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[综合] 考试辅导:2011年英语六级汉译英分项指导9

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  2011年英语六级汉译英分项指导:策略手段做法# }7 N/ Y3 @- F# I2 l* W
  1.敷衍搪塞 give someone the runaround
4 E* |* F4 ~/ V2 _- R; q  别拿话儿搪塞我们,我们只是想知道你到底是同意还是不同意。
+ K* C+ C# _. E5 @  Don’t give us the runaround. We’d just like to know whether you agree or not.5 T2 N2 a% F9 b6 J
  2.哭穷 to poor-mouth
- \8 x' f  g1 I/ k: t  别跟我哭穷了,我还不知道你的底细?
* w6 Z7 v8 E* k  V9 ?7 s  q  ^  Don’t poor-mouth to me. I have your number.7 C) v  S, `9 e( {( X; _9 H
  3.白吃白喝 a freeloader
5 Z- n2 T% d+ C. c1 c+ _  我可不愿白吃白喝别人。我不是那种爱占便宜的人。$ ^" @1 _6 |* r9 `7 P
  I wouldn’t freeload .I’m not a freeloader.$ q( M" O% `" ^6 j+ t+ |2 A
  4.牵线搭桥 pull the strings9 Q, O) M2 E8 X$ Z) O$ ~
  听说你公司有个空位,我很想去试一试。但你能先为我牵线搭桥么?6 d) i8 y1 i1 F- I" V( Y
  I hear there’s an opening in your company and I would like to fill it. But will you pull some strings for me?- R0 s4 \8 S1 Q, \
  5.甩掉 palm of f/ a6 V0 ]6 g" Y: _" X# C
  他让你赶紧把手中的次品都甩掉。' B6 M0 ~( p5 l) _+ g+ R- u+ D
  He urged you palm off all the shoddy goods immediately.
) z; W- y+ V: I# Y& r- O/ @- M0 B  q  6.得罪某人get in Dutch with someone1 x5 H7 j' R5 d$ O, n% X1 M
! p8 L4 T, `0 A' n# j# Q  Zhang Ming got in Dutch with his boss and in a few months he was sacked.
/ i' e& @) I8 A/ U0 m  7.说别人的闲话dish the dirt about…
4 t$ ]( T& y2 N" d  她特别喜欢说别人的闲话,是我们这出了名的长舌妇。" \( U9 D  n9 |* f- _: h8 j
  She is a notorious gossiper here, who is very fond of dishing the dirt about others.
3 ]. }4 }. ?% c  {  8.挂个电话 give a buzz2 ^1 V! M8 p6 N0 x+ h4 l) p
  在来之前请先给我挂个电话,以免让你扑空。  \. o, q4 q3 o, ]9 j
  Give me a buzz before coming so that you won’t come to a locked door.( x* U( F/ n$ C
  9.写封信 drop me a line
8 @4 s$ Z& B+ U  有空了给我写封信
1 o5 i# n3 y% I$ \5 a2 `9 M. O  Drop me a line when you have time.
  S! z/ h8 Y3 v# E) Q: G  10.榨干血汗 bleed one white
: Z1 Q5 n4 U! ^+ e+ g  E4 r  他们是在设法榨干你身上所有的钱。
4 q* A8 |% v4 R  They are trying to bleed you white.7 I5 z, _+ j3 o, t! j: T0 j
  11.结伙对付某人 gang up on somebody
- P$ u* t% ~. y) z3 j  一些较大的贸易公司纠结在一起来对付我们,打算把我们从该行业中排挤出去。8 N# c2 ]+ V* f" S
  Some fairly large trading companies ganged up on us, trying t force us out of that business.) |7 M) e4 M' _) ?- l
  12.无言以对 not find one’s tongue- o- [# D0 Q2 v$ A+ |
6 K* `. S/ Q" l8 T  He was arrogant at the beginning, but the moment when the police showed the documents he had doctored and asked him what the matter was, he could not find his tongue.
' B& ^4 U3 H- O" e, O  13.把人逼疯send somebody the loony bin
$ Z; f8 `. Z, E0 l9 _& p  z2 D  别再问了! 你想把你妈妈逼疯么?5 X8 _0 `: X! n- ^' q
  Don’t ask her! Do you want to send your mum to the loony bin.
