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[综合] 2011六级考试综合辅导:简单回答题解析2

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第一题 What kind of people can now find a job as an English teacher?
+ Q9 R$ z4 ~: u题解: 本题有两处重要线索,只要找到一处,即能找到正确答案。这两处线索分别是:第三段的第一句话说,现在雇主们只去注意那些……的人,省略号的部分即是答题的关键。另一处线索是第四段的第二句话,“只要他们能……”,能答出此处,也是正确的。
! \/ {# ]3 f) f3 e9 n9 q
2 X8 o$ F" K4 m- f7 g' c要点: (1)问题是“什么样的人”,因此本题的作答应该是名词短语,最好用定语从句。
6 [# V" K7 x! e3 Y1 ]2 M$ }, Y1 x0 D
! c& A7 u( T6 Q, g0 M7 s- k/ ~+ t4 U
3 L, }# I9 D  Y& U& N1 D3 I
2 P( o" I# ?- Q9 R4 f  g9 H标准答案:
7 x0 G* S& f* C  E* _7 h/ B' L  O* Z1 u% i" Q: V
Those who are qualified.
9 n; J8 R. E6 ^, n9 s
- S: K; O0 k; j/ T$ {Those who can teach English effectively.
7 [2 V' R2 O  L& B2 j- U; {  A
l 可得2分的回答:; ~+ g6 W) x/ H, P* R
- J# K+ D) t+ |* G( J! A
1) Those who have good skills and attitudes to teach effectively.. a7 t+ t7 Y! [- y9 c

5 ~; K" z+ _1 V9 n6 P2) Both qualified native English speakers and non-native speakers.  b, [( r2 \0 L$ R0 _' V! J% X, Z5 N
# ?7 K9 p3 S# T6 ]6 n4 G/ v( r) A* T
3) Whoever has the knowledge, the skills and the right attitudes.
4 N' B( k3 ~+ o  ]
- E$ S1 F# R! m# w6 ll 可得1.5分的回答:
, o  M! Z2 }% ^( |( s8 V4 H: j, G
1) Having the knowledge, the skill and teaching English effectively.6 Q, x$ ^6 h) w6 e
' J1 h5 W4 e6 j) v* r
4 w+ N! J, n$ J3 v# P. Y. s6 x) F9 e+ c! j$ ?7 n) V
2) Those who have knowledge and skills, can teach English effectively. 语言错误,应为,扣分。
/ b4 p5 D4 W- v6 C- _( }1 m. B1 H: A! J$ B/ P$ C& i5 C0 V/ Q) E; [
3) Who can teach and have the required level of English. 语言错误,应添加,才能具有名词性,扣分。: D* J0 c; {" \# U

( ^9 S+ i9 K9 m0 v3 u7 }2 ll 可得1分的回答:
2 f$ n# s& \1 j, }0 X( v, @/ x$ b
1) People who has knowledge, the skills and attitudes to teach English effectively. 语言错误,应为have,扣分。超词,扣分。
5 U/ I3 X, B. p: [* }) Z% }" u* y3 W2 P* T% ^. o5 N
2) The knowledgeable, skillful people who have the required English level.
& b$ t( a* U) E* }- V1 a, o" h9 E/ Q8 n* X0 `
错误使用knowledgeable,该词意思是“渊博的”,与答案内容无关,扣0.5分。若具体回答成为一个英语教师的条件,应为the knowledge, the skills, and the right attitudes,回答中仅提到the skill一项,扣0.5分。
8 Y- t/ O" [' Q+ m. ]* z# P# s0 G. T
l 可得0.5分的回答:  c# T* ^8 v0 B) N+ B5 V0 T6 _! N
0 U. _+ i. r5 }  E6 a7 k
1) The people who had the required level of English. 答案关键内容缺失较多,扣1分。时态错误,扣0.5分。
/ v2 c; S4 r" b  ~+ h8 d. T6 u+ q6 [. [7 B* A# z; w* h" r& I. i
2) A people who have the attitudes to teacher English effectively. 句中语言错误较多,扣0.5分。句子语意与原文意义相差较远,扣1分。
5 \( a: i5 x4 a- p6 B9 G! X, w$ }5 }* H8 Q: o1 C- c" f
l 可得0分的回答:! Q* Y. n( {8 M6 I8 u4 j0 f3 B4 \

: N1 C5 o( z4 t! p1) He’s the knowledge, the skills, attitudes to teach English effectively.
$ [' Y* _# y. n* q: `6 b4 M) a
% T: h2 l- v1 i2 H2) People can teach English effectively.
- H7 `& O9 B" r6 n
& I" @7 ]1 j0 |" `2 i  J. R- y% j!!特别提示:! c' E7 {! c$ m$ R+ Z5 f
( r" R. P8 A1 I4 H. j0 W
这两个回答看上去与问题毫不相关。但稍加改动即为正确答案:' h3 B' C3 I; M
8 L1 Q# b  w) U) K6 _' A
1) He who has the knowledge … (1.5分)9 P! ~( b3 \4 G4 ]3 Z

# Z& o( b% F- w' P% T2) People who can teach… (2分)
. z0 X, K+ y4 Z# e
" Q' K. S  x% p也许写下这两个回答的考生已经理解了文章,但由于他们严重错误的表达,他们的回答变得答非所问,不能得分。这一点请大家务必注意。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:49 | 显示全部楼层


