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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习十四

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 6.To help students understand how we see, teachers often draw an ______between an eye and a camera.
/ U! B1 X5 L; |2 _  A)image
! `" R7 f8 K# e% P2 Q' C0 e  B)analogy+ ~  x/ w2 Q4 A4 B$ l9 L( |' ^
  C)imitation/ |  L7 O, k7 U! n% w0 |0 v5 {4 ^
  D)axis6 s' |) U/ Q& Q$ C& _8 L; }1 C
  7.A 1994 World Bank report concluded that ______girls in school was probably the single most effective anti-poverty policy in the developing world today.
# \4 O3 h: j( _9 u  A)assigning
  Z+ a# V# R6 x6 V' B  B)admitting
& l. f4 F( ?; I( }; Z) A! @+ ^1 m8 w  C)involving
4 s0 f3 X! c1 G) R- V! R* e) w  D)enrolling) G( v, y0 X. S! W1 L" _
 8.The authored of report is well ______with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.
' S2 [- r1 n: O7 o$ G* F0 G- a  A)acquainted
& n! ^; m/ R3 w# O6 X4 o+ U- L  B)informed, O: @  M# [. f
9 x1 S  E0 b- n& [! g6 w  D)known6 n% n2 M) J: g5 x5 y5 Z- ?
  9.When the farmers visited the city the first time. they were ______by its complicated traffic system.
5 Z/ T1 s% ], G  A)evoked  a5 A  C" S& p" c4 p6 j  v- X! l
% H) ], h* b) p5 @6 z  C)diverted
5 W3 r7 p) v+ e) U  D)undermined
0 E4 Z) P5 L. v. n' [( Z- D  10.If Japan ______ its relation with that country it will have to find another supplier of raw materials.
& x+ |7 C, D" q$ \) _  A)precludes
9 n8 R% ^6 j* l5 w) p! d) ?  B)terminates
0 @! a5 ]+ e! A4 M  C)partitions: J* p$ S1 A( u3 N: ~5 ~7 I7 A
' S2 u  l9 c8 _; {0 w* ]5 b9 a6.B 为了帮助学生更好地理解我们是如何看见东西的,老师们经常把眼睛和照相机作类比。
% [; s$ g2 p  y% w: f- r2 ^) J  A)image 意象
9 p2 U7 _: \$ c! u. M+ D/ V& N! Q% Q  B)analogy 类比; l* i* d% o, A0 V/ P: ]
  C)imitation 模仿$ r& p9 p8 y9 T& q6 y- q# i5 e% X
  D)axis 轴) @; A1 M$ m1 D0 e0 m! d8 b
  7.D 世界银行1994年的一份报告得出这样的结论:学校招收女生可能是发展中国家消除贫困的惟一最为有效的途径。% s! O! _/ y7 q! h& h
  A)assign 指派
" q( w7 `( _. a* P4 u5 \" L" Q  B)admit 承认
1 ~' ]+ ^8 L, b+ T1 m  C)involve 包含) ^% v# `" p) \% B
  D)enroll 招收 5 I9 d( e' F: r- z! {
 8.A 这篇报道的作者对医院的问题非常熟悉,因为他已经在那里工作许多年了。4 _' l+ k/ o) b# p+ O# l
  A)acquaint 熟悉
; ^% t" T+ G0 K9 c0 t) e# f  B)inform告知
( z. L/ H$ o5 Y9 [3 _  C)accustom 习惯( q- r! z" D9 F
  D)know 知道5 S4 ~5 D* h: A% m& g
  9.B 当这些农民第一次来到城里时他们被复杂的交通系统搞得晕头转向。) P6 y5 j- c. ~3 x# }
  A)evoke 恳求* n1 }$ Z( h  x; m6 p% F
  B)bewilder 迷惑
1 K6 j8 h: @; M0 p  C)divert 转移
3 W$ i# W/ e' F5 e2 F9 d7 p$ f- h  D)undermine 颠覆* ~! y! e( o8 a' {
  10.B 如果日本终止与那个国家的关系,它就不得不另寻找原材料供应者。
3 u* y- ?: I) H$ I7 P( I) H  A)preclude 防止, n& F: K5 b5 `' n) f$ i9 I
  B)terminate 终止
) ]- v4 J& [% z" _  C)partition 分割
5 O6 N- T" |0 f: @  D)expire 过期

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