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[专四辅导] 高校英语专业四级考试·词汇语法详细解8

发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Test Six
+ g+ S# h. `$ w5 d6 T! _  有关否定
) t0 H0 W/ C# P  1)通常作复数的集体名词5 x8 Q0 I$ k9 ?
  1)双重否定最常见的形式有:# i) y# L3 H* l0 m. Y3 i7 v
8 A$ u" o- T  ?! _7 Y  Y  no(not)...without...没有……不,除……不! K( O2 C1 u; I3 G: r; l6 P
  no(not)...unless没有……就不……5 _6 _! B9 q5 e4 C* H4 O
/ ^4 k0 C2 c4 A5 \; N# V  例如:There is no one but knows it.没有一个人不知道此事。
9 t$ x) W8 u0 t' Y0 i" E6 |  2)can not与副词too,enough, sufficiently, over, too much等词连用时,意为“无
/ ]# m7 s4 R, b2 @* x7 V7 v  论怎样也不过分”,“越…越”。例如:' }$ j. G. B9 h; d
  You cannot be too careful.你越仔细越好。
. E6 V' y# y5 W) d' Q2 S  We cannot praise him too much.我们无论怎样赞扬他也不过分。
( _  c# J( k  |8 K9 H0 ]4 w  近义词辨析* K# Y4 U- U3 b, X
  break, crack, crush, shatter,break, smash
3 H  l- G$ m" ~  b; P. K+ ^6 b. u  这组词均含有“打破”或“挤碎”的意思。
1 o/ U; n8 K) _/ W; ?, B# x  break
( Q' g4 s- |5 J( X  是这组词中最常用的,指使某件东西破碎。
! R, @+ b( k$ T1 a  If you break that vase, you’ll have to pay for it.如果打破了那只花瓶,你就
( y# P- g4 R1 d& x: Q* |' b; f! U  得赔偿。
* E) o( L3 ?. D0 r; C  crack* I! H+ @1 _0 A$ T
; g0 [* h; ]2 D" x: y/ H  You may crack these nuts with a hammer.你可以用锤子把这些坚果敲开。
, b5 _9 @8 C# z  z. ?% Q3 V  crush* _, |& V7 k6 |8 u
  强调挤压或踩的动作,毁坏程度取决于被压物的组织结构,或变形,或成小块,或可恢复原状。' S  F: T$ \9 U/ D) s
  To make wine, you first crush the grapes.若要造酒,需先将葡萄压碎。7 k6 }, Q5 T* h: w6 H5 z
( g5 x- C+ ^/ Z! P/ S. F0 v- a, J  打破某物,力大到使碎片飞出很远,常指整件东西完全被毁。3 a) H, w% F" g# Y3 ^9 ~
  The explosion shattered most of the windows in the building.爆炸震碎了那座大楼的大部分窗玻璃。2 A/ q' H- L! S2 t8 V
& T& F* b" T4 F( _- C  突出暴力,击打时动作较猛,被击打的东西往往完全报废。
& p! r& {3 k) P. m  He smashed the window with a brick.他用砖块击碎窗玻璃。
- J: X8 d+ ^4 G% t8 A1 K8 v9 v. x  全真模拟试题
0 r8 a: Q/ @5 u$ L8 \  `- e  1. ____ native to North America, corn has now spread
" E, B, {& X+ B. e: U% W2 x  all over the world.9 O! c6 ~; t! W/ @. G
  A. In spite of   B. That it is     C. It was   D. Although) z8 T! ?1 F5 a: S6 D6 U8 j) G
  2. Our civilization cannot be thought of as ____ in8 d3 c  b% x" s5 f9 K0 q
  a short period of time.
