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[四级翻译] 英语四级考试新题型翻译专项练习(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 09:11:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
13:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)
  B6 i3 C1 p, F0 `4 p) v. }3 i1:The young woman described to the policemen __________________________(那个青年是如何跑到她跟前抢走她手中提包的).- Q5 M: A( ]; t; c: k2 G( J
2:If you go on spending money like this, _________________________(你一个月就会身无分文), my friend said to me the other day.
; C1 D+ G) v3 [% W3 H" C) ~3:Although he studied economics at university, _________________________(但是他毕生的兴趣是政治和哲学).% j7 L, P1 e9 t3 x" r- G2 b
4:The scientist will show the audience ___________________________(机器人能为家庭做什么).: {# r3 {' M' Z. F0 s: y0 }
5:__________________________(药物开始起作用) one hour after the child took it.
! D0 v$ L: `* o- Q 6 T3 z( o+ K' D0 i; d) S
14:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)
* H  F$ T( X: v1:The security council ______________________(由五位将军和四位警官组成).* X( u$ T( v) `
2:Only by rewarding success ____________________(才能激励职员).
1 _& }$ A' E  H/ }& Z3:In the United States, private cars are __________________________(必需品,而不是奢侈品).' B# D: G" ]9 X, w
4: We are literally crawling. ___________________________(前面肯定是出交通事故了).. e+ n, v' b7 v- U3 x  f  f' m
5:Everyone thinks that the new member is ___________________________(对球队的有益补充).0 L4 P$ y' W+ e9 q9 k+ q, ~* m
: S$ w) v+ {( h" `) Z$ _, g
15:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)
5 k6 j3 L: F6 [  J1:I used to hate jogging _______________________(但现在我渐渐喜欢它了).
' \: E) |. [& @) Q$ P4 z2:______________________(随着年龄的增加), it seems she was coming to understand it better.3 v; y' n/ C) i$ E3 T# D$ `
3:The bankruptcy of the company was not caused by evil, _______________________________(而是因为无知)
3 f# T1 P% ]9 y4 g' \) B4:In your résumé you’ve mentioned everything ___________________________(惟独重要的一点你没说).4 G, _  ^# y- n' ~
5:The road being wet and slippery after the heavy rain, ______________________(所以我开车非常小心).

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:11:01 | 显示全部楼层


</p>16:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)
. c9 X4 ~! l& f5 v: Z1:When the officer gave the command, ____________________________(士兵就立刻开火了).& H$ \% \+ V/ d2 D$ X
2:__________________________(只要人们继续买自行车), we’ll keep turning them out.4 t! u" R$ G4 x3 z" v
3:She was so lost in study _________________________(以至于忘记吃饭).
5 w. J9 M* K; V4:These computer games _____________________________________(对学习者来说既能娱乐,也能使其受教育).- W8 {0 ^" h- n9 G/ ]' z
5:Jenny opened the door quietly, ________________________(由于害怕吵醒孩子).3 R6 Q- `( H+ C

, o4 H, w- r7 X7 W7 O) R" D17:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)
- q1 w/ j3 Q& P1 D$ w' d! G1:A radio transmitter ___________________________(最好设在离城市比较近的地方).$ l  z' M/ k1 b
2:_____________________(Mary停止与Henry联系) after the death of her mother.
& a# B  C# d. g" t0 I4 E: T. I3:The rough surface of the basketball ________________________(有助于球员控球).
2 s6 T" y& l  z; Q6 \/ w2 U& p+ }) }2 _4:_______________________(再迟到一次), and you’re fired.5 [9 `% {9 q2 q& q7 h3 B
5:Bring the flowers into a warm room, _______________________(不久就会开放).
% Z7 H$ q9 e, f( C  W( @+ U- p ' G9 |' N7 @5 ], x% b8 Y
18:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)
5 t  E! ?0 l" R6 v$ j" a: a/ d) e1:Please sit down for a moment, _______________________(我去告诉经理你来了).
  S* J8 w: O& d$ e# _8 B0 G6 B2:She is determined not to give in __________________________(直到他们给她涨工资).' r# W. w" U; q5 |
3:I got to the theater ___________________________(却发现票忘在家里了).; Z$ L7 ^7 v1 K; N) w
4:________________________(他们花了很长时间商谈增长工资), only to get fired.
0 D& R9 z  T; W7 {0 `5: Why argue with him any more?___________________________(他已经下定决心不办这项任务).
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