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[四级完型] 2010年12月英语四级考试完形填空提高练习(16)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Children model themselves largely on their parents.They do so mainly through identification.Children identify __1__ a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are __2__ of that parent.The things parents do and say—and the __3__ they do and say to them—therefore strongly influence a child's __4__ .However, parents must consistently behave like the type of __5__ they want their child to become.
1 o; W9 U8 J0 S" |! {# r  A parent's actions __6__ affect the selfimage that a child forms __7__ identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their __8__ will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way.Children who observe chiefly __9__ qualities in their parents will have difficulty __10__ positive qualities in themselves.Children may __11__ their selfimage, however, as they become increasingly __12__ by peersgroups standards before they reach __13__ .' M& @/ V, q8 y% \2 F. C
  Isolated events, __13__ dramatic ones, do not necessarily have a permanent __14__ on a child's behavior.Children interpret such events according to their established attitudes and previous training.Children who know they are loved can, __15__ , accept the divorce of their parent's or a parents early __16__ .But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events __17__ a sign of rejection or punishment.. {5 Q* H+ D* h. \( d6 z
  In the same way, all children are not influenced __18__ by toys and games, reading matter, and television programs. __19__ in the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the __20__ of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it.
; a; \) M% ?) p9 h. S9 B4 K  1.A.to B.with C.around D.for$ |! @& a% J+ E' f  y" E6 b+ N5 F
  2.A.informed B.characteristic C.conceived D.indicative1 S3 A9 U& m8 }9 m
  3.A.gesture B.expression C.way D.extent
6 O" \7 p) H- \3 D6 Z  4.A.behavior B.words C.mood D.reactions3 [8 N+ ?* \2 a; ]+ W
  5.A.person B.humans C.creatures D.adult
( e9 j9 v% P) W, @9 t  6.A.in turn B.nevertheless C.also D.as a result
- T9 n( T1 A1 ^. Q- a" c( p  7.A.before B.besides C.with D.through
8 \/ g3 n& `- C* k' i7 `: |  8.A.eyes B.parents C.peers D.behaviors$ p: Q5 A& I# k! E
  9.A.negative B.cheerful C.various D.complex
8 v7 C+ T' L: r5 X7 o. p  10.A.see B.seeing C.to see D.to seeing  q' N0 ?* {# m/ \8 l9 u
  11.A.modify B.copy C.give up D.continue
2 l2 O) r, g- _) B" ]  12.A.mature B.influenced C.unique D.independent
6 g' O- Q  E) Y, w5 S  13.A.not B.besides C.even D.finally3 l2 g, K! |+ N9 I( O: N4 X
  14.A.idea B.wonder C.stamp D.effect  v0 [  u/ Z* z4 f9 C
  15.A.luckily B.for example C.at most D.theoretically, z; L, n/ @. ^8 ^# E) |" R
  16.A.death B.rewards C.advice D.teaching5 h- l+ N& Q; B6 P' Q, s+ s
  17.A.as B.being C.of D.for- r/ h, V/ ?6 Z: E, o+ {
  18.A.even B.at all C.alike D.as a whole$ c/ q) A5 }5 a5 O
  19.A.Oh B.Alas C.Right D.As4 D3 P/ g# Z6 c5 c
  20.A.result B.effect C.scale D.cause
* A3 C2 y; B  U& |- k6 ~  点击进入下页查看第十六篇答案+解说:

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:13 | 显示全部楼层


; M% ?& i, P4 b  【解析】identify与with连用,意为“把……和……联系起来”。
- [$ N4 P) o: L  2.【答案】B3 f8 v1 r1 Q: O5 T+ M( m
5 ^, f% z8 O; @/ y/ ^. N  3.【答案】C* f$ B8 q( P6 P2 c  u% S; \( X, y
  【解析】这里way是指父母的行为方式。gesture手势,expression表情,extent范围,这三项与上行文不符。8 d5 _: w% F& W
  4.【答案】A& C  z. j  W8 ~
  【解析】这里是说父母的行为方式对孩子的行为影响强烈。behavior行为,words语言,mood心情,reactions反应,均不符合题意。8 S1 Z6 y2 A/ u/ }1 v
  5.【答案】A9 C' ?# T1 }8 I9 L
; F8 i# }) r' ?: G/ h  6.【答案】C. c3 L2 M  c' v2 s# y: X+ }0 p
  【解析】前面是说父母的言行会强烈地影响孩子的行为,这里是说父母的言行还影响孩子的自我形象,所以用连词also。in turn依次;nevertheless然而;as a result结果。5 L2 ^& D" _+ j
, K. z+ L! @8 w  【解析】这里是说孩子通过鉴别身份形成自我形象,因此选择through。/ w. Q% g7 x/ a+ r& p# j" C* L" g( y
  8.【答案】B% F5 o- E# U, W% \) J7 ?
