【分析】本句为复合句,主句为A code of conduct is hard to create,从句为when引导的时间状语从句when you’re living…last。从句中又包括两个由介词in加which引导的定语从句in which everyone is…sleep和in which nice…last,先行词均为a world。
- n8 F& T! R8 E" W5 v" n    / i, e( t- v7 S9 p! M0 _* n& b

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