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[六级听力] CET6:英语六级听力练习(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* L, ^3 G/ S9 u7 P
9 r  G" g3 R7 G8 S' S% q; `11. A) She doesn't want to waste her film.
' N" f$ M; C/ Z  T% c  PB) She already took a picture of the mountains.8 O. Q$ j% e# ~; K" ?3 z& N  e
C) She doesn't have any more film.
" N# v- J5 V) r( ^# b/ `D) She doesn't know how to use the camera.: K3 }: U/ m+ N" v2 F) {& T! V; Q2 h
12. A)A car dealer. C)A driving examiner.
- [- c$ D  Q# M( d5 ?+ Q: xB)A mechanic. D)A technical consultant.: @. f6 j- e1 S9 c6 z8 l
13. A) Borrow her book.* [' A& ^5 c% r- I) B0 u6 g0 g, \' ?
B) Check the classroom again.
; q& L7 b: j+ s, T7 IC) Buy a new book." q  F+ w0 x' ~( N% E
D) Ask about the book at the information desk.( j! a( e% s3 _$ G) T
14. A) Spend more time working on literature problems.
; t7 u1 p' \2 u; c- F6 r' f5 oB) Talk to an advisor about dropping the course./ U+ c$ z7 w# f
C) Work on the assignment with a classmate.3 N0 ~+ l! u# y! x3 p% V, F$ W
D) Ask the graduate assistant for help.% i7 S0 d0 k+ I2 D# U- Y
15. A) He has already finished his report.3 M) Y2 ^: [( o- o* @
B) He hasn't chosen a topic for his report.
+ E" W# v2 m* x5 ~1 w7 _$ u) ~C) The woman's report is already long enough.$ W& W3 }0 g( ?* o2 X* l
D) The woman will have time to finish her report.% b3 T, h5 G; h1 E. U, t  I+ m
16. A) Stay in the dormitory.
' o9 M5 Y  `3 d& C7 c: H$ @; tB) Find out the cost of living in the dormitory./ D7 m9 T$ ^; E; f# ^) e* [0 e6 n
C) Ask for a reduction in her rent.
( d5 X5 C  y$ A# L! i1 v: o, K" M; wD) Move into an apartment with a roommate.2 z. a, `" P5 R0 S( c
17. A)To protect her from getting scratches. C)To prevent mosquito bites.
, z: Z' p$ w( d. a3 ]B)To help relieve her of the pain. D)To avoid getting sun burnt.! M' r: w1 E! P4 h0 h
18. A) He already has plans for Saturday night.
; f( H! O! g. NB) The woman should decide where to eat Saturday.5 X% [* B# X, k
C) The woman should ask her brother for a suggestion.5 A+ ]2 k3 ~8 K: @" ]& e! o1 `
D) He will make a reservation at the restaurant.
; a1 K% Q" A/ R. G/ lSection B
% E- r1 z9 f9 s! f1 h3 ?; BQuestions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
7 n" X% `7 z6 ~, R- a6 Z19. A) In the student recreation center.6 z0 J$ z9 l( P/ x+ y9 {7 g
B) In the campus canteen./ F  c5 m  a+ M, U  C
C) In the university bookstore.
# r& i& {" m7 Q4 D9 r# iD) In a classroom./ n2 w- z6 p7 \
20. A) Studying.
# v7 R( a; p% |" I. SB) Preparing snacks.- w- f: H7 T, K& J0 A" I7 H
C) Playing cards.
+ z  a( c$ F& wD) Learning how to play bridge.0 W5 b, F$ R% z! G
21. A) Watch her partner. 2 f3 j; Z. e8 s6 g+ r- k/ l: p
B) Play her cards in cooperation with her partner.
# k5 `0 u% K& U$ q5 FC) Quit the game.1 c, S3 z$ B8 b+ o! k/ U8 O
D) Teach the man how to play bridge., n+ G! U! s# a! o+ [. c
22. A) He already knows how to play.2 ~+ v! G! g0 G+ y- P6 o7 F7 O  y6 q
B) He doesn't like to play games.8 q; Y" f# d! G+ ~: O7 k/ v
C) He doesn't have a partner.
