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[四级写作] 2012年12月大学英语四级应用文写作模板05

发表于 2012-8-14 00:48:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年12月大学英语四级应用文写作模板05! s* W# P( i  N; l
" a* x* I" q4 R! W9 J# W- X  N  感谢信的篇幅可长可短,但应该写得认真而热切,写出真实的感情。写信时应注意以下几点: ; k* k2 V8 }* j: u
  1.在对馈赠礼物的感谢信中,要提到具体的礼物,不要写“Thanks for the beautiful gift”。而应写成“Thanks for the beautiful watch”。同时将礼物是何等的适宜与精美等加以赞赏,以显示出送礼物人独具慧眼。这样会使送礼人感到高兴。 7 M$ a+ q8 ~  h$ Z
# I$ ]5 S  ~. Z! Q. L; n# c  1. 感谢帮助 A note of thanks for one’s help
2 Q1 A  {% U9 |. f6 M( ^   Dear [William]: + c  s6 S; E0 d. a( M
  Thank you very much for your kind letter of [October 15, 2004], concerning [my pro-ject]. ( }- m, s$ q: u! g3 a7 S+ w2 }
  It was good of you to come to my assistance, and I appreciate your generosity. Your aid will be invaluable in helping me accomplish my objectives. If I can reciprocate at any time, please be sure to call on me.
( r; u1 z7 d6 D# P% ]  Thanks again for your courtesy.
, P0 M+ L2 U6 h4 k& |" U; A  Cordially,   J& X" z" w; ^
* q7 F2 i% H; [- A  感谢您[2004年10月15日]就[我研究项目]的来信。
6 K3 Y. s2 r  Y" D+ ]- T  您的慷慨令我感到钦佩,而且您的帮助将为我达到我的目标,起到不可估量的作用。如果将来我能为您做些什么,请直言。 - ?; a0 V1 g; D
5 j! `2 l7 U* m" S  2. 感谢别人的祝贺 A note of thanks for one’s compliment www.ExamW.CoM2 f  M; q2 [) d  S
   Dear [Miss Allen]: " _+ g, U# T- M" n1 {5 [
  Thanks you very much for your kind letter of [April 14, 2004], concerning [our service]. ! K. ~, n: E- U& P
  It is constantly gratifying to receive a complimentary letter like yours; which indicates that our efforts to serve you are appreciated. You may be sure that our department will receive appropriate recognition for a job well done. $ k+ f9 {4 M4 m' K, `- V1 C
  Thank you again for your courtesy. 8 B) E  N; W4 ~5 Z; f
  Cordially, 9 I/ ^; C# ?/ y0 E3 Y" |# q
  亲爱的[艾伦小姐]: , c5 d8 v- Z" C' h# E( g3 b, [8 k) r
. k/ x: M- X9 p) [1 Q6 m& _  接到您的赞美来信,我们不胜感谢,这说明我们为您[提供的服务]达到了您的满意。可以相信,我们会对[下属]部门的优质服务给予适当的奖励。 8 B1 E$ L" w6 L8 x5 `
  再次感谢您的好意。 + r& P3 n" t6 D. S; L1 [

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