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[六级词汇语法] 2012CET六级话题词汇(30)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
judge n.法官   $ B9 n6 [6 L0 R; O, W% v
jury n.陪审团
- y# ~1 Y9 D) Y9 R# P12 citizens who are selected at random to decide whether someone is guilty or not in a criminal trial随机挑选的12名公民,在审讯中判定某人是否有罪。  
8 N" ?9 H& W2 P* wjustice n.司法
8 T; \7 ]' ^, Q6 bjustice system 司法系统  
& ?. H+ c3 W8 _/ G: r6 C. @life sentence 终身监禁,无期徒刑(death sentence 死刑)  , Q0 b) N! J5 c- E2 \7 }1 y; l
magistrate n.地方法官
1 f5 D$ q9 w1 Vsomeone who judges less serious crimes 地方法官审理非严重犯罪事件 5 t- ^3 _1 A! v
The Magistrate’s Court 地方法院  
2 \) M" b1 e) Sprosecution n.起诉
- r# D( J4 C6 X/ G# R# YThe doctor was a witness for the prosecution.这位医生是这次起诉的证人。  
1 r% D0 a+ J8 Y0 F, L% R" L- J$ S& Yparole n.假释,假释期 5 d  u9 p" V5 n: N1 c, {
She’s on parole.她处于假释期。  1 _( V: p$ C- ?3 ]5 Z* V
plea n.抗辩,答辩 0 C9 i+ U$ P. D2 t4 z
The defendant entered a plea of not guilty. 被告进入抗辩阶段。  
. J6 m) Y. B* ~5 e) j8 B. aplaintiff n.原告,起诉人
2 I* Q0 j4 ~' n4 g4 oThe plaintiff stated that the defendant had deliberately destroyed his fence.原告称被告蓄意破坏其栅栏。  
! e4 c1 M* M: c, K7 E3 ]- AQC = Queen’s Counsel 王室法律顾问  
3 M1 _( y: x) X4 ndiminished responsibility (基于精神失常等原因)减轻的刑事责任
  v% Q* x/ b8 W9 e statement n.供述 % @' h( @! H3 T8 P
In your statement to the police, you said that you had left the party at 11 pm.在对警方的供述中,你声称是在晚上11点离开的派对。  
' l4 t0 k2 E2 B9 @4 l) Csentence 判决  ) Z* c" Q6 e/ |
trial n.审讯 # Z# }* y' i5 e" w
The murder trial is being reported in all the newspapers.这起杀人案的审讯在各报纸上都有报道。  5 n  }$ r- v2 R
victim n.受害人  
4 O, l1 n* l) o3 cverdict n.(陪审团的)裁决,裁定 . |0 D% `( v. c5 t4 c
The jury brought in a verdict of guilty. 陪审团裁定有罪。  ) @6 ]% S% p& t
witness n.证人,目击者 & p% |* `' h/ M' A7 s
He was called as a defense witness. 他被传唤作被告的证人。

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