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[四级完型] 2011年英语四级考试:完形填空试题及答案解析11

发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  We have spoken of marriage as a formal contract.It should be noted, however, that this contract does not 1 the same form in different societies.In Western societies, the 2 of a man and a woman 3 given the status of legal marriage by being registered by an official 4 by the state.In some African so cieties, 5 , marriage has nothing to do 6 an official registration of this kind but is legalized by the formal 7 of goods.Generally 8 is the bridegroom who is required to make a 9 of goods to the bride's kin(亲戚), though sometimes a payment is 10 made by the bridegroom's kin to that of the bride.
; U  i) s0 b% j/ |. k8 n  G: h' E# t2 c! E8 N
  Among the Nuer, a 11 living in Southern Sudan, the payment made to the bride's kin, 12 as bridewealth, is in the 13 of cattle.Once the 14 of bridewealth is agreed 15 , and the formal payment is made, the marriage becomes a 16 union and the offspring of the union become the acceptable 17 of the husband.They remain 18 children even 19 the wife subsequently leaves him to live with 20 man.2 Z8 p0 m) o$ `3 C

7 Q. N: W! F! }: O  1.A.make B.get C.take D.do1 h+ ?' q( u5 v
! m+ P, r/ B: T% q7 u
  2.A.condition B.difference C.union D.divorce+ I+ I. L( p5 M' E  L
8 q4 t5 [4 x- ^6 y
  3.A.is B.are C.was D.were& F' H: n$ z# s

9 X3 z( t4 |0 O5 d$ Z3 D  4.A.recognizing B.recognize C.to recognize D.recognized
, m* z9 K& R9 f1 f$ U1 [9 u1 O5 h
9 T. C. f4 ?2 u2 s/ H6 B  X  5.A.however B.yet C.though D.still
& q  ^; k& u( t* I7 ~/ Q6 y3 q9 g% C7 U
  6.A.with B.from C.for D.to
& l' @, H6 ]8 `$ u
9 c! A4 Z( G9 ?- ?, H  T4 ]  7.A.exchange B.contact
5 i- t( v+ k1 W2 _
: N9 G! N5 c" S8 A  e( }" p8 b& w) D  C.communication D.connection! l. D: _/ Y) p5 O
  @( @0 Z* x! }* s7 e' o6 |
  8.A.that B.this C.one D.it8 n' F( W; c+ l6 E& M  \" O

4 N7 ~: T  p% V# T- D" l  9.A.money B.payment
0 Z) h0 Z$ q$ l- U6 E
5 {5 [3 T; k+ K) Z" r  C.cost D.consumption  _$ g1 t4 F' R6 R. T" s  A

( J' f% j% @, L9 z8 W  O4 t6 x  10.A.also B.too C.either D.as well! O& D: `; J: o. [) e4 f
0 K0 L( x. ^2 @/ H6 I6 B! S
  11.A.a person B.a people C.a man
4 A) N. V" w# G5 l; Q9 a6 M1 X& W- }2 l8 Z
  D.a couple6 G: u1 }3 {) W% q
% t2 ]3 k' ^4 ~& o% r& y
  12.A.called B.known C.named D.looked
+ W; M; g& f7 N0 [, R3 k2 Q5 Y0 ^8 X1 V) ?: \$ c
  13.A.shape B.size C.form D.type# {& G! V& X5 d0 \3 V

) c& N: I1 u+ V) o- c  14.A.amount B.number C.figure D.volume
; \& N) D6 g5 \# r; r& |; t6 Y% B. _$ H5 H
  15.A.upon B.with C.to D.for1 b9 m# o4 q' l- J

7 ?. `  J6 b2 f$ [; w( I" u& n5 X  16.A.legal B.casual C.direct D.progressive
3 l& X( Q; o% Q! \
" D, K+ y+ w5 W" Y  17.A.bride B.cattle C.wealth D.children: n. t  x" K0 T' w" K
8 p% h. |2 W, @5 ?" r) j7 L$ D
  18.A.his B.her C.their D.ones) d$ ~* T( H; W! o4 ]: [) I
  _6 {- S8 b9 E8 u$ w3 h+ D2 o
  19.A.before B.because C.while D.if6 E+ \& q. J7 I8 u! m' a( M; `$ Q
( O4 ]$ u! q& _1 k# t2 Q
  20.A.other B.another C.more D.farther
" `* a! [, p9 x/ V! }2 S2 c4 [1 ?) v8 G! s* B* R- F) b
, P  K& f' i0 I- W' H" U. m/ s/ ?' B2 g" e( h3 h' q. x3 m$ R+ ]
  【解析】本句意为在不同的社会里,这种合约采取不同的形式。take the form of是固定搭配,意为“采取……形式”。/ G4 H) E2 t! l

# G& [# P8 x2 [- Z  2.【答案】C) v# z# ~6 Z# v; u1 s- v

8 V0 l) P! K$ F9 n& ~  【解析】本句是说“在西方社会,男女的结合只有由政府认可的官员登记后才成为合法婚姻。”union“结合";difference“区别”;condition“条件”;divorce“离婚”。6 y, }$ J( g) B. v% o4 N

/ q2 H. @8 f' Y* k3 V1 U  3.【答案】A
# p0 \$ a2 e3 N  h$ n6 U
! ?! G0 h  q! C/ J* `  【解析】主语是the union,为单数,从上下文的时态看应用现在时。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:13 | 显示全部楼层


