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[六级听力] 英语听力辅导:小短文的八种常见题型1

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1、小故事题型   主要类型:幽默故事、奇闻轶事   三个考点:  (1)首三句:交待故事背景以及主人公遇到什么问题  (2)主人公做出了什么样的计划决定以及原因  (3)故事往往会以非常生动的结局收尾,通常主人公做了出人意料的举动或说了意味深  - J- i" w! s& `. F: T- }9 f
' y' H, `/ |: e. f! q5 l6 t2 r3 j* d
2、名人段落题   考过的名人:政治家、总统、艺术家、商人、作家、运动员、球星、科学家、教师   三个考点:  (1)开篇句会对某个人物进行简介,有时候会给出生和死亡年代  (2)名人他做过的著名的大事  (3)名人的历史地位评价5 q! {. k+ ^8 n8 m7 s' t: Q: a4 `
2006年6月CET-6卷试题听力部分I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) 1 [( _8 W( E& v$ ]! i
Section A
$ f- l8 _: U3 L$ I4 g2 q& l( f" DDirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A) , B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
6 [  y5 E1 B/ }Example: You will hear:
: [" K" x% ^- h( s- [  R3 x& G; b0 e- VYou will read:
( @9 F$ @5 L7 W: X  E( ?7 A' U( PA) 2 hours.
  ^/ H, y8 T, [- a" }7 W" qB) 3 hours. 5 r; \' g' B+ n$ p1 }( ?
C) 4 hours. / f9 X: w* Z( o  H
D) 5 hours. $ e9 a- h+ w% Z* Y) X( J
From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D) "5 hours" is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre. 5 q& g+ p2 Q  x7 f
                                                      Sample Answer [A] [B [C] [D]/ X* L$ ^& P  o: U& ?