( L% h; {, v& AD) He doesn't have enough free time.. ^$ |  P. b$ L0 g* q. o% F
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard." h( Y9 w* @# d2 p, D
23. A)It helps her to attract more public attention.' F$ O, F  u& i& e' [
B)It improves her chance of getting promoted.0 F& H$ X5 N7 ]3 z$ q* o
C)It strengthens her relationship with students.
: _. o/ b4 d2 Y% I4 HD)It enables her to understand people better.
) \: s9 ]8 _: U! k) R24. A)Passively. C)Skeptically.  _- G; q7 y4 I$ H1 r. [8 R
B)Positively. D)Sensitively.
7 Z7 g; Y4 h" z25. A)It keeps haunting her day and night.4 P& ^) A8 u( K4 N9 q0 J+ o. T
B)Her teaching was somewhat affected by it .' Z" p  j1 T( ^3 S& i. ^
C)It vanishes the moment she steps into her role.6 n; r- {2 U8 I
D)Her mind goes blank once she gets on the stage.) E  d! ?, z( c8 D% k  L% n
Section B
6 @3 u5 V( o) _# @, Q! rDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.1 g2 [: s2 o! a. c* a" O
Passage one
3 q& i4 T" X8 j* b( H) k9 I( |5 a0 bQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.& K8 I% `* \9 @8 ^+ F
26. A) Watch a slide show about trees.; n, _. f  s  j
B) Learn how to prevent Dutch elm disease.
8 h) n4 s/ |" X7 W% EC) Study the history of the campus buildings and grounds.0 Q: i' L) h) ?) t1 ?5 B) E
D) Look at examples of trees on campus.
# }0 V. Q$ K" V* N" k27. A) History.
0 p  y% V$ y* y$ h8 E& GB) Physical education.
+ [" r# p9 [! P& @$ o1 ?# {; c4 lC) Botany.. X5 N, v8 Q3 ~$ k9 y8 M
D) Architecture.% j+ h. _& T# C8 N& |6 B" U
28. A) Its leaves are yellow.3 o; {+ U, z$ Q+ x, Y, x
B) Its leaves are lopsided.. B! G- y0 R0 A4 U) c2 G
C) It is very tall.
7 i6 G! G0 T% J7 V+ K3 K; [D) It is not an angiosperm.
! P& z' ~% T$ g' e  K29. A) It has grown too tall for its designated space.6 j2 f/ F* l! B$ @2 d. g" S4 e6 f
B) It may be diseased.  ^" C, s, f) O: ]7 \5 @% v
C) Its branches are being broken off.
" t- H' l, U& {2 r  S4 j* _D) It no longer hears from.4 z( s& o7 e& g$ n' _  H3 ^$ Y; x
Passage two
! D- ~2 m/ \6 K3 @Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
+ y* E( t7 g9 I! S0 i+ v) K30. A) Jefferson's views about commercialized agriculture.
) D2 ~$ \! O0 j' N5 a4 X/ DB) International trade in the nineteenth century- l/ ~, i9 g" W9 Z; g
C) Improvements in farm machinery in the United States.& i1 Z# c) u9 l6 Y- W* r
D) Farmers' loss of independence 1 {5 p4 |+ r6 w6 T
31. A) Crop production became increasingly specialized.5 d* J: e: }# v) f" ?( }
B) Economic depressions lowered the prices of farm products.) Y0 D6 s% N. s9 ], ~3 T
C) New banking laws made it easy to buy farmland.
* J; F9 l+ A7 yD) The United States increased its agricultural imports.* P% ]! K0 l* |8 g: C( T6 `
32. A) Prices for farm products rose.
* r9 Y4 ?- ]; o6 vB) Farmers became more dependent on loans from banks.+ K( i# z" J* q' F) z

- y0 Y. T  ?/ |: b6 n5 RC) Jefferson established government programs to assist farmers.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>D) Farmers relied less on foreign markets.: V$ |: _' E/ `! v8 \
Passage three  F+ Q% H# W' V5 O; Z
Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.: C7 j! E; T. S
33. A) In place of physical therapy.
1 R- V4 [7 E* \) }7 XB) To control brain seizures.
) F5 R3 A) ~* V: `' OC) To prevent heat disease.