  【解析】根据下文:children who observe chiefly negative qualities in their parents…,可以看出答案。  N$ p) w6 i( W- g. n. ~
  9.【答案】A8 N3 x6 z6 j% g. z% s' @* k
  【解析】由上句positive可以推测出此处要选其反义词negative。2 Q6 |9 U. Q6 p1 k4 }( r$ B
  10.【答案】B; Q6 i$ W6 I% T! q: c; B( |, }
  【解析】have difficulty(in)doing sth.“做……有困难”,固定用法。5 T' M. L/ {0 e. }
  11.【答案】A: }0 t/ r, R# l; d- f
  【解析】由however可以看出,这句话的意思是对前面“子女的自我形象要受到父母的言行影响”的转折。modify“修改、修饰”;give up“放弃”。copy和continue不符合文义。3 Y6 p& g- J+ G; g, q' J
9 g% }9 w* X& G, r" f  【解析】influenced“受影响的”;mature“成熟的”;unique“惟一的”;independent“独立的”。句后用by…作介词短语,故此处需要一个过去分词。. k3 F0 A1 A- E7 X( w3 v$ Z3 |
/ B( B. a# \) g1 t  【解析】这里是说“孤立的事件,甚至是富有戏剧性的事,都不一定会对孩子的行为产生永久的影响”。8 t  t7 {$ D- s+ w
  14.【答案】D4 K2 Z1 \9 c# K, s/ O, E2 r$ W1 R
  【解析】have an effect on“对……产生影响”,固定搭配。( e8 `9 Q+ M/ M; d- W8 ?! {2 h- g3 W
8 r& H2 M  s; d& X8 s' @" l  【解析】逗号后面的一句是对前句的解释,是举例说明,故选forexample。
4 ~) b, h* k0 I$ w/ j) v) S' n  16.【答案】A( Q# R4 `* D' o- c* \' i
  【解析】这里or与连接的两个词都应是意义相似的令人不愉快的事,选项中与divorce相对应的词只有death。, e- ?% a! E8 V/ ]& [
  17.【答案】A4 y& L2 D) p, Z6 \& m3 [2 [
0 P7 w" Q, p% I: m  o% W2 f  18.【答案】C1 [) a) T* {$ k) X
  【解析】这句是说“并不是所有的孩子同样地都受到玩具、游戏、读物、电视节目的影响。alike“同样地”,意思最接近。6 M9 D7 c- {' ^- O& E* I' s3 z
7 \, a5 V6 K  ~  a% n7 a: l. t" Q  【解析】as“正如……”;A、B项选择是感叹词,后面多用逗号。Right在意思上不合适。! A% f* v( L8 _  e# E. ^0 S1 H
  O( s8 ]/ E' G" r* h/ S# v  【解析】本句意为:家庭关系的突然变化或某种经历对孩子的影响取决于他们对这些事如何理解。result“结果”;effect“影响”;scale“刻度”;cause“原因”
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