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[六级听力] 2011年12月英语六级听力精练—长对话2

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  23. A) It helps her to attract more public attention.
# E$ a& z: T! ]. F  N5 d" O  B) It improves her chance of getting promoted.# L+ u6 N7 @2 C& U
  C) It strengthens her relationship with students.; e, D1 G8 d. M
  D) It enables her to understand people better.
0 q0 A4 L% T# |; c; u$ n  24.A) Passively.
0 L, P! v& A! U6 ]# N) m  B) Positively.9 N( t8 r. _  l1 n4 W
  C) Skeptically.* l( W7 [' H! ^- _# z, P2 n9 K
  D) Sensitively.
- g& \2 Z+ u' b1 e( Y+ d  25. A) It keeps haunting her day and night.
2 F0 A2 L. X: o9 k" c  B) Her teaching was somewhat affected by it.
7 j  o# f5 S5 R& S; \" B  C) It vanishes the moment she steps into her role.
/ t4 M5 J' x; q4 W0 n  D) Her mind goes blank once she gets on the stage.
  q8 c' y* e' n/ _1 j! a. {; f  M: So, Claire, you’re into drama!$ W6 ?. C  d7 t7 ^- C3 s5 v
  W: Yes, I have a master’s degree in drama and theatre. At the moment, I’m hoping to get onto a Ph. D program.
1 L3 S/ v$ w; f5 |; _/ z$ V  M: What excites you about drama?
' [- q7 n+ P9 O- W6 v" c$ i( U  W: Well, (23) I find it’s a communicative way to study people and you learn how to read people in drama. So usually I can understand what people are saying even though they might be lying.
4 v1 s1 V' h; H  j$ B  M: That would be useful.0 e- P& x/ w' }  ?. u- F$ x
  W: Yeah, it’s very useful for me as well. (24)I’m an English lecturer, so I use a lot of drama in my classes such as role plays. And I ask my students to create mini-dramas. They really respond well. At the moment, I’m hoping to get onto a Ph. D course. I’d like to concentrate on Asian drama and try to bring Asian theatre to the world’s attention. I don’t know how successful I would be, but here’s hoping.5 W. O7 j: C2 j
  M: Oh, I’m sure you’ll be successful. Now, Claire, what do you do for stage fright?
* |8 |" B' U, }! p8 a7 v8 L- t: ?  W: Ah, stage fright! Well, many actors have that problem. I get stage fright every time I’m going to teach a new class. The night before, I usually can’t sleep.
8 O/ i( N0 a2 v; c# ]" B  M: What? For teaching?
  Q& w# N& E1 @3 ?2 c% m  W: Yes. I get really bad stage fright. (25) But the minute I step into the classroom or get onto the stage, it just all falls into place. Then I just feel like: Yeah, this is what I mean to do. And I’m fine.
5 k6 f5 |) W. s* m
0 j, _! H4 {2 q  M: Wow, that’s cool!

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  预览三道题各选项,提到her relationship with students, her teaching, get on the stage等表达,由此推测对话可能与老师教学相关。8 x( |/ s* I5 f
  23. Why does the woman find study in drama and theatre useful?[答案]D) It enables her to understand people better.[听前猜测]四个选项中的动词help, improve, strengthen, enable等都表示事物能够起到的作用,因此推测本题考查某事物的作用。[精解]对话中男士询问女士为什么对戏剧如此感兴趣,女士回答说她发现戏剧是研究别人的很好的方式,可以读懂戏剧中的人物,还补充说,即使有人撒谎,通常也能知道人们的真实想法。故正确答案为D)。
' n/ s4 }" I% N6 l  24. How did the woman’s students respond to her way of teaching English?[答案]B) Positively.[听前猜测]四个选项都是表示人的态度的词语,听音时要留意人们对事物的态度的论述。[精解]女士自我介绍说在课堂上经常让学生扮演不同的角色,创作小话剧。然后补充说,学生们对此反应很好。换句话说,同学们认可她这种独特的教学方式,所以态度是positively,选项B)正确。
+ Q& k: f5 ]* @; P# A; p$ I5 R  25. What does the woman say about her stage fright?[答案]C) It vanishes the moment she steps into her role.[听前猜测]从选项出现的keep haunting, vanish和her mind goes blank等表达可推测本题考查人对某事物的感觉。[精解]女士在谈话中先承认自己有严重的stage fright(怯场)感觉,随后又解释说,但是一进入教室或走上讲台,就不再有那种感觉了。结合选项来看,选项C)是女士对stage fright的感觉。
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