8 O) j* Q& l' l8 D6 C- ID) To relieve tension.
1 M0 I* z+ m! t+ ~/ P34. A) They like to have music in the operating room.
5 m: ~. U- p) [B) They solved problems better while listening to music they liked.& N9 f4 H1 p0 B1 [
C) They preferred classical music.
- r% h/ f2 |6 n6 PD) They performed better when they used headphones.5 u5 v- R/ e. `" a! Q
35. A) It increased the students’ white blood cell amount.
( E9 x* p, r; E3 Y8 ~0 ZB) It increased some students’ energy level.- U8 c2 n6 N0 u* X0 H  _
C) It improved the students’ ability to play musical instruments.+ q7 @0 l$ b6 C  ^- p! W
D) It released a natural painkiller in some students’ bodies.
! l# y& n4 a' f) x) aSection C; n! d7 T* V$ V# b: b, m  i
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written., W' W( h  z1 D6 j! D4 R" V
Sleep is part of a person's daily __36__ cycle. There are several different stages of sleep and they occur in cycles, If you are an __37___ sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. When you first drift off into slumber, your eyes will roll about a bit, your _____38_____ will drop slightly, your ___39__ will relax, and your ___40____ will slow and become quite ____41____ Your brain waves slow down a bit too with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves ____42____ for the first few minutes. This is called stage 1 sleep. For the next half hour or so as you relax more and more you will drift down through stage 2 and stage 3 sleep. The lower your stage of sleep the slower your brain waves will be. Then about 40 to 60 minutes after you lose _____43____ you will have reached the deepest sleep of all.
" u; e- \( n2 E7 U, r7 n________________________________________44__________________________________. This is stage 4 sleep.
2 f. z' ~) t6 u  \5 {3 m; rYou do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night long, but instead about 80 minutes after you fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increase again slightly. The delta rhythm will disappear to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain waves. _______________________________45______________________________.% @8 V9 }# T% L! k
This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some ~ to 15 minutes and is called REM sleep. It is during REM sleep that most dreams seem to occur. ______________________46________________ .You will slip gently back from stage I to 4.
+ z" p# c& w& V参考答案:1 Q$ s$ X1 h) Q- Y; V+ N" k
11-18 CBDD DACB& M) h* R+ B1 B) X
19-22 BCAD
! O5 A, q8 w: M* a3 O1 n23-25 DBC
3 y0 s  g& ]* ^6 Z26-29 DCCB 30-32 DAB 33-35 DBD1 ], ?- g6 u3 u' C" K' F8 v
) z3 @. z3 Z0 a' b4 g' l$ d, o37. average
! n  ^" w' A9 l' _0 d( ]3 @38. temperature
; ]2 N  A: d0 ~, ^+ o7 [% V+ R39. muscles
1 t9 Q2 I" ]9 g( ~9 w  Z# p1 K; ^40. breathing7 L/ [6 p! L: k+ a
41. regular
/ o. r& }" i: h+ q42. predominating
2 h% e9 }. j9 Z; S; I43.conciousness.% j! A8 r6 M" ?/ w5 l
44. Your brain waves will show the large slow waves that are known as the delta rhythm.
- {1 L+ U+ N0 ^9 @" i45. Your eyes will begin to dart around under your closed eyelids as if you were looking at something occurring In front of you." I" P+ _! X" g: G% o" ?0 V6 x
46. Provided that you do not wake up during the first sleep period, your body will soon relax again, your breathing will grow slow and regular once more.
/ b9 `! v# M# M
! d$ n0 A8 _- P: W$ O! C$ n2 l听力原文
2 ~; S1 A% r8 V) K11. M: The view is spectacular. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?6 t8 G  ^1 m  n$ C- |
W: I'm afraid I just ran out of film.8 P7 F' b8 y6 i) G( I
Q: What does the woman mean?
" i! O2 f8 \" p2 A12. W:It has always been hard to get this car into first gear,  and now the clutch seems to be slipping.
0 H, t3 F' u4 PM:If you leave the car with me, I will fix it for you this afternoon.' l2 [8 U) |4 U; M: Z% {* q! S
Q:Who is the woman probably speaking to?