  4.【答案】D6 E# x" H3 y3 N

" b" _1 ~, B; N- V% R# ^  【解析】过去分词做定语修饰official,意为被认可的官员。6 d, o4 _' K8 S+ i5 A% r
/ _/ g, k3 a0 S, K/ C, _" N
8 }6 e# P: Y& a; j
: C1 y) S5 `- {  【解析】though为连词,连接主语和从句,表“虽然……但是”;yet一般用在否定句或疑问句尾,表示“已经”;still用在动词前后,表示“仍然”;however可用逗号与前后隔开,在意思上与前句转折。
# e8 l$ @" t3 N- T2 K4 {7 B: }( i. \3 j! g4 P& e. H
; k: O# E6 D' b7 n
/ F4 b3 d/ R7 X0 a  【解析】have nothing to do with,与……无关,固定搭配。
8 l  M4 h- l* n/ q3 C: t, I5 I6 @# G
  7.【答案】A( l" f/ u% c/ C

4 i* D) I# h/ m# R( n  【解析】符合商品交换的选项只有exchange。contact“接触”;communication指“交流、交换(消息)”;connection“连接”。
! h9 X3 T7 N' j  }6 k: U( Q* s/ O8 F# N% s
  8.【答案】D/ m' t4 O! A* |9 [0 f; t9 Y) J

6 ]: V* A: ?; F0 ?8 g. k  【解析】此处是强调句型,It is…who/that结构,故只能用it.
5 v" h1 ^% C. [$ i8 i: k" e8 o1 G
5 u1 _1 P4 J4 o6 \" T$ Y& M, L  9.【答案】B0 d% C8 @4 w3 d1 d

3 ?3 s. {  b$ Q6 V  }. A  【解析】make a payment of是固定搭配,意为“支付”。money是不可数名词,故不能用a money。cost和consumption是花费、消费的意思,后面一般没有to的结构。
% K3 q; V: F3 Y: ~' w+ e- l, z1 Z- B( m: i* g4 O
3 g0 Q; w- t$ w) V- R
9 S* F6 b* a* l) ?  【解析】also一般跟着谓语动词;too与as well一般放在句尾,too有时也放在句中,用逗号隔开。
! C' _! I. x5 c: F! R
% a/ T( c* \9 b; o/ K; j+ r  11.【答案】B
2 d8 s, _+ H: m" f2 l; n, r2 a4 e9 ~/ R" x/ X- Q) F* m
  【解析】a people“一个民族”,a people living in southern Sudan是Nuer的同位语,从among the Nuer中可以看出,选项不可能是a man或a person或a couple。3 X8 v0 |6 e6 {) p6 g+ o: c

$ m+ Q! B1 d; d9 u3 C  12.【答案】B
& f' f: Y7 w& b$ w' y: o0 ~
, K8 u7 R( q2 K! k: F, X  【解析】be known as,作为……而得名;如用call或name,后面的as应去掉。
5 J$ B0 M9 h- t% c% D" c- Y4 w* u3 N' T, U& A# ]7 @
  13.【答案】C$ O% z. W% E8 `; A2 ~8 q2 Z& w
, n8 n0 X! f8 z2 e6 l9 J
  【解析】in the form of“以……形式”,固定搭配。4 E# n  Q9 q+ k* }
4 j% i$ ]" F+ g4 D1 }% i9 O
& O) P, A- h+ ~9 n! y
' t2 ?2 x# ?1 ?% b  【解析】number、figure表示数字;volume意为“容量”;只有amount“数量”可与新娘彩礼相搭配。
2 s7 d' v& s5 x9 o- c8 V( s& \2 L9 F- P  R  V. S3 H
4 p( Z& i3 R; W- o0 }4 R7 w+ a  p% v) l  W' h  C+ {" n3 @7 ^- u1 i  R1 g# o
  【解析】动词agree后面可接不同的介词,agree on/upon表示就一点双方达成一致意见;agree to同意对方建议;agree with同意某人意见,双方在观点意见上的吻合。无agree for的说法。
* o# a% L6 Q. h, C5 u8 `
# d% R/ Y9 h% a; E/ F; V4 E9 Z  16.【答案】A2 Q' d% a% N* g. Z; ?% o) ^$ L
3 J3 |1 w" m1 E9 R- g( Z9 v) H3 G
1 y  G/ t# n/ p+ ~# u' S- w! |5 B* R- q' k3 w
0 S, ~  x: v, A  g' I( ^
" @, t5 v) }9 t. B% b; N5 D) ]  【解析】“联姻的后代成为”,不可能选bride或cattle。但从后面的句子中可以看出,此处选children最为合适。
) M( G# r$ `: X- h' U/ C, L  G3 x0 H6 Q1 E2 M& o) G& ?
  18.【答案】A7 `& ]6 s3 B0 U* M+ ]/ X( v
! f& a# ?1 ^+ S3 h- r! U9 z
  【解析】本句的意思是“即使妻子离开丈夫后,同别人生活,他们的孩子应属于夫方。His指代husband。( i& \  M3 R6 Y! L
( S2 w1 d/ n- S( v% N, w7 n; H& v
; s% ~0 n0 t  d; q+ `) v! h5 ^9 `
* m. s: H9 c% O# e7 W6 K  C  【解析】根据上题的译文,本句用even if“即使”,符合句意。) a: J" u" b- F
0 y/ `% t9 G) s, X
  20.【答案】B0 P+ E" d. w( v; [' _0 Z9 f

, k3 {/ P  @; B3 F( |2 U  【解析】other后接复数名词;表示单数概念时用another。</p>
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