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[四级词汇语法] 2011英语四级考试:词汇语法练习题(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 09:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. The vacuum cleaner is a valuable labor-saving ______ action.& P7 S6 ^3 j1 l1 g( ]
  A. device B. engine C. piece D. instrument/ y  b1 p8 X) }5 D1 k" R: `  T
  2. The flight was postponed because of technical problems and was finally cancelled last week when a ______ was discovered.
, S& }) j3 G  M; C1 q* f) o% }, q  A. accident B. defect C. damage D. defeat
8 r* f# ^' Z( X3 ]  3. When she was crossing the road, she was knocked down by a motor-car and lay ______ by the roadside.
& H; e# d  g; ~  A. asleep B. thoughtless C. unconscious D. unaware. @2 B: l( b  b
  4. The novels he has written have shown his ______ ability as an author.; i0 F& f/ `0 s9 v6 e4 \; Z
  A. literal B. literally C. literature D. literary
% V$ s7 C' F8 o* w  5. The reader is urged to be a leader, rather than a follower; to rely on his own power, rather than to ______.
" q- {$ ?) }( @' A# J  A. inform B. conform C. deform D. reform
" ^* I$ q# h+ T/ s& }" D) s! T  6. He would much ______ it if you could do him the favor.+ ~7 J7 J" a) u5 ~5 X" V- D6 T% _
  A. award B. apply C. appreciate D. anticipate" @9 U$ h  S0 I% z  R% S. z
  7. If our ______ is correct, then the space-craft should reach the moon on Monday.. i3 v6 {5 F2 {4 K1 T! [; ^
  A. calculation B. composition C. communication D. vision! b' Z9 x% {- I
  8. San Francisco’s Chinese community, comprising 67, 000 ______ is the largest concentration of Chinese outside of Asia.
/ L' E/ S/ v9 a. Q# J3 H" v7 Y  A. visitors B. workers C. adults D. inhabitants
: H% m4 t4 V- n% k8 R  9. We didn’t catch the train on ______ of the traffic congestion.7 d3 q- D2 K7 R0 e+ t8 I
  A. basis B. charge C. account D. behalf$ z1 J: V  [) P5 ^* K$ ?8 F% {
  10. Though he has suffered from cancer for so many years, it is so strange that he has ______ to the present day.
8 ]; ?+ Z- n" \' ~! U  A. deprived B. survived C. derived D. revived. R3 d% k2 r! w; w! p" |. w: z% ]
  {ad300_right}" q; Z# f& n' B" |# W# ?
  11. During the races there were two accidents to motor-cyclists including one ______ accident.0 y2 v/ m8 L/ R) b- B1 H
  A. fatal B. killing C. deadly D. deathly/ h- L. E& ?) t1 a( d% Y
  12. Business picked up in the stores during December, but ______ again after Christmas.$ Z2 Z7 D: }1 w& @0 X
  A. dropped out B. dropped on C. dropped over D. dropped off
& x2 z1 M$ T1 u" m3 y  13. His misbehavior and ______ dismissal from the firm was reported in the newspaper.7 |7 R" a5 }5 i( @! ?9 ^' t
  A. improper B. inefficient C. subsequent D. frequent
! }$ l9 a/ @4 X" M5 m: |  14. Every citizen has the sacred ______ to defend his country.
: e* s6 L; A( W# c' ]# z  A. right B. objective C. authority D. obligation, Q; x! T& T3 M! ?
  15. We need an umbrella on the beach to give us some ______ at midday.
8 W( \1 `. {" f5 ^1 W  A. shed B. shade C. shadow D. dark
+ K+ T( E0 C" S. ?4 `6 F5 d& p  16. ______ to the Revolutionary War, the United States was an English colony.$ L4 B1 J3 c5 [$ X3 n9 ~
  A. Prior B. Close C. Earlier D. Next
) s3 e; x( d* v1 Q; J  17. If you are an electrician, you will know the difference between an alternating and a direct ______.