/ ]( o( v: `  |+ S  14.反手一击turn the tables
; j- N* ^2 O) x6 V3 q  M5 O  他们给她来了个反击。* `' v8 V0 ^5 t3 b. W* {5 N3 @; t
  They turned the tables on her.
% [% `" y0 G% f: U* U8 E  15.瞧一眼 give someone the once-over( L5 Q7 x2 G" a4 U
; h4 @9 Z9 Y9 v* g6 ?9 _  Hearing that the actress had arrived everyone went out and gave her the once-over.; n8 @* Z! j/ |6 F- }
  16.对牛弹琴cast pearls before swine
6 T& q( T4 {* ]$ {7 y0 S  你给他们讲解人体语言在交际中的重要性简直是对牛弹琴。www.Examw.com
4 z, b6 i0 f# h1 c# u7 i7 Z. h2 d  Trying to explain to them the importance of body language in communication is just like casting pearls before swine& N6 D! }4 X/ @/ h: l# S8 t
  17.拆了东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul' V0 _7 n% n6 V# c6 O0 l
  你从张家借钱还李家有什么意义?那只是拆了东墙补西墙4 P! d* m% y: m5 [* W& e2 A
  what’s the sense in borrowing from Zhang just to pay Li?That’s meant to rob Peter to pay Paul.* ?+ Z; L+ X& T: U
  18.我只是私下跟你随便说说。Only between you and me and the gatepost.
. J) u" ~, z% L# L2 b  我只私下跟你随便说说,听说经理跟那个女孩的关系可不大一般。7 N+ a7 d% F/ U; Y* v
  It’s only between you and me and the gatepost, I hear that the manager is on very familiar terms with that girl.
( R# q( u: N( D0 _  19.参与某事 have a finger in the pie
/ a8 r5 a7 f3 J- s/ j% C+ Z8 _/ \  我可不喜欢你参与那件事,你没有那个能力' U* t, [- I' m3 \
  I don’t like you to have a finger in the pie, You are no good at such a deal.
$ U  ?, X9 [& s% c. @4 z7 T6 I  20.顺手牵羊to walk away with…% O- l* V* P( a5 Y: D
  那天聊完天以后,他就顺手牵羊把我的钢笔和打火机都拿走了。* c0 y7 n; }! J  N8 @4 a* i
  That day after our chat, he walked away with both my pen and the lighter.
0 S- @1 E" @5 r, [5 k! X( G  21.把……打发走 to fob off
" i# z# L" T5 b; U. a' F% q( a  不用着急,你丈夫知道怎么样把那帮人打发走。1 }, G. R3 [% G$ L
  There’s no need to worry, for your husband knows how to fob the gang off.% |" c4 s9 t9 D" j% C
  22.偷看make a stealthy glance at…
0 T' l' f1 ~+ @, a" ?8 Z6 Z- U  他偷看那个女孩儿一样就装模做样的看起报纸来了
  s& I  _( D5 b2 u& Z6 V* L  He made a stealthy glance at the girl and put on sort of airs of starting to read.
* B( `! w; q' w' M  23.刁难某人make it hot for someone
0 z- r' r" S. q: o/ f  我不想刁难你,但如果你不还给我那封信,我就不会告诉你那件事的实情。, y. r: I- u# g$ A7 a. W7 C. q
  I don’t want to make it hot for you. But I won’t tell you the true story of that till you return the letter to me.7 S+ ?4 G& n6 H$ X% g
  24.横穿马路 jaywalk
6 b: R1 G, ?& Q8 m6 Z, {2 I* k  在这条街上横穿马路是要被罚款的4 P6 `- S. U' k8 \
  Anyone who jaywalks in this street will be fined.
/ b) K# D, N0 Q& u- u  25.咬紧牙关bite the bullet
  |/ S- }3 Y3 k- W" @( u: P% Y" o  董事长让董事会要紧牙关顶住这场危机。  T+ @2 H1 E; x
  The president asked the board to bite the bullet to the crisis.

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