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[六级听力] 2011英语六级讲义与笔记:听力(十二)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  语气词总结:% U9 z$ e7 H5 V7 Y
  1、糟糕系列:. [' ^5 j  m1 E3 v& }4 C; G4 t& e- z
  It's too bad.       What a pity!
- v) r3 R# K- X" G% a# M% j% j8 c  tough luck        It's really tough.
$ U$ U2 R' ?; \" g0 s) J  Oh no!           Uh-uh
1 [  _, V4 M9 F$ @* ?1 c  shit              fuck6 m$ j5 W7 Y0 F& {, ]4 N+ x
  I9 N$ t8 x, \3 C) H" l  Boy.                  Man.
8 Q* A# f- B5 @$ g+ ^4 ~4 g  h  Oh my.               Oh dear.  x. ?' M: P5 v9 c! T3 l
  Oh my goodness.      Wow
$ ]) Q$ q) E+ u9 F7 {  3、赞美系列:
5 y6 \- ]8 {) I$ u; v  terrific        awesome9 B% p& ^3 f% G. B% d4 _$ K1 d! n
  fantastic      wonderful
; {( h1 j* M: v: f' D5 m  cool          super cool      ultra cool$ U+ V; D( _; G' Y. ^2 a6 g
  4、赞同系列:7 P7 m- b* j- a
  Yeah.      You bet.      Ah-huh8 E3 @9 [( d: p7 @% j( A/ [: z
  5、否定系列:, n8 ~& q/ p1 C5 e- G+ d# v) P
  Nope., o2 j% C! r/ d3 `7 k8 l4 b& w
. i: A/ G" R0 @  dummy 笨蛋      idiot 白痴. }/ z; u* G  I) Z% g
  moron 白痴      jerk 废物
. k6 x& w2 J) p8 W' H; F! a) V) j  asshole 混蛋      S. O. B. son of bitch
9 S" D- x# ^6 H  s  段子题:忽视题裁,重视结构
+ Y( ?% a  Q/ D# J- l! K  一、提前看选项:找出相同词,确定文章讨论范围;找数字,准备记录,听到什么选什么(短对话中数字题需要计算,听到什么不选什么)。
; T) e, A" T& G5 u, J3 \7 ~  [P28-One]+ e4 C* y" c5 r, c/ |8 h9 U( _
  11.  A) They often take place in her major industries.
$ l) Y( b( H: D, v# o( p  B) British trade unions are more powerful.: l! W+ \2 l6 }+ C; n. J$ B
  C) There are more trade union members in Britain.2 N7 \  G0 G* W+ ~- p. ~7 i; O
  D) Britain loses more working days through strikes every year.$ N4 x' C7 S0 V) i5 g3 f; R- k
  12.  A) Such strikes are against the British law.
% S# R# |) w! [  B) Such strikes are unpredictable.8 q  c/ ?( W! q# a0 U/ p% \
  C) Such strikes involve workers from different trades.
3 O4 @' F& K) i/ Q  ?  D) Such strikes occur frequently these days.9 u8 B: _" n4 g0 W$ g
  13.  A) Trade unions in Britain are becoming more popular.
8 D6 l3 t; ~* F8 e- E  B) Most strikes in Britain are against the British law.
* o! K8 t  `3 f" V- ]: d  C) Unofficial strikes in Britain are easier to deal with now.) \8 m+ z+ i, N2 n
  D) Employer- worker relations in Britain have become tenser.( K- g- y4 q; }. J2 Y9 i* C1 q
  [P37-Two]4 D  N  f6 K# x2 R/ Y. y9 ]
  15. A) He has always lived in America.1 \& `( K' s4 D1 d4 k
  B) He has been in America for three years.( a0 y* K1 R9 ?' a) [; x( Y9 R
  C) He visited America three years ago.$ b3 e. S+ Y1 B; I+ L
  D) He has come to America to do research on advertising.
1 x* O) G, k* g& b% u' v9 i  16. A) There were far more advertisements there than he had expected.
# z5 x* f2 ^0 Y/ s: f" X7 e  B) The advertisements there were well designed.
- q" m, f- G0 W' }; Z+ J  C) The advertisements there were creative and necessary.
' R: P3 K2 T+ C) B3 a3 E  D) He found the advertisements there difficult to understand.
" r3 T4 _) D7 g- D& e$ r4 T  17. A) Be more careful about what they advertise.4 \! e) F( ^6 C9 C& [& k
  B) Spend less money on advertising.
- X' {, F! d4 _0 X1 v  C) Advertise more for their products.
, A  j+ c4 d, p  N& J* J+ x- t  D) Use new advertising techniques.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


  [P57-One]# L7 u8 p3 Q' H% d, s! |) [
  11. A) About 45 million." ]9 B4 ]+ J: C! {; A- S$ G! P
  B) About 50 million.
4 _8 J( Q3 ?, A  C) About 5.4 million.( z1 U+ Q; {7 C% t
  D) About 4.5 million.$ d: e2 n- a% g
  12. A) The actors and actresses are not paid for their performance.
+ n7 a1 Y! a  `+ z. q: s& M7 x  B) The actors and actresses only perform in their own communities.& m# C3 a& w0 S* |
  C) They exist only in small communities.   D) They only put on shows that are educational.  ^7 S2 z' u# S
  13. A) It provides them with the opportunity to watch performances for free.
4 Y' e: T' S' {: [4 T! N  B) It provides them with the opportunity to make friends.
: o: N* o" Z& ~  C) It gives them the chance to do something creative./ d: b( f9 v, x- v* H" ]. L
  D) It gives them a chance to enjoy modern art.
5 J0 _3 y) N, o; _- f  文章的结构:! l5 G. v2 m# H' u9 ]/ h" T; w
& a9 l) ~7 p" E3 d8 F  2、讨论型文章:分析问题,解决问题。. G+ l3 j3 a7 M2 |7 t' Q
' e. V. h' K- q9 v, n  二、听两头:开头100%出考题,结尾也非常重要。3 ]3 D. Y. J6 ?1 E3 @
, e2 ]6 U$ o7 C  1、如果选项短,是细节题,应该边听边看选项。
" F9 W7 l  z5 O& y: S  2、如果选项长,是主线题,应该专注听。0 t/ G- ?: V" h7 n
  结尾的特点:记重复重现的词;引导结果的连词 therefore, thus, so, as a result, that is,3 N7 j7 w% I% C6 w; j% F* d
  开头结尾一般考topic 题
1 K" h3 Q" U% g  W* P: K5 R  三、中间应该抓小词
! r( `, N1 G" r: }  first, most, because, only, just, but4 i- L* ]- K8 V( _$ [
  强烈的转折,强烈的因果都非常重要。7 k  s; w" m8 n
  四、猜题原则! w. h% A& [/ Z3 Z* r. Q9 T
  客观的事实,用常识 (common sense) 猜题。
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