3 b4 i+ _, B) L- P4 q1. A) She met with Thomas just a few days ago.5 O, `. @7 W# Y5 Z
  B) She can help with the orientation program.
5 Q' a0 t7 K9 `3 O  C) She is not sure she can pass on the message.
1 e, F' u* g( N0 {  D) She will certainly try to contact Thomas.
' f" x& E: E6 b# t6 ^# g2. A) Set the dinner table.
4 h# q, E5 {6 f( _$ m  |6 l: q B) Change the light bulb( l8 z: I6 _$ u: |3 ]
 C) Clean the dining room.' [# R) X7 n. q% P# _
 D) Hold the ladder for him.8 ?# M8 [" P: D
3. A) He’d like a piece of pie.
: G, _5 ^4 x9 f2 }  c  B) He’d like some coffee
- _  m% _4 z0 y9 A  C) He’d rather stay in the warm room.$ Q; R$ c$ w3 `6 T. I' V
  D) He’s just had dinner with his friends.
; U  ?" L! K. L' Q( `- i4. A) He has managed to sell a number of cars.
8 ^; ]& i/ t. t* E' P# F; b  B) He is contented with his current position.2 W3 n% I0 v/ l
  C) He might get fired.6 F9 O" x& Y% X
  D) He has lost his job.
# {, F* t) M2 I3 B4 L; |5. A) Tony’s secretary.5 Q# \' j! |8 p7 I0 J3 C. g% C
  B) Paul’s girlfriend.
' U5 C# W0 X: q8 f4 L! oC) Paul’s colleague.. T9 L- l/ o& Q5 @
D) Tony’s wife.. y4 e+ q3 o) P  N. Z; ^( _5 e* c; m
6. A) He was fined for running a red light.
. W/ ^, h: n/ R9 r" |  B) He was caught speeding on a fast lane.
: N8 M% ]0 K" N' [  C) He had to run quickly to get the ticket.
1 P' U$ M& S; L4 `  D) He made a wrong turn at the intersection.$ v" U' \2 E' [7 T( _' p/ ~
7. A) He has learned a lot from his own mistakes.% Y. \0 e% A/ ~- Y0 c. }  _) J- R
  B) He is quite experienced in taming wild dogs.
+ D; Z2 `1 G6 _& T' I  d2 f  C) He finds reward more effective than punishment.9 m& f) R  `; a  N5 [  K  \8 W
  D) He thinks it important to master basic training skills.) `' e$ R' Q6 c- H, E$ M# u
8. A) At a bookstore.5 w0 u4 m6 P$ O) D
  B) At the dentist’s.
& ?2 d3 F" X) N. ]" ]1 s. n C) In a restaurant.) g; c; T" k- W1 c4 }
 D) In the library.
0 y2 O! }7 f% t  ?, Z  ?; ^9. A) He doesn’t want Jenny to get into trouble.0 H9 n, k6 J0 F5 L4 k
  B) He doesn’t agree with the woman’s remark.
/ ^3 ^! N8 D# C' V  C) He thinks Jenny’s workload too heavy at college.* B. X# v8 b1 q1 ]1 _+ E% Q
  D) He believes most college students are running wild.& \# f) ?$ _' w% Z
10. A) It was applaudable.
" c& J8 p3 {' |7 h6 D   B) It was just terrible.
; E. c3 q3 @' A   C) The actors were enthusiastic.1 L+ P' E" V( L6 j, w" L. f  o
   D) The plot was funny enough.* d% B. \% \6 a# P0 ~
8 c* c/ }, `# B( y$ D7 a1 [1 s9 hSection B
) v0 O5 I. B2 d) F) }* UDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
0 ^) R; l. X% Y7 r8 ^! m; ?& |  B6 g7 \$ c( B
Passage One ' z2 b) J) g7 h% V
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.8 I; v" `4 H5 s
11. A) Social work
, O) P: V3 {2 d" i' ~$ C1 ^* C  B) Medical care
: D, q( M, i2 K8 a; [  C) Applied physics
! E& i  c6 e0 T# x# P  D) Special education! _( f6 s. W$ q; A7 l1 |+ O9 M8 H2 {
12. A) The timely advice from her friends and relatives." p) h! J6 C1 {: _' e
   B) The two-year professional training she received.+ n% Z! H1 t7 v
   C) Her determination to fulfill her dream.
3 a5 Q$ q0 o! a4 @   D) Her parents’ consistent moral support.
4 y% F- V0 y; P9 @% n$ e& y; a1 Z13. A) To get the funding for the hospitals.
) ^# O" @- {) d. t& N# G   B) To help the disabled children there.
) Q  K1 M2 @$ Z6 F  ]7 e8 b   C) To train therapists for the children there.
" Q% I/ `) Y0 c( |7 F" W   D) To set up an institution for the handicapped." R- a2 \$ J, @2 q, p) z
Passage Two
' H# E" o) Y; p4 D7 n2 u/ Y* bQuestions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard., q' `' n, \, D  E2 W
14. A) At a country school in Mexico.
( G. s  V" Q, z, EB) In a mountain valley of Spain.4 o4 p# w% C1 P7 n
C) At a small American college.* a+ a) S& K' u; e) c
D) In a small village in Chile.! T6 i  T4 j9 L9 v
15. A) By expanding their minds and horizons.
* A' D6 Q/ R' z2 d8 |B) By financing their elementary education.3 L6 h: r2 ]4 c* \5 P) v
C) By setting up a small primary school.+ `& [- E  w9 j# `) n; n
D) By setting them an inspiring example.! E9 {# f% d, r2 p: d$ S
16. A) She wrote poetry that broke through national barriers.
; F# n9 _; e9 g* I& j   B) She was a talented designer of original school curriculums.
7 n" j) D' x/ v$ \/ D3 @5 i   C) She proved herself to be an active and capable stateswoman.
7 r2 y2 Y, _/ ~, h3 x! \& a. `   D) She made outstanding contributions to children’s education.
% h% [- X5 I5 g; l! ^17. A) She won the 1945 Nobel Prize in Literature.( u, [" j! P- r# I
   B) She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.
' v6 h8 \- m% i& C1 R   C) She translated her books into many languages.+ b- X2 f/ d/ E/ X' Y* S- j, j
   D) She advised many statesmen on international affairs.- T/ x9 T" ?, S
Passage Three
0 L1 J2 U+ Z, n& [4 k% U6 [8 rQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
6 S3 N4 R0 I% v18. A) How animals survive harsh conditions in the wild.. o. J6 u5 R: X  h
   B) How animals alter colors to match their surroundings.
/ |6 u$ m( _9 m; {8 T) S   C) How animals protect themselves against predators.
% x7 e: b/ s: I& s8 \  D) How animals learn to disguise themselves effectively.
" T/ D* r8 e/ H& ^19. A) Its enormous size.
( W1 {/ _0 ~' s) P1 N  B) Its plant-like appearance.
5 S, [% a' p1 Q  C) Its instantaneous response.
9 G6 _. @1 c7 E7 M& f$ y0 q  D) Its offensive smell.
) l' U; f* C  i/ b, C0 ~  V20. A) It helps improve their safety.  K4 u/ W: P* F% G& N6 \# x
  B) It allows them to swim faster.
) R8 t, j  v7 h$ V. Z4 V  C) It helps them fight their predators.- Z& @) M' I+ n
  D) It allows them to avoid twists and turns.
, U" d1 S) N1 r' ]; p9 T* l, K9 a' n+ }$ c' G1 b0 D# H

, a( Z! h" @! H+ N) D; Z6 BKey: 1-5 ADABC   6 -10 DACDB    11-15 BCBDA     16-20 DACBA

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