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[四级写作] 2012年12月大学英语四级应用文写作模板14

发表于 2012-8-14 00:48:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. k+ q# ?* W2 E& k& X 7. 申请半工半读 Applying for work-study program
/ q  d" ~( n& Q; x2 S  Dear Sir,
3 w/ S- A, U1 H# i3 K  I left [Tianjin Medical College] as a graduate student in [medicine] [5 years] ago. Now I am attending and working in the [Heart] Department of [Tianjin General Hospital]. In order to pursue further studies, I wish to apply for admission to your [Medical College]. But as I am short of funds, I wish to apply also for a part-time job, so that I can work and study in your country under your guidance for [one or two] years. Without your financial aid I couldn’t manage to come. Do you think it possible to give me a job? I’ll be very grateful for your kind help. Could you please favor me with an early reply?
5 N- ~2 ~$ x3 u2 F  Yours faithfully, + W% [4 g; h  L2 X1 m5 o1 e* G
  Enc.: My Resume
1 F+ Q# ?% D. {3 l/ ~* E0 c  亲爱的先生: $ }4 ^) [! q: S0 d6 F
7 L! D( |& u; B1 f6 h6 J! P  此致 . w2 R' G8 Q$ C# p7 E, |6 B
. t: N$ r* J+ X2 i9 P2 F6 b/ E  [李明]
6 E8 J2 B2 z6 }$ s. R6 t2 p- e1 c  附履历表一份
) Y0 P. ?- P5 g! n! ~3 |  8. 申请去公司实习 Applying for a [trainee position] in a corporation
% K5 D( e0 ^* n  S9 n   Dear Mr. [Black]:
, A* ?( g: h1 g- A: t: o& O  Professor [Smith] suggested that I should write to you in regard with my interests in [a management trainee position] in your corporation.
% G' |1 X& q6 F/ {# W  Currently, I’m the [general engineer] of [Shenyang Machine Tools Plant] in charge of [quality control]. I have been granted a leave of [two years] to learn the advanced [managerial skills] and [develop business contacts] in [Australia].
! U! |: _- b8 M  g5 p/ L; e0 ^" d  As a trainee, I do not require a salary, but would appreciate if you can provide me with a stipend enough to support myself during the [two years]. The Chinese government will pay all my [travel expenses]. 6 ]% _# b# }* q. U. b0 R
  In the past few years, I have read much about your corporation and its excellent man-agement. To join you and work with you would be a great opportunity for me.
+ x/ N9 r9 t8 q  Enclosed please find my resume and [three] letters of recommendation. If further infor-mation is needed, please inform me. I’m grateful for your consideration.
: E" k* x. s4 T5 _' Z  Z  Yours Respectfully, ; d% h$ h4 }& [- ~6 o$ H) z
   [Li Ming] 考试用书7 [6 f3 Q5 X' y7 O2 ^
  Enc.: My Resume
  b: I  M. K( l4 M9 N* ]  Two Letters of Recommendation / M; g( o1 ~2 d4 ^" T
+ M" n. l& g1 i  鉴于我对贵公司的[管理工作]颇感兴趣,[史密斯]教授建议我给您写此信。
- Y7 B- C2 C0 w& t: X  目前我任[沈阳机械工具厂][总工程师]负责[质量控制]。我被准予[两年]公假前去[澳大利亚]学习先进的[管理技巧]和[发展贸易关系]。 ; D# ^) ^) Y* l: D% Y1 G" }
  做为一名实习生,我不要求一份工资,但如能提供[2年]实习期内我的生活津贴,我将感激不尽。中国政府将担负我的[交通费用]。 ; ]" Z7 a' P+ j$ R& }
  过去的几年中,我对贵公司和其杰出的管理有所耳闻。能和你们在一起工作对我来说真是一个难得的机会。 & g: Z9 p0 `, \  L+ a9 J+ V
" Z6 V( E3 I; y8 @6 `  如蒙考虑不胜感激。 1 [- U' |6 P; N8 X+ \; n
  此致 9 X1 O! ^4 |) Y$ b. c. Q& o
  敬礼 1 O  m* t+ }8 f$ p" F" Q' f
  [李明] 6 t6 a; [6 i/ ~0 m5 a! {

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