: y: f0 V+ @9 k; T5 }1 N0 E  A. conductor B. circuit C. cable D. current考试用书- G8 m3 c# Z5 `4 y6 v/ P
  18. The company has the ______ right to print Mr. Dare’s books.
* [$ U2 |" v8 i: ]8 J  A. virtual B. exclusive C. overall D. flexible
% v" b# w6 q: f/ @. r  19. Digging the foundation is the first ______ of our building project.
& Q3 p" ^, V7 A  s" s  A. solution B. procession C. phase D. achievement! w: d6 w" b- L# o7 U+ |* y" ?
  20. The curtains have ______ because of the strong sunlight.2 r* G! c1 p$ y* H9 v$ L
  A. faded B. dulled C. fainted D. weakened
2 ~" I8 F# \' a1 g/ V3 x1 G  Vocabulary Test 5
, o& p3 b( A, P3 X0 d2 o- Y6 L7 |  1 题:答案为A。device 器械;engine 发动机;piece 碎片;instrument 仪器。
, d+ q9 K0 r& w6 ^5 q# o  2 题:答案为B。accident 事故;defect 缺陷;damage 破坏;defeat 失败。; e% o$ D- z) E! j  ^& l  e
  3 题:答案为C。asleep 睡着的;thoughtless 缺乏考虑的;unconscious 无知觉的;unaware 不知道的。
; u4 E& P1 A% y) z  4 题:答案为D。literal 文字上的;literally 逐字地;literature 文学;literary 文字上的。2 v5 e6 I% b3 m, ]6 s7 L/ [  G
  5 题:答案为B。inform 告”;conform 顺从;deform 破坏形象;reform 改革。3 p# R0 Z3 E  I5 l
  6 题:答案为C。award 授予;apply 运用;appreciate 感激;anticipate 期望。% S- L9 D1 e3 w; B  X6 L# U! y& p' _
  7 题:答案为A。calculation 计算;composition 作文;communication 通讯;vision 视觉。; I7 k* B5 I# m6 ~& Z' o% X1 M
  8 题:答案为D。visitor 访问者;worker 工人;adult 成人;inhabitant 居民。
5 p# X4 N9 r/ H  g/ z  9 题:答案为C。basis 基础;charge 控告;on account of 由于;on behalf of 代表。
% B- N' j8 d; @; L4 B/ O  10 题:答案为B。deprive 剥夺;survive 幸存;derive 产生;revive 复活。{ad300_right}
% _, c$ K1 |: c- q$ i, \* F; B  11 题:答案为A。fatal 致命”;killing 杀死;deadly 致命的;deathly 象死一般的。3 ~; \3 k' M, Y2 H! W/ Z/ K
  12 题:答案为D。drop out 退出;drop on 偶然拜访;drop over 顺便来访;drop off 减少。8 L) t8 y9 N# D  D8 W
  13 题:答案为C。improper 不合适的;inefficient 没有效率的;subsequent 随后的;frequent 经常的。
; i: {2 x) X$ k! ?1 A* o# Z  14 题:答案为D。right 权利;objective 目的;authority 权威;obligation 义务。
+ Y/ W+ m1 E# f# o  15 题:答案为B。shed 棚;shade 阴凉;shadow 影子;dark 黑暗的。; t% B, D3 o, g% d2 @# O
  16 题:答案为A。prior to 在前;close 接近;earlier 早于;next 下一个。3 k* ?# k$ k7 J4 l/ G
  17 题:答案为D。conductor 导体;circuit 电路;cable 电缆;current 电流。& A# X1 E1 M+ z, M! R+ g  [/ o
  18 题:答案为B。virtual 实际上的;exclusive 专有的;overall 大体上的;flexible 灵活的。& P- Q6 w( k7 j  d, W  w2 C9 v
  19 题:答案为C。solution 解决;procession 行列;phase 阶段;achievement 成就。
: ?9 T* K0 h4 }2 X! N  20 题:答案为A。fade 褪色;dull 迟钝;faint 暗淡;weaken 削弱。

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