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[六级听力] 2012年大学英语六级考试听力辅导资料十四

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
购物场景: 2 _1 Z0 E- r) c% F/ d& L
  supermarket 超市(便宜,日常生活用品supplies) " D6 I( g; ?% T3 ?6 P: @
  department store 百货公司(贵,衣服,家用电器appliance)
. g5 \# R/ n" Y  q/ ?  例题:
( ~) B% |4 C. R( W) Y  A) Customer and salesman.
+ _/ t) K, A$ |  y0 [  B) Colleagues. * _7 y, s6 p2 Z9 d
  C) Employee and boss. 4 w% [6 V* i/ s7 u) _- C
  D) Classmates. # F0 A) H4 H1 z$ a0 c* K5 w2 _
  W: Hi! Jack. I just came back yesterday. Anything new while I was away?
- X+ \. }0 o0 i: b) G$ z  M: Congratulations, Susan. It’s said you’ll be promoted to manager and become my immedi-ate boss.
+ }* t  G/ t0 B3 q6 M7 ^  Q: What is most probably the relationship between the two speakers at the moment?
8 l$ @! @% {  d  注:1. immedi-ate boss 顶头上司 . L4 T& v" z7 V1 O5 k
  2. employee 雇员            employer 雇主 ) k# e/ }8 e- h4 b" k
  interviewer 面试者       interviewee 被面试者 ( }6 I4 ^, k8 M; y
  payer 付款人            payee 收款人
8 |4 C; i+ B' K# F) |' H  例题: , j+ I; ?0 T) Z+ x- T7 |3 J6 g
  A) The man is a forgetful person.
+ H! c# q: W/ u  B) The typewriter is not new. 1 L4 F/ @4 ?- T: n( N; ^8 W
  C) The man can have the typewriter later. 9 u. m+ P% F# Y- _; f- Q
  D) The man misunderstood her.
! Q* @: B" l/ J2 L6 K  M: Isn’t that a new brand of typewriter you are working at? , i. \. }; Q$ }1 w; B, s/ T
  W: Oh, Bill. This isn’t the first time you’ve asked me about it.
* k% D2 C# o1 r7 _# ]0 r0 w  Q: What does the woman imply? 4 g) o2 z9 `2 i$ g+ O/ M4 Q' p$ E
5 s; C7 M3 |/ \& ]' l
3 B3 ~' w" I: y( K  forgetful  He is forgetful.  Isn’t he forgetful?  How forgetful he is!
7 n. U$ b; S: e; x" x  Absentminded  slip one’s mind
8 w2 u5 p( F, O* Z$ L, a% T. n  slipper 拖鞋  slippery 光滑的 : O- Z9 G, `$ l
  害羞:   f8 p. V! @/ I- T* ?5 a! V
  shy   embarrassed 窘迫的   self-conscious 自我意识的
1 g1 a; g8 {+ Y% \( G, }& `! S' P/ c  keep to oneself    keep one’s mind/ thought   consciousness 意识   _  ]9 _: w% Y* i: X6 k
' H3 f/ ]8 |9 ]9 W! w! H  outgoing   sociable   easygoing
/ K1 G9 A0 y# E+ |8 N: T- e6 _( y& ^# T5 V7 z% a
例题: % O4 c  B) I% i# A
  A) There will be heavy fog in all areas.
1 g$ O( N9 I+ W0 g  B+ Y( B  B) There will be heavy rain by midnight. - e; R7 m+ T% n2 A
  C) There will be heavy fog in the east.
% Q1 A4 _4 y1 ]+ S  D) There will be fog in all areas by midnight. - c) @. y: k* P
  W: It’s nearly 10 o’clock. Let’s listen to the weather forecast. . b" ~( r! m) _, A
  M: Here’s the weather forecast. Fog is spreading from the east, and it’ll affect all areas by midnight. It’ll be heavy in some places.
0 w6 C% T- [- H" m  Q: What’s the weather forecast? 5 g. o9 _- t2 q* N' y/ c
  注:1. 谈论天气一般极端不好。 - L. v' A- h( Z
  2. fog 大雾,浓雾            mist 薄雾
0 P) [% W& H; W  shower 阵雨               pour 倾盆大雨
# [  l! O  u6 m  high wind 大风             gale 狂风
: b- E. a; e4 ~1 q. {* e0 r  blizzard 大风雪
& q0 `1 H$ W9 ]4 ~! f  3. let up 雨停了              clear up 天放晴
- B" i: c  r; a5 P! D2 ]6 v  warm up 天变暖
! d/ x1 ^. \/ R, i. x2 {. n: E! c- T  4. super hot 特别热           burning hot 特别热
3 Z. |% f& }8 e4 `( M" j  freezing cold 冰冷          icy cold 冰冷
- }) O, S/ z' R# y7 e  例题:
+ W6 @' U% o2 u0 ]  A) She has been dismissed for her poor performance.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


  B) She has been fired by the company.   t8 `. R& ^+ l& b
  C) She has been granted leave for one month. ! ?, j- L9 j+ h% [+ O
  D) She has been offered a new job.   j1 @' L5 O( j
  M: I’m sorry to tell you that you needn’t come next week. You know, sales of our company have been poor recently.
% b; `8 L! Z! Q" j) f  W: I’ve always worked hard. Would you be kind enough to give me a month’s time so that I can find a new job? & n0 M9 _- X. A4 A5 {' W7 c
  Q: What has happened to the woman?
: p  B! M# v* V$ m( @  工作场景:
) @5 C6 b# w5 t' G- I' t8 x  找到工作高兴 失去工作伤心 拒绝工作奇怪  1 f6 Y, F% Z& c* ^7 q7 S
1 B9 K/ L8 D+ B* O6 M  I: J) k, C6 u  A) To change the tennis shoes in the sportswear department.
) W8 u  `& ?3 e3 R# \  B) To help his friend find the right department.
( @7 ~& [; I7 S) Z* i3 u  C) To find his lost shoes on the tennis court.
, C, i) L9 l) g& U& f$ G+ X, Q  D) To buy himself a pair of tennis shoes.
" r; {% p! V/ f  F+ H+ A1 ^9 O  M: Could you please tell me where I can find tennis shoes? ' d) v" X% h7 |. F) Z. b
  W: Yes. You can get them in the sportswear department on the right side of the store.
9 L. r7 I4 i. P: u, I4 `0 [  Q: What does the man want to do?
: `( J- _& d! l, p  注:department store 一般会分楼层 floor 0 ?9 U" u1 ]# I6 R8 L- ?$ v# ~
  flour 面粉
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