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[综合] 2012大学英语六级考试翻译指导练习三十三

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1. It was essential that _______________(我们在月底前签订合同).   N* n8 s; X' x5 y
  2. _______________(家庭人口多好还是人口少好)is a very popular topic,which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farmers as well. & ^, c" p* x" f' s7 R/ y8 Q
  3. We must _____________(用一切可能的办法来帮助他们). $ b! {; m# F3 \: ^' ]- @
  4. We ________________(尽情地吃了一顿)at the new restaurant last Friday. 4 a' j/ Z, n! d( s4 M2 Q) a
  5. To most of the travelers,________________(衣、食、住、行)are all important elements.
# a4 R( S$ G6 K$ f- O  答案解析:    6 A9 ], t- G8 Y$ x
  1. We sign the contract by the end of the month . J6 k! V0 Z* [. q
  解析:当表示愿望,要求,命令等含义的形容词如 advisable,appropriate,better,best,desirable,essential,fitting,imperative,important,impossible,incredible,insistent,natural,necessary,obligatory,preferable,proper,ridiculous,strange,surprising,urgent,vital 出现在形式主语句中时,从句要用虚拟语气。"签订合同"英语固定说法是sign the contract。"在月底前"要用by the end of,而不是at the end of。
4 J) Y+ }* O7 q- \  2. Whether a large family is good or not & m9 e; M* }5 A3 c0 q% Q
  解析:如果按照中文顺序逐一翻译就会得出译文Whether a large family is good thing or a small family is a good thing,这并没有语法错误,但不符合英语表达习惯。"家庭人口多好还是少好"可以理解为:家庭人口多是好事?还是坏事?所以这里我们可以采用反译法,将"还是人口少好"转移为汉语意思为"(人口多是好)还是不好"的英文表达--or not,使译文简洁明了,避免罗嗦。 & R% S  l  v: K+ w. o( |
  3. help them in every way possible   v2 s2 q4 a) E0 m4 G2 [
  解析:本题最有可能出现的译文是:use very possible way to help them。这样译文不能说错,但不是最间接、最好的翻译。英语里,通常把方式状语放在谓语部分之后,所以可得出译文:help them in every possible way。原句"可能"出现在被修饰语"办法"之前。根据英文习惯,"可能"的对应词possible应该放在所修饰的中心词way之后,所以有了最终译文:help them in every way possible。
# h2 }* }' `0 l$ m& M4 r. n# W  4. ate to our hearts‘ content
; B/ x' o! X" t' f  解析:本题让考生们困扰的是如何翻译"一顿"这个量词。其实,"一顿"是汉语特有的量词表达,是对"吃"这个动作的补充说明。"在那家新餐馆吃"就暗含了"吃了一顿"的含义。英语里没有"一顿"的对应词。一般来说,可以不译,不影响全句意思的表达。"尽情地"是个固定搭配,可译成:to one‘s heart‘s content或to the top of one‘s bent。
- g( J1 x( [- M2 \9 \/ R  5. food,clothing,shelter,and transportation
. S* A, K/ _) t- h$ H' ]  解析:本题要求考生熟悉汉英习语在转移时的异同。有些汉语习语在转移成英语时不需要变换位置。如:日日夜夜(day and night);但也有一些需要改变前后顺序,如:新旧(old and new);水火(fire and water);田径(track and field);钢铁(iron and steel);贫富(rich and poor);血肉(flesh and blood)。请注意本题中哪些词语的英译改变了顺序。

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