第二题What is the result of the “new form of discrimination”(Line 5, Para.4)?/ Z8 l# I1 n7 u- L" g+ E. L
题解: 这是类似于阅读理解中词义判断的题,但与做阅读理解不同的是,在阅读理解中存在两种词汇题,其一是考查学生利用上下文猜单词的能力,其二是考查根据上下文对(主要是熟悉的)词语的理解能力。而在简答题中,考查的对象主要是第二点。
! x8 |$ ]4 P, u8 x7 t) `. |5 D% y$ |6 L9 Z3 [
就本题而言,原文中已经在括号中给出了不认识的单词的汉语意思,因此,这是不猜测词义的题,而是要求根据上下文判断这外短语在本文中的所指,是一道理解的题。8 `* l, A4 Y# P3 k4 L' x( z

4 G9 A8 s, r7 a9 G5 |$ t9 _; B在找到第四段中的这个短语后,可以发现在“a new form of discrimination”的破折号之后的部分内容就是答案。稍微组织一下,可以全面的回答为 it singled out the unqualified and liberated the linguistically oppressed。
; ?% `7 D: B' m3 a3 [; u2 w' V% Z
如果确实理解了这句话,可以看出它的意思是“它剔除了不合格的(教师),解放了以前在语言上受压迫的(教师)”。' W7 ]4 g. d, R- D# m  M5 s0 n
' m" n! z! X" B- u' o- H
要点: 问题是“……的结果”,应该用完整的句子作答。
! {2 Y! ]9 u' E, o$ R, B0 C3 E
3 O7 v3 x1 J/ I其它的评分标准:
8 D5 k8 p7 F4 u7 R% Y$ X' d: v! B. p- T5 Q) @
l 标准答案:9 a# q$ E! u! n- Q! [5 q- `( k
; r; M  S) Q" _; ~& i
The linguistically oppressed are liberated.% t/ P2 G6 }' d

9 F' ]! e3 ?% O: ?5 nUnqualified English teachers are singled out.
# J4 v3 I+ H0 A, I9 x. L* e: cl 可得2分的回答:( l, P9 m2 M  q- ?

/ ~3 g/ U7 N6 h/ h9 a, B1) The result is that the linguistically oppressed were liberated.6 _; S3 s) Z# R) T

& R* O1 M  Q# V2) Singling out the unqualified, liberating the linguistically oppressed.
) |! v; ~7 v5 J! ~7 w% g% A/ z) b
9 G7 U% c2 }' {2 n# r9 z3) The unqualified teachers are singled out while the qualified liberated." {# T, N7 W5 S5 |- Z7 n
, _( T  n2 q. u
4) It liberated the non-native English teachers linguistically oppressed.
( ]4 U! n' c- U) I( L9 p6 I; n6 v) M) x; [4 g& w3 H" D
5) It selected the qualified teachers and singled out the unqualified.
  f. F" P6 Q! D( k$ o' r9 h- r. M' p4 w9 @0 W! Z' u
l 可得1.5分的回答:
  }1 ]+ W+ J; w0 g
, ~4 w. k  r( _9 |: F3 S. b9 v1) The inqualified English teachers are singled out. 语言错误,扣0.5分。/ a: ~7 @0 D& Z' \/ @) s
7 _% Q; K: `6 S: p
2) It single out the unqualified liberated ^ linguistically oppressed. 多处语言错误,扣0..5分。
! t4 t# V8 R3 n; a! x
* o9 g# M8 X  i* y3) To liberate the linguistically oppressed 不定式表将来,问题问的是已产生的后果,时间不符,扣0.5分。% [" k' l* }/ @/ `* G
/ B- ]" T4 z- K1 b; ?
l 可得1分的回答:+ G( P. ]* M$ V- l; s$ d2 b. f

  j& h( V' F  T9 k1) Qualification may be more important. 句子意义与短文内容不贴切,扣1分。
+ a: N& S9 C, ?+ }, ~/ w# E) I! n4 F- |. x" U0 o
2) The non-native teachers replace those unqualified native teachers.
0 H. c0 Q: P! r+ r/ h/ }0 M0 b1 U
8 p  {. A- w/ m" m
) |* u, B/ O# o( ]3) The unqualified native English teachers will be fired.
& O) C# w. r) Y* j6 m) y
7 r( i; g7 J$ e2 \$ z) z+ a句子时态错误,扣0.5分。句子含义不准确,扣0.5分。
  }7 V4 r3 C* {/ z3 i9 u) w! P  _
. D! P& D$ m; _, Ml 可得0.5分的回答:8 u9 c& L* a; W, e0 s$ J
  U; J7 o$ K, ^- ?5 D# \
The non-natives could also become an English teacher.4 _/ x- Q, N- }  M- G

; |8 r$ Q$ Z2 @5 }- k1 T# Y与短文意义相差太远,扣1.5分。, f  H/ @& H% l# L% [
; D- m. h* X2 b2 q! E3 s
l 得0分的回答:9 b: }+ y# c1 }, s8 r# z4 p
' a" d) ?( R+ r! t9 `
1) Teachers are justified if they were qualified.1 j/ U8 W+ i6 y5 D, P, ^: o

2 p: g$ o1 w4 n. [' l7 w6 a& }% }2) It will improve the teachers’ all kinds of level.
* @( y% G% J7 E  Z+ z% b$ m5 r1 F
3) The non-native speaks are liberate.
  y6 M) t4 K: Y+ R* \9 W9 `6 j6 a0 E9 Z! U4 Q* Y
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