2 T- `* o9 Q& D  J13. M: Can I borrow your calculus textbook? I left mine in the classroom. And it was gone when I went back.+ D/ `9 z! s1 f. g; Y7 V
- k- ?9 g# \& Y  j" C
W: That happened to me once. I'd almost given up on finding it until I checked it at the lost-and-found at the information desk downstairs in the lobby.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:44 | 显示全部楼层


</p>Q: What does the woman imply about the man should do? ; |) Q2 I+ k& B0 K3 U
14. M: I'm really having trouble with this literature course. If I can't start doing better soon, I'm going to have to drop it.' E# \. ~  y1 V
W: Why don't you get some help from the graduate assistant? That's what he's there for.  H4 A) @- J' e6 q9 }" {3 Q! C
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?7 y+ D# e% b6 i% E& E
15. W: I've been working on this report all day. And I've still got 12 pages to write. At this rate, I'll never get it done by tomorrow.' t. M* l( Y3 T2 B  }
M: Oh, that's right. You weren't in class today, so you probably haven't heard that the deadline’s been extended a week.
  j8 w! a# ]% Y* M3 U7 D3 qQ: What does the man imply?1 \; y* f& X# w! D$ y0 F8 w
16. W: I don't think I want to live in the dormitory next year. I need more privacy.4 ~$ k; H, ]9 c! m- A- h
M: I know what you mean. But check out the cost of renting an apartment first, I wouldn't be surprised if you changed your mind.' I1 l! t. R/ w* l6 z2 n
Q: What does the man think the woman will do?' K& k& Y# r( \$ s* g& p, O1 Y
17. W: These mosquitoes bite are killing me. I can’t help scratching.
+ }8 d4 d& t. JM: Next time you go camping, take some precaution, such as wearing long sleeves6 T4 a+ i3 n* n: m. J7 Y& g7 t# n
Q: Why does the man suggest the woman wear long sleeves?
9 x6 v; \" J3 }18. W: My brother is coming this weekend and I thought three of us could go out to dinner Saturday night. Any suggestions?: a: I7 o6 m" U) V, @, a
M: It's up to you. I don't know the restaurants around here that well. So you know a better place to go than me.
: `, ]5 z2 [8 w2 s+ G; FQ: What does the man mean?
' Z# J2 T  a! S& @4 {/ Y- ZLonger conversation one9 z2 {9 E- S. K1 a1 O3 b1 I, b$ v
W: This food is terrible. I can't even finish my dinner.9 G0 f2 Q2 M$ {6 t: b2 z# n
M: I know. You think with all the money we pay for room and board, the university could hire a better food service. Where are you headed next?8 b/ h( A% |8 o( A( o
W: I'm going over to the student recreation center to play some bridge.# Q( E2 a$ ^3 i( E$ {) a& B" q2 L
M: You are spending your time on a card game?& \& [/ I) a- K: Z$ S
W: Not just any card game. It's one of the most strategic there is.
8 a& V: s8 C. i' W) }5 Z9 sM: So I've heard. Don't you play with a partner?
# X( A9 X+ h6 `  y4 F( a) v; o6 v* P8 UW: Yeah. Four people play, two against the other two.: i' ~. s) L5 G- v
M: So you try to play in cooperation with your partner.# n9 q* H! d+ W, D3 ]; f
W: Actually, the cards of one of the four players are turned face up. That player is called the dummy.
9 z, l. z( n' J( UM: I wouldn't want to be called that. When you are the dummy what do you do while the cards are being played?! z! ^* {2 r8 ?& n0 D
W: Anything you want. Sit there and study, shuffle another deck, get snacks for everyone. I like to stand behind my partner and watch.
* j9 q2 r: p' e& \# v4 z. fM: You know, I've heard that bridge is habit forming. You should be careful not to play so much that you don't get your studying done.
7 ^' ]3 \9 J& P7 uW: Don't worry about me. I only play Thursdays after dinner,  and sometimes when they need a fourth player. If you like, I could teach you.
  t8 h: E  M% ]$ R: ]  ?* LM: Thanks. But I have a pretty heavy workload this term. I already spend my evenings learning things I don't really know.; ?- {4 ~7 x! y; {7 v
Q19.Where does the conversation take place?
