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[四级写作] 2012年12月大学英语四级应用文写作模板11

发表于 2012-8-14 00:48:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年12月大学英语四级应用文写作模板11; R6 H2 r" \& n1 q9 p) l% h
; K8 n/ K, ~" M$ j- S, k( g  为了要了解某事、或请求对方办事某事、或申请参加学会、报名入学等,都可写信给有关方面询问。这类信要写明自己的意图以及要求对方办的事,也可向对方索取有关资料。
& `+ \, K( S, x8 T, E  申请信的篇幅不宜过长,除语气诚恳,言简意赅外,还应注意以下几点: 0 m) P. S9 X! e4 s
7 c0 B7 u/ R4 J( B  (2)概括本人经历和特长,表明能胜任此项工作。
& u3 C5 M" p/ h: ^& Q" k  (3)希望对方积极考虑,尽早答复。 / ~) T0 ?1 j% s* z* w" M' ~
  (4)如申请的目的是学习、攻读学位,应说明资助情况。 * S, D; ]" Y% R
  (5)要认真签名(中、英文均可)。- k- J! m6 |5 X- j6 Z! x
   1. 索取入学资料 Requesting entrance information " L3 A' u) ^. a& D% _" r% @: F
  Dear Sirs: 2 s1 l: D; t/ L$ S& g. Z
  Could you please send me some entrance information about the course of [English Literature] offered at your university? I am now studying at [Beijing Foreign Languages Institute] majoring in [English Literature] and shall graduate [this year]. A Chinese Government scholarship enables me to continue my postgraduate studies in [England], and your university has been recommended to me. , w2 j" O" n& w- P: Q2 n& L% W
  Yours, : n2 O+ R9 `, ~/ f% [/ ]0 r6 K
& O! z- C6 p2 R, l  我现就读于[北京外国语学院],主修[英国文学]将于[今年]毕业。我国政府给予奖学金使我能来[英国]深造。并推荐来贵院攻读研究生课程。为此向贵院索取有关入学资料,请惠存寄为感。 8 g- Q1 }" o% a' U2 m, z1 v4 ~, e
  2. 申请入大学学习 Applying for studying in a university
# C; T% p% {. C! t. w( B6 z6 O2 s+ ?0 e   Dear Sirs:
4 J6 L1 a; D4 r  I should like to enter your university to take such courses as [Applied Linguistics and Comparative Literature]. : R5 g8 ]8 u& t! J% X7 o
  I was born in [1957]. In [1979], I was enrolled in [the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature] of [Tianjin Teachers’ University]. During my [four] academic years, I made good grades on all courses. After my graduation from this university in [1983], I found my interests tending more and more towards [Language Teaching]. Now I have passed an examination sponsored by [the Ministry of Education] for a Government scholarship which will enable me to pursue further studies in your university.
8 A8 N' h  V# w3 X% l; N5 D/ L  A transcript of records of all the subjects I completed at this university and [two] letters of recommendation offered by [two] of my professors will be sent to your directly by the university. 3 P7 I' y8 c; d3 c* j
  I hope a letter of admission will be issued to me in due course.
: ~1 y+ X+ o" t  F  Looking forward to your reply. 外语学习网$ d2 c3 r: j/ {
  Your sincerely 8 e9 |! T) O7 e* E
  亲爱的先生们: ' E- u+ `% `  }% x9 E
  我希望能入贵校选读[应用语言学及比较文学]。 0 m2 \1 Q) T5 H  M0 `7 `  e& P$ ]
  我出生于[1957年]。[1979年]考入[天津师范大学][外国语言文学系]。在校[4年]学习期间,各门功课均为优良。[1983年]于该校大学毕业生,我对[语言教学]颇感兴趣。现已通过[教育部]举办的政府奖学金考试,将来贵校进修。 : b8 n) Y/ |4 I1 Z  a
* s9 M+ ^- q( v/ _4 N. U7 j  希望能将入学证书及时寄我,并盼早日复信。

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