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[四级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语四级考试专项练习(词汇)04

发表于 2012-8-14 09:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" ~" R0 h& h, c% Y1 dAmericans are proud of their variety and individualty, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform. Why are uniforms so __1__ in the United States?
$ H' A' a0 ~' d4 ^8 F0 W7 h7 {, p/ ?
) c3 y& m1 K: I' TAmong the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more __2__ than civilian(百姓的) clothes. People have become conditioned to __3__ superior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform tends to __4__ more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the __5__ of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What an easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to __6__ professional identity(身份) than to step out of uniform? Uniforms also have many __7__ benefits. They save on other clothes. They save on laundry bills. They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes.
4 |- ~1 c  p+ ~' E9 _: `3 t2 Q: S- E: f$ C
Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequent loss of __8__ experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without __9__, until retirement. When people look alike, they tend to think, speak, and act __10__, on the job at least.
' ?# h6 j! Z' {" b( @+ Z) t) G8 e4 _6 ]! w- E" ]* E6 }
[A]skill    [B]popular    [C]get    [D]change      {' d. N* p* u# ]8 x4 n* q
[E]similarly    [F]professional    [G]character    [H]individuality; y4 l8 v0 ^1 Q3 B% k9 r
[I]inspire    [J]differently    [K]expect    [L]practical, M1 t! P  U& A5 `' F
[M]recall    [N]lose    [O]ordinary
7 T) I$ N  J$ }6 u  q7 O; p$ y; K9 V" f
ANSWERS:1 s' _/ y6 h; o  a
1.选B)。8 ?7 a, o# O- x6 K  n
从文章的第一句they love and respect few thins more than a uniform“他们又无比热爱和崇尚制服”,说明了制服在美国很受欢迎。因此选项B)popular符合原文意思。选项中的professional“职业的”、practical“实用的”和ordinary“普通的,平常的”都不符合第一段的意思。* @: [; @6 X9 t; r$ k9 a
2.选F)。/ U) v3 l: p0 |( ]" @( ]) R
此处应填形容词。从more...than civilian clothes可知,此处要填的形容词意思与civilian相对,说明制服的特点。选项中的形容词中只有professional“职业的”和civilian相对的,故F)正确。而pratical“实用的”和ordinary“平常的”意思都不能和civilian对应,故排除。8 I) L3 u8 T7 H+ U/ v' S4 [
. @- o9 F* E" U& a9 U4 B- g由be conditioned to do sth.“习惯于”可知,此处应填动词原形。从前面的look more“看起来更...”和后面的tend to“倾向于”可知,这段要说明的是人们的主观印象,应填入表示“期望(得到)”的单词,只有K)expect符合原文语气。选项中get“得到”与上下文的语气不符合。6 v# b; F7 M# N4 U' ]
4.选I)。! I0 Z; C( t+ P0 A% ~# D
此处应填动词原形。从原文中“人们习惯...从穿制服的人那儿得到优质服务。”可知,人们更信任穿制服的人,即制服能使人产生信任感。选项中的动词原形中只有inspire“使产生”符合文章。7 F0 j9 V7 P  M
5.选A)。$ ~( y, b, p0 b: Y" q& v
此处应填名词。前面两句表达了人们对穿制服的人更加信任的意思,那么对于garage mechanic“汽车修理工”来说,人们信任的是它的技术,而不是人品,故选项中只有A)skill符合原文意思。( s& E4 g& l& c" J6 p, q7 w
6.选N)。- p1 K$ U! l$ D& |$ y
此处应填动词。...step out of uniform“脱掉制服”是对护士、警察等来说是......职业身份的很简单的方式。脱下制服就是失去了职业身份,由此可以推知此处应填N)lose。外语学习网1 q9 G0 t- N, h9 p5 O
# d; J) H4 H- X此处应填形容词,说明制服的其他有点。从下文“...节省购买其他衣服的开销,节省洗衣费用,比便服更舒适也更耐穿”可知,制服除了增加信任感还有实际的优点。选项中的pratical“实用的”和ordinary“平常的”,很明显L)pratical符合原文意思。
' ^# m% X% Y2 \. H4 E8.选H)。
- @) X2 Y" t2 ^% e此处应填名词。文章手段就说“美国人为自己的多元化和个性化感到高傲无比,然而他们又无比热爱和崇尚制服”,其中包含制服使他们失去自己的个性的意思,那么联系第一段,此处指出的制服的缺点即为失去个性,故选项H)individuality正确。individuality强调与他人特点的区别,而character指的是个人特定的内在本质。6 Q. Z3 E& d9 c7 R6 W* ~
9.选D)。- H* N; x: d) s+ a2 s
此处应填名词。前面说制服让人失去了个性,虽然有很多种制服,但穿上制服的人直至退休都是那件制服,所有是没有变化的,故此处应填change,故D)正确。9 L. a  l+ ?/ W; ~
10.选E)。! R2 ~( v; a+ W% H5 I" v* }
此处应填副词,修饰动词act。前面指出...look alike,they tend to...,说明此处填的词和alike意思相近。选项种副词有similarly和differently,很明显,E)similarly与alike意思相近,故选E)。

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