9 @  Z$ t) |  g( WQ20.How does the woman plan to spend her evening?+ z3 C) ~0 P) ^. E+ K
Q21.What will the woman probably do if she is the dummy?, t, X& X0 i% ^* L. ~, w
Q22.Why doesn't the man accept the woman's offer?- o8 n/ M1 @, \1 f
Long conversation 2 + O7 l# C% _/ o. O% p+ H

& a# ?  Q/ I" L8 [M: So, Claire, you’re into drama!
* q; _" w/ l& T2 f5 PW: Yes, I have a master’s degree in drama and theatre. At the moment, I’m hoping to get onto a PhD program.
% w0 l- t4 k& d  m4 o  ^6 N6 iM: What excites you about drama?/ F& J4 K: K( v, M
W: Well, I find it’s a communicative way to study people and you learn how to read people in drama. So usually I can understand what people are saying even though they might be lying.) o6 g9 S  _1 M3 U/ `0 M
M: That would be useful.) Q5 ^, \0 _7 m( |' Q0 M  Z4 t
W: Yeah, it’s very useful for me as well. I’m in English lecture, so use a lot of drama in my classes such as role plays. And I ask my students to create mini-dramas. They really respond well. At the moment, I’m hoping to get onto a Ph.D course. I’d like to concentrate on Asian drama and try to bring Asian theatre to the world’s attention. I don’t know how successful I would be, but, here’s hoping.$ B# ~" I0 R& ~! H. J6 @6 ?7 q
M: Oh, I’m sure you’ll be successful. Now, Claire, what do you do for stage fright?
# H/ E0 [' e- |, bW: Ah, stage fright! Well, many actors have that problem. I get stage fright every time I’m going to teach a new class. The night before, I usually can’t sleep.
% j$ y3 C, }0 @4 NM: What? For teaching?
; l, P" L8 a$ X" X1 f/ U+ sW: Yes. I get really bad stage fright. But the minute I step into the classroom or get onto the stage, it just all falls into place. Then I just feel like: Yeah, this is what I mean to do.  And I’m fine.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:45 | 显示全部楼层


M: Wow, that’s cool!</p>Q23. Why does the woman find study in drama and theatre useful?. u1 [# U3 ?# g! v- T* w" \  D
Q24. How did the woman’s students respond to her way of teaching English?
( G( t" l. B- y2 IQ25. What does the woman say about her stage fright?
3 w5 I0 S% w" m3 D) d4 VPassage 1
2 |5 I/ u9 G# v( ~! yOK, in the last class we talked about the classification of trees and we ended up with a basic description of angiosperm. You remember that those are plants with true flowers  and seeds that develop into fruits. The common broad leaf trees we have on campus fall into this category. But our pines don't. Now I hope you all followed my advice and wore comfortable shoes because as I said today we are going to do a little field study. To get started let me describe a couple of broadleaf trees we have in front of us. I'm sure you've all noticed that this big tree next to Brett Hall. It's a black walnut that must be 80 feet tall. As a matter of fact there is a plaque identifying. It is the tallest black walnut in the state. And from here we can see the beautiful archway of trees at the commons. They are American elms. The ones along the commons were planted when the college was founded 120 years ago. They have distinctive dark green leaves that lock lopsided because the two sides of the leaf are unequal. I want you to notice the elm right outside the Jackson Hall. Some of the leaves have withered  and turned yellow, maybe due to Dutch elm disease. Only a few branches seem affective so far but if this tree is sick it'll have to be cut down. Well, let's move on and I'll describe what we see as we go.
! N; x: a% F, s9 z. _# gQ26. What are the students going to do during this class period?
  ?" p# v9 T$ g: ^+ _Q27. In what class is this lecture probably being given?
