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[四级完型] 完形填空:攻克大学英语四级

发表于 2012-8-14 00:52:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 unit 1 同形异义词辨析(10天)Day 5  
3 r9 P0 Q5 U9 A$ H: J  几天过去了,你对这一类词掌握得如何呀?本天是对前几天的一个复习,古人云:温故而知新。不要放弃任何一个小小的挑战哟!      : u* \% q+ P: {, @2 c* v  z; a
  1. A. This plane is in the (过程)of the flight.      7 Y0 N( @4 }: F" u% d8 A/ {  K% e
  B. What’s the (原因)of the accident?      
5 @) r2 E5 k# D% e4 s) K& p+ y+ r  C. Where is the (源头)of the river?      $ I! }* [7 L9 u6 [
  2. A. Many (式样)of bicycles are on show.      
7 g  e% g2 N' q) r" J/ `+ S4 A  B. Fill in the blanks with proper (情态的)verbs.      
- l6 [# }5 \& l- D  3. A. Little light (闪现)on the wall.      8 F& @5 U6 [' Q; Y* a
  B. The Great Wall was made not only of stone, but of the (肉体)and blood of millions of men.      ) e. r; r0 U) W' r
  C. These are (新鲜的)vegetables.      
1 B- _1 p) \6 _  4. A. He asked the man in the water to (抓)the rope.      0 @! M9 [2 f' ^* J! V7 I
  B. The people (喘气)at the cruelty of the bad boss.      , T6 e! q& X1 R$ ?" c' v
  5. A. The Department of Education gave him a (奖章)for his good work.      4 D: M  n5 _+ T6 [- I1 R
  B. This spear is made of (金属).      0 _5 r0 o2 Y+ k; P9 z7 j
  6. A. There are seven (奇迹)in the world.      
) p4 N6 B) _) Y6 V7 u7 P5 T  B. I saw him (徘徊)in the street.      # v# s- w9 F# g9 i
  7. A. The boy was (发抖)with cold.      ! I' g7 w# d' l- D
  B. There is a (寺院)on the top of the hill.      ; [1 v8 T" c/ r! |, I4 M: B
  8. A. He (摸)me on the forehead with his left hand.      
0 e, m0 `3 C# b. F/ z  B. The boss is very (粗暴).      
9 C- b9 K0 T/ _2 w  9. A. We have friends (遍及)the world.      # T7 J+ F9 E8 K: b& {, }" ^
  B. The Xiang River flows (通过)Changsha.      # C6 I/ R2 @* r8 ]$ k  B( H
  C. The doctor gave the boy a (彻底的)examination.        u: s  B; q( q- y6 f2 e
  D. (虽然)he is a student, he knows a lot.      
* ~" V4 X* H, c9 J6 V9 d+ \0 h1 O6 y  10. A. The old man was (挨饿)to death.      ! M  X1 K/ b9 k, s% j* _" T
  B. The teacher (凝视)the class into silence.      
7 v2 i7 }: N6 d8 M% y/ P. O! H8 p& m  11. A. The whole nation was in deep (悲哀)at this news.      - z" C# H7 U, L9 J
  B. The road is so (狭窄的)that two cars can’t pass.      / j9 G( _" h8 A+ t1 P4 ~7 A
  12. A. She got a (严重的)illness.      
( J5 ~0 }# H& N  B. Don’t be (好奇的)about everything.      5 [4 S' A  h* |8 ~7 W4 \4 q
  C. He felt (紧张的)when he said it to her.      
! w+ h. F, L* C: {2 T  13. A. There are seven heads of (牛)in the meadow.      
7 ~1 ^9 C" ?8 C& F  B. The (战斗)was over soon.      7 ^! A# x3 V7 @" |
  C. How many (瓶)of beer are there on the table?      # K$ k  P( A1 s1 K& y( R7 U  w
  14. A. Beijing is the (首都)of China.      8 D5 w/ r4 r' z
  B. He is a (上尉)in an army.      
1 U) f$ Q9 ?; {8 K3 _+ y- J: E; O  15. A. This (技术的)school was set up in 1960.      
" K0 I& H; P0 d9 b  G  B. The violinist’s (技巧)was excellent.      6 c! b) K+ h- U2 x6 x0 o
  16. A. I (想)he’ll pass the examination.      * B: o3 U5 a+ v, k! w& n
  B. He is an (专家)on foreign affairs.      0 A, b! ?( z( u
  17. A. The (质量)of this kind of paper is quite good.      
5 G! A7 W' b+ l# s- G* n  B. He has a large (数量)of books.      5 I4 Q# H3 M8 }  i2 J( ]4 b
  18. A. The village had already been (抛弃)when the enemy arrived. B. There are (许多)supplies of wood in the forest.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:52:05 | 显示全部楼层


 19. A. The two parties (冲突)with each other on the question of tax deduction.      
' ]. C. Z! `$ m7 E  B. The city police held a campaign to (压制)all kinds of crimes.      . f; T. D3 z/ O, T* C, R
  C. The table overturned and the trays (摔)down the ground to pieces.      " c" A. t: J8 c( y
  20. A. He quitted because he did not think it was worth (竞争)for.      
* g# X4 `) J3 I1 R& A; U  B. You can choose any part of the book to read according to the table of (内容).      