: t2 w3 o& T% x* o: I1 T& u0 f" [" u  A. to have been created   B. to be created
/ s' j3 ~# b' g3 d% z" Z- p, S' x  C. having been created D. being created6 \0 c' b# Z# y, J1 u5 O2 ~5 ^) N& x
  3. We feel it is high time that the Government ____
2 d" A/ l- ?7 T5 B  something to check the inflation.
0 ^& W: q9 ]6 y3 {2 o  A. did   B. do  C.should do     D. would do
  m' d- d9 q1 n% K* H2 l9 F  4. It has been proposed that we ____ our decision un; y2 W+ }. e6 `  c  E& ?& ^' J8 e  O
  til the next meeting.
+ G9 P% Q% w, R  c7 ~2 T2 ^  A.delayed    B.delay     C. can delay     D. are to delay
4 A" |& W9 i' W6 [  5. Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventyfive miles an4 F! P" V4 e! ^8 {, S
  hour ____ originate over tropical ocean waters.
3 q4 Q" `9 y9 w+ p- Y: F# v  A. which    B. who   C. where    D.how to
2 a1 x: R4 Z/ f7 d  6. ____ is announced in the papers, our country has
( x1 v( m+ N7 Y+ b  c  launched a largescale move
  a0 k! V! @: k' i  ment against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange de
* r+ t( K: |0 K% b; q- }  als.
5 y- r5 D+ r) S- R  A. What  B. As   C. Which  D. That
4 B- D" k7 r. p; U- v7 X0 E  7. All the flights ____ because of the snowstorm, we
8 w. w4 `% e" G  had to take the train instead.
  n" h" c5 G! b  t/ G; `  A.were canceled  B. had been canceled % ~% s2 Z6 I+ h
  C. having canceled  D. having been canceled
6 e, `/ T, x* i+ P# b+ `  8. Once ____, this power station will supply all the- O7 n$ {3 Q6 q
  neighboring towns and villages with electricity.$ w3 `8 t( ~# f% s3 ~+ `$ q
  A. it being completed B. it completed  ' A9 q0 H  S9 B# C7 J$ x
  C. completed D. it completes
6 k  p5 a2 N; A- C! S5 D  9. He might have been killed ____ the timely arrival5 t) L+ `! m, ^9 d
  of the ambulance.
: z7 Z: d- A5 M6 p7 g; A% r  A. but for   B. except for   C. besides    D. except. h  E% @: m% z% ?" {0 u6 H7 K4 ^
  10. If you have never planted anything, you won’t be able to know the ple
/ k7 A& \' Q; S1 D  asure of watching the thing you have planted ____.$ i4 ]4 |; [; {, R& D! Y
  A.grow   B. to grow2 `* O9 f2 B# k( i