2 L, K/ F7 c0 R& fQ28. What is remarkable about the black walnut tree outside Brett Hall?. _5 u9 K; }0 e7 D: Y( g
Q29. What is the problem with the elm tree near Jackson Hall?# l3 o$ a/ K4 T' R  Z1 k/ L, ]
Passage 2
0 y8 t# j5 }* Q2 O/ m9 v& `What was the most popular mix about the United States in the 19th Century was that of the free and simple life of the farmer. It was said that the farmers worked hard on their own l and to produce whatever their families' needed. They might sometimes trade with their neighbors, but in general they could get along just fine by relying on themselves, not on commercial ties with others. This is how Thomas Jefferson idealized the farmers at the beginning of the 19th century. And at that time, this may have been close to the truth especially on the frontier. But by the mid century sweeping changes in agriculture were well under way as farmers began to specialized in the raising of crops such as cotton or corn or wheat. By late in the century revolutionary invents in farm machinery has vastly increased the production of specialized crops and extensive network of railroads had linked farmers throughout the country to market in the east and even overseas. By raising and selling specialized crops, farmers could afford more and finer goods and achieved much higher standard of living but at a price. Now farmers were no longer dependent just on the weather and their own efforts, their lives were increasing controlled by the banks, which had powder to grant or deny loans for new machinery,  and by the railroads which set the rates for shipping their crops to the market. As businessmen, farmers now had to worry about national economic depression and the implement of world supply and demand on for example, the of price of wheat in hands. And so by the end of the 19th century, the era of Jefferson's independent farmer had come to a close.
/ g# C$ Z7 @( ?! D5 BQ30. What is the main topic of the talk?
+ T9 ~* Z5 j% k( K- _# |( ^9 pQ31. According to the professor, what was the major change in the agriculture during the 19th century?
2 Z& Z3 U4 @4 p$ `7 J( q$ n" \Q32. According to the professor, what was one result of the increased use of machinery on farms of the United States?
2 g3 |1 x$ |$ t! {/ M2 G8 fPassage 3
& y. t1 X6 w* a& N' W" B
( m0 d' p) R2 M2 gIt is common knowledge that music can have a powerful effect on our emotions. In fact, since 1930s, music therapists have relied on music to soothe patients  and help control pain. Now psychologists are confirming that music can also help relieve depression and improve concentration. For instance, in a recent study, 15 surgeons were given some highly stressed math problems to solve. They were divided into three groups: one worked in silence, and in another, the surgeons listened to music of their choice on headphones; the third listened to classic music chosen by the researchers. The results of the study may surprise you. The doctors who got to choose their music experienced less stress and scored better than the others. One possible explanation is that listening to music you like stimulates the Alfa-wave in the brain, increases the heart rate and expands the breathing. That helps to reduce stress and sharpen concentration. Other research suggests a second relation between the music and the brain: by examining the students’ blood after they listening to a variety of classic music collections, the researchers found that some students showed a large increase in endorphin, a natural pain reliever, this supports what music therapists have known for years: Music can help rejuvenate or soothe the patient.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:46 | 显示全部楼层


</p>Q33. According to the speaker how is the music therapy currently used in medicine?: N2 P  G" \3 X2 J5 q
Q34. What did the study done with surgeons show?% k6 }# q' b' F6 S/ V' C9 Y6 T
Q35. In the study of students exposed to classic music, what effect did the music have?
# k8 Z0 G% v7 {; q. RSection C Compound Dictation
5 H, [1 ~$ y4 a4 D+ E9 o" `4 DSleep is part of a person's daily 36activity cycle. There are several different stages of sleep and they occur in cycles, If you are an 37average sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. When you first drift off into slumber, your eyes will roll about a bit, your 38temperature will drop slightly, your 39muscles will relax,  and your 40 breathing will slow and become quite 41regular. Your brain waves slow down a bit too with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves 42predominating for the first few minutes. This is called stage 1 sleep. For the next half hour or so as you relax more and more you will drift down through stage 2  and stage 3 sleep. The lower your stage of sleep the slower your brain waves will be. Then about 40 to 60 minutes after you lose 43consciousness you will have reached the deepest sleep of all. 44Your brain waves will show the large slow waves that are known as the delta rhythm. This is stage 4 sleep.# R: J  ?2 v5 O
You do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night long, but instead about 80 minutes after you fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increase again slightly. The delta rhythm will disappear to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain waves. 45Your eyes will begin to dart around under your closed eyelids as if you were looking at something occurring In front of you. This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some ~ to 15 minutes and is called REM sleep. It is during REM sleep that most dreams seem to occur. 46Provided that you do not wake up during the first sleep period, your body will soon relax again, your breathing will grow slow and regular once more .You will slip gently back from stage I to 4
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