% m* E( G+ m% K# I9 h; Z+ A  C. My parents would never (同意)to such an unsuitable marriage.      ; _! H% N# {7 w2 n% ~* U+ }0 H
  21. A. He has (致力)his whole life to the national sports development.      
2 Z4 E8 S7 Z( @  O* K' I, H$ E  B. The foreign visitors were amazed at the (精致)traditional Chinese works of art.      ) |- h! I! P! U* q
  22. A. His smile seemed to indicate his (含蓄的)consent to the way of my handling the matter.      
. }% v- D5 ^9 X; v4 \* Z9 C# B  B. The doctor patiently gave Tom (明确的)instructions about taking these medicines.      . T: J2 C) q  ^( A1 x- Y! Z
  23. A. If you lose the bet, you should clear away all the (脏乱)in the house.      
( G- |5 g" |2 e! Z; o( e+ c4 W9 J* ~  B. Sorry, I cannot stay with you tonight as I have a (多)of work to do.      # [  V, H* u/ @4 R0 {
  24. A. A good (原则)is not to borrow money you can’t repay.      - ?; V1 E" K3 j/ m
  B. The (主要)reason for changing the job is that he is not getting along well with his superior.      
, @+ i$ R+ v7 J6 ?! w. o* d  25. A. Mankind has never stopped his efforts to explore the (外部)world.      
8 c6 i& I( h  E( X' l2 ^/ \& s( U0 m6 W  B. With an attractive packaging, the beer which is inferior in quality looks quite  (高级).      6 M8 G. |1 p! W) Z% ]
  26. A. The official was sent to (设计)the work of controlling the flood in that area.      
7 l9 A8 _" L* T- V: e8 N) q  B. He’s been (复习)his notes all week for the coming history examination.      
  d6 u8 G$ M0 K$ |/ Y  27. A. He likes to wear suits made of fine cotton instead of (粗糙的)material.      
6 Q* a# R1 K4 S" i& {  B. He called upon God to (诅咒)his cruel and ungrateful son.      1 R6 Z) w/ ?7 X& f0 D
  28. A. Every one of the audience (鼓掌)when the tenor finished his song.      # R! r2 l$ W8 A% o2 p
  B. Grandpa had his grandson on his (膝盖)and read him a story.      
8 D( M! k4 e8 H7 A  29. A. The official was arrested soon after he was found to have accepted (贿赂).      : O+ h8 m$ P& Q! O
  B. The (新娘)was worried about her future the day before her marriage ceremony.      
. j0 h+ B6 A6 Y  30. A. It’s (肯定的)that he’ll pass the examination.      
0 i( T% ~6 d" Z  B. They asked a boy to draw the (幕布).      
; f4 K. p9 N9 H. A; T4 z1 s4 `  雅典奥运会胜利闭幕,火炬传给了中国北京。你,准备好了吗?      # H$ T+ d6 m+ c1 r$ x
  The 2004 Olympic Games officially came to an end in Athens with a spectacular closing ceremony on August 29. Greek music and dance kicked off an evening of celebration before the flame was extinguished and the flag lowered.
) u7 ]9 J9 i2 @% u% Y- G7 k- LThe torch has now been passed to China as Beijing prepares to host the Games in 2008.      9 T. v+ x+ T' W. s# S1 G; ^0 l5 v
  1. officially adv. 职务上,正式      
1 i& M0 x/ a$ h$ X% t* D) v1 a  【单词变形】official(a. 职务上的,公务的)office(n. 办公室) office building 写字楼      
* ^& D8 o; j7 ?3 a* Y2 t8 u  2. spectacular a. 引人入胜的,壮观的 in a spectacular fashion 惊人地,壮观地      0 s, t! M7 I/ `9 k
  【单词变形】spectator(n. 观众)spectacle(n. 观览物)(引人入胜的东西需要观众用眼睛看),spect词根意为“看见”      
! o, u. U: t5 g: J  3. extinguish vt. 熄灭,消灭 to extinguish a fire灭火      
: [: |. m1 }3 n1 p5 a2 E  What has to be broken before it can be used?
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