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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级生活中常见词汇02

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
black and white=something which is extremely clear 像黑与白一样“黑白分明的,明确地”
! ?. U5 p8 O) x2 v: ~) h  j& `7 QHe told her in black and white that she couldn’t leave the house while he was out.
7 }- }3 T- Y# }  k0 k, N( A: a4 \; W5 P他明明白白地告诉她,他不在时,她不得离开这座房子。  
4 D/ q4 p! v) Pdos and don’ts=the rules 哪些能做(dos)哪些不能做(don’ts),指“规则,规定”。 5 _3 S7 x4 j: x$ i' o; e' M
There are various do’s and don’ts about driving in the UK.
" M3 c  c) x1 g在英国开车有很多规定。  
: j  G- b2 I" B: qhaves and have nots = people who are rich and those who are not 穷人和富人 1 g" o+ k  l& s2 v+ d4 y( _& Y
In London you can find the haves and have nots of the population.
8 k2 f# ?3 r$ }& Z3 V7 `' E在伦敦有穷人也有富人。  
: V2 Z' N' ?1 L( _ins and outs = the details 细节问题
: D0 p2 t8 E5 g# D0 u% o7 [0 rI don’t know the ins and outs of the situation, so I can’t really advise you.
/ b2 D9 L8 e/ ~& R! q$ L; a我不了解具体情况,所以不能给你建议。  
: r3 B0 `, j- j- Z' qodds and ends = small pieces of various items 剩余物,零星物品。odd, end都有“剩余的”意思。
8 B7 }; e4 }; t4 YShe made a stew with the odds and ends she found in the fridge.
6 i9 e+ W# ]% e! `8 k5 j) `( g她炖了炖在冰箱里找到的剩余食物。  2 M1 N% }3 f3 Y* W# U2 t5 D
rights and wrongs = all the good points and bad points of a situation 优缺点
5 B2 y: l& R& L. w  L2 w% z! jRegardless of the rights and wrongs of company policy, you need to give a month’s notice.
2 }" K, X+ U+ m# ?/ [4 B且不论公司政策的好坏,你至少要提前一周给出通知。
% A* u% v: W, t# Uups and downs 沉浮,兴衰 $ p6 Z) z% N9 b$ C: H( c2 h. j8 x
ups and downs = very good times and very bad times 沉浮,兴衰
4 I$ c6 F3 E' g6 @4 kThey have a lot of ups and downs in their relationship. 6 V" G4 p  B; @/ t  ^6 x& J
他们的关系几经波折。 $ d5 _$ W$ L8 V2 n6 r
come and go = use somewhere as your base 来来去去
& p- l7 c6 H) P* J& T: `/ {Feel free to come and go as you please! 1 o+ m* j+ l  k/ j
7 C+ ]* k7 ?2 a  _& Q: i% @+ Pback and forth = not to stay still, but to keep travelling between two places 来回地,往复地
* v# E& J% x  I5 s  i' O: r9 x) oI’m so glad I’m moving. I was getting sick of going back and forth every day. Now my journey to work will be a lot quicker. 1 n1 M6 b. H7 S( C+ g( V
真高兴我要搬家了,我已经受够了每天要来回上班。现在去上班要近多了。  - ^. C% E& z" R- `
cat and mouse = doing something in the same way that a cat plays with a mouse
  J# v9 q3 N' m. BThe guerillas played a cat and mouse game with the much better-equipped army.
  @* L, D# D9 P) K4 n游击队和装备精良的军队玩起了猫捉老鼠,搞得他们晕头转向。  
: J7 ]; f7 e3 ?5 Z  C; vtrial and error = to do something new by making experiments and occasionally failing 反复试验,不断摸索 & E6 y0 p/ r& ]. c6 p. `( s7 s
The new computer system has been installed. But it’s a bit trial and error at the moment – nobody really knows how to use it. 7 Z  L9 Q' ~) I
6 w6 r6 h" {8 @/ _flesh and blood = your family 一家人,如同血与肉 & L" L- J1 E+ T( n6 T' m
I have to help him if I can – he’s my flesh and blood. 9 K( Z* y! n2 ]8 ?6 D

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