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[四级阅读] 2011年英语四级考试阅读提高训练(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:00:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
today the car is the most popular sort of transportation in all of the united states.it has completely -1-the horse as a -2 -of everyday transportation.americans use their car for -3 -90% of all -4 -business . most americans are able to -5- cars.the average price of a -6- made car was ,050 in 1950, ,470 in 1960 and up to ,750 -7 -1975.during this period american car manufacturers set about -8 -their products and work efficiency.as aresult, the yearly income of the -9 -family increased from 1950 to 1975 -10 -than the price of cars.
$ u( H  d. ^' C2 v! z2 Y) J* N+ n- }  for this reason -11 -a new car takes a smaller -12 -of a familys total earnings today.in 1951- 13- it took 8.1 months of an average familys -14 -to buy a new car.in 1962 a new car -15 -8.3 of a family's annual earnings, by 1975 it only took 4.75 -16 -income.in addition, the 1975 cars were technically -17- to models from previous years.the -18 -of automobile extends throughout the economy -19 -the car is so important to american.americans spend more money -20 -keeping their cars running than on any other item.
: j% x) G5 v2 B3 X( X) l  1.a.denied b.reproduced c.replaced d.ridiculed
. o- g! Q$ i- m$ B! x) h7 [( Y  2.a.means b.mean c.types d.kinds
( `3 S" P. [& m* s  f; J$ I  3.a.hardly b.nearly c.certainly d.somehow
6 g( {( {1 d/ k" e  4.a.personal b.personnel c.manual d.artificial
9 f; U7 ]4 G9 Q5 {  5.a.buy b.sell c.race d.see$ t4 d( [, u' A" O
  6.a.quickly b.regularly c.rapidly d.recently7 `3 H+ O4 f0 {' z9 \
  7.a.on b.in c.before d.after1 B. Q8 P6 E3 t; V
  8.a.raising b.making c.reducing d.improving! c1 l8 }4 Q" J- s- \
  9.a.unusual b.smallest c.average d.biggest
7 b7 l' J1 d1 w* Y* g) P  10.a.slower b.equal c.faster d.less  z; y' [) S( A  T/ T' E5 N. N
  11.a.bringing b.obtain c.bought d.purchasing7 j: D2 m) B6 \, B% j$ v
  12.a.part b.half c.number d.quality
" u# j1 @9 n! X- y$ S7 a, P  13.a.clearly b.proportionally c.percentage d.suddenly
3 u8 [- z9 \  `( X  14.a.income b.work c.plans d.debts- B& ^* ~2 Q' i8 J
  15.a.used b.spent c.cost d.needed
8 M% Q5 |$ ]0 w# q; g1 e  16.a.months b.years c.family d.year0 L) P+ i  \% L2 R( t! ]
  17.a.famous b.superior c.fastest d.better
) d! ?+ ?% q1 e, S5 r& k  18.a.running b.notice c.influence d.affect7 M+ }' P. R6 z/ I
  19.a.then b.as c.so d.which9 k6 J9 N, }! v1 ~
  20.a.to b.in c.of d.for
2 M- r/ u5 l& Z* |5 Q8 N  T' M  1.【答案】c 【解析】本句意为:汽车取代了马,成为日常交通工具。replace“取代”;deny“否定、否认”;reproduce“复制”;ridicule“嘲笑”。故选replace。1 x( I3 Q1 J1 s# D
  2.【答案】a" J% X0 ~$ @+ h  k  U
  3.【答案】b$ L7 W/ b; m9 ?
  4.【答案】a 【解析】personal“个人的”;personnel“人事的”;manual“手工的”;artificial“人造的”。本句意为:美国人使用汽车百分之九十是为了个人的业务。
7 V# f9 V) R' u% v+ c9 v  5.【答案】a! D; f7 N5 q6 C5 K8 u% F# j
  6.【答案】b2 M* w9 m  R4 _
  7.【答案】b 【解析】指的是在1975年,与前面的in 1950对应。)
$ j( A# C' n3 }2 S5 L  8.【答案】d
. N7 W( J! R$ t1 W  9.【答案】c+ h- m* K' t, E. d9 L8 z
  10.【答案】c 【解析】本句的意思是“家庭收入的增长速度比汽车价格上涨的速度快”。
5 _; D+ t- V0 I  11.【答案】d 【解析】本句缺主语,只有a和d可作主语,但a项的意思不符。purchasing“购买”,符合句意。) O! `$ @/ B" k+ z: o
  12.【答案】a2 j5 Z- ^) E; a8 o0 ?* M) B  \
  13.【答案】b 【解析】此处需要用副词,先排除percentage这个名词,其他选项中只有proportionally“相应、成适当比例的”符合句意。本句句意是,“在不同年代车价与家庭收入按比例增加”,其他两项意思不符。
) y& J2 ~: ]& f. t7 f0 w  14.【答案】a 【解析】本句指的是家庭收入,只有income符合句意。
  I/ L5 P9 f  c: \7 I5 f/ X  15.【答案】c 【解析】在表示某物花费某人多少钱的意思时,若物为主语,动词要用cost。; ~% P$ T* [; [3 Q4 ^7 }) W
  16.【答案】a 【解析】本句指的是4.75个月的收入。
8 y& L4 f: H: Q6 _' a' D4 [  17.【答案】b 【解析】本句意为在1975年出产的汽车在工艺上比前些年出产的各种型号的汽车优越。be superior to“比……优越”;be better后面要接than;famous“著名的”;fastest“最快的”。6 H+ C/ M% Y$ |/ K
  18.【答案】c 【解析】本句意为汽车的影响涉及整个经济。influence“影响”;affect是动词,不符合语法;running和notice不符合句意。( R1 u' L0 C: L" m" i) \4 I* X
  19.【答案】b 【解析】这里as引导原因状语从句。
  g/ f) r" l. [0 F  20.【答案】b 【解析】spend (in) doing sth.是固定搭配。

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