' a) ^. g. J6 A: h5 z/ I) n  C. growing D. to be growing

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:46 | 显示全部楼层


  11. He did me a ____ turn by lending me ten pounds.</p>  A. good  B. nice  C. fine   D. pretty
4 \7 ~7 h+ l. v8 k# P% Z4 C/ M  12. Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a ____* x3 p/ E4 y% S5 H
  of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.4 N! k- M& i! d, Q9 M: B8 a
  A. output  B. surplus     C. production     D. plenty, o) \' u3 d' ]9 Z- U4 W0 A
  13. Following are comments about the behavior that people in Korea usuall
5 ~+ h/ v$ y5 `! Y/ h- a  y expect in various social
2 J0 g  r  c& ~8 }; w+ ~: V3 q. \  ____.
% a* z$ e! @; W+ b, o  A. occasions  B. cases  C.situations  D. circumstances4 ]7 Y/ H$ S4 \0 \2 L
  14. They have considered their high standard of living a(n) ____
2 d6 g* h7 t7 I. r( B  for practising their basic beliefs.8 B: E6 Y% N/ ^2 M$ J! ^- o  _. A
  A. award  B. reward  C. result  D. consequence! B- E, {, b6 \0 r5 _7 s' o
  15. Mac’s close ____ to his brother made people mistake them for one another.
7 ]0 O. ]8 l0 P" M, b2 c  A. resemblance B. identity6 J" t& S& E. F2 q" G- c
  C. appearance D. relationship
6 T7 e* k; k3 X: b( Y2 [" J. ]  16. The thieves ____ the waste paper all over the ro
+ N( u( n, ^8 o+ \' [  om while they were searching for the diamond ring.
4 p9 S/ Z2 C% T/ a) q6 _0 w' R  A. spread   B. scratched  C.scattered     D. burned
: c7 y0 }( B3 \! U* f9 a% X  17. The sight of the fruit salad made our daughter Kit’s mouth ____
" r( ^; y. W4 V- }) v: q7 t  A. wet   B. water  C. soak     D. taste; [/ d0 `1 Q  m# X
  18. The ____ problem of bring a spaceship back fro" q& C$ ~& j9 ~/ U1 C
  m the moon has been solved.% }5 b5 m6 N$ @' t: A( }
  A. technical  B. technological     C. technique     D. technology
9 F- h2 e' W! m7 B  19. A large part of a person’s memory is ____ words
& N. M8 O1 z4 U- M3 h% n  and combination of words.
# c/ b* p0 f& Y  A.by means of   B. in terms of 
) Y; v4 [' @$ Y8 [# M8 k0 `$ V' V  C. in connection with D. by way of
# C: j% v; z/ i' P7 r+ V" B  20. At her word she stood up and walked away, stopping at the window to p
: z6 M) i' A. s$ @+ L3 }8 B  ull back the curtain and ____.
' s, s7 g1 r: v% D. {  A.look round   B. look out  C. look up   D. look on' S+ J6 Y' R8 p) h* a
  21. Their happiness was very ____.
2 q( t, d6 |4 V: h1 T  A. crisp   B. brittle  C. delicate     D. fragile
/ m0 l4 Z0 a/ v% }" F) e  22. I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a halfhour nap
2 Y  a$ z$ f7 X1 L9 c  ____ me.
; S8 J) w# X9 z! _" ~7 u' k' b: ~  A.revived   B. released  C. relieved     D. recovered
: Y8 D+ A" g5 k5 `2 s- a  23. We should always keep in mind that ____ decision/ x& B3 I+ m( P* n9 g$ Y1 C
  s often lead to bitter regrets., Q' x3 M8 M2 |4 x# L7 s
  A.hasty  B. instant     C. prompt     D.rapid8 ]; H* g( P) k- u+ V4 `1 g! V
  24. Information and opiniongap exercises have to have some content ___4 a1 ~% S3 e1 z" m
  ___ talking about.% n) G2 D3 Q, |- ]
  A. worthwhile  B. worthily  C. worth   D. worthy" \* ?- [+ S2 j' G
  25. “If we fail to act now,”said Tom, “We’ll find ourselves ____ in action later on.”
* }2 [- A5 S( [- Y8 a
% Y  m& M* K+ y6 I7 C8 ]  A.paid back   B. paid for  C.paid up     D.paid off
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:47 | 显示全部楼层


  试题答案与解析  </p>  1. D)   【句意】  玉米虽原产于北美洲,但现在1 i, j4 g+ T6 G9 s* D& A. F
3 {( A; ~+ Q# Y1 @5 O  【难点】  四个选项中,B)和C)不合理。A)项的in spite of 是复合介词
3 ?! I# A# P/ ~7 g1 C: J  ,后接
; R; _% a# p: Z- [) O6 _4 F9 a  名词。D)项的although是连词,后接从句,在本句中接的是一个省略主语的从句。3 b0 s9 x' ]) Z+ g
  2. C)   【句意】  不应把我们的文明看作是短期; V0 l, R! \+ G, g
1 L- @1 v& t4 T0 d8 L% |  【难点】  as 在这里是介词,后面应接名词性质的词,create的动作是过9 P1 M* e2 s* O$ s9 o% B3 D. z
  去发生的,所以选C)。7 {: B8 W- K' ^# P& g
  3. A)   【句意】  我们认为该到政府采取措施抑5 [' }6 R, M3 D- a5 }
, n) a8 o- @# Z1 K5 J# ^7 z  【难点】  it is high time that后面接虚拟语气,时态用一般过去时,意. l$ ~! B$ }9 c, A
# Z' I! m7 i/ |' s$ u* r