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[综合] 2012大学英语六级考试翻译指导练习三十五

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1. Being out of work and having two young children, ______________(夫妻俩发现勉强维持生计是不可能的).
8 B' N! O, e2 {5 T6 P% F" M, z- s  2. Generally speaking,______________(按照说明服用时),the drug has no side effect.
7 K- N. H) F. w  3. Some people argue that most crime ______________(可归咎于对金钱的贪婪).
4 q9 ^( b5 U0 n8 J) i  4. ______________(发现很难适应那里的气候),he decided to move back to the north. 
$ n) B- t3 W2 ?. ~  5. Over a third of the population was estimated _____________(没有机会享受医疗保健服务).
: [. n- F9 S$ h- d  答案解析:
. }' l1 I5 D8 A! N# e! v9 k  1. the couple found it impossible to make ends meet& d" s0 [: n- I
  解析:本题考查对常见句型find it+adj.+to do sth.及短语make ends meet的掌握。Find it impossible to do sth.意为"发现......是不可能的",it是形式宾语,impossible为宾语补足语,动词不定式是真正的宾语。短语make ends meet是"使收支相抵,勉强维持生计"之意。
; K$ U  d6 o; W" B  2. when taken according to the direction/instruction
4 t2 f" l- U5 k) c6 v: c  解析:本题考查对分词短语作状语及词组according to的掌握。本句中分词短语作状语表示条件,相当于if the drug is taken...,分词的逻辑主语the drug与take之间是被动关系,所以应用过去分词短语作状语。词组according to意为"依照、按照"。
6 R  L3 ]9 g# n% R4 n$ P  3. can be attributed to the greed for money
1 R7 Y& G# Y8 d  x$ A  解析:本题考查对短语attribute to及常见搭配the greed for的掌握。attribute to意为"归咎于",可表示"归功于",也可表示"归咎于",crime与attribute是动宾关系,因此谓语要用被动语态(can be attributed to)。"对......的贪婪"用the greed for...表示。$ z& |7 y$ s" O/ {) b  J$ y
  4. Finding it difficult to adapt to the climate there# j$ P) g" z. a5 R4 i, U
  解析:本题考查分词短语作状语及短语adapt to的用法。句子主语he与动词"发现"是主谓关系,故应用现在分词短语作状语表示原因。常见句型find it difficult to do sth.表示"发现很难做某事",短语adapt to意为"适应"。
5 l9 ~( j# J6 R) s( D. k* o! q. M) u  5. to have no access to the health service
* ]  n1 a  [: I* {, a3 [; p, A, t0 m3 n  解析:本题考查对不定式和have (no) access to固定搭配的掌握。空格处在句中作主语补足语,不定式变成被动语态以后,都必须加上to。have (no) access to为固定搭配,表示"(没)有接近(或进入、享用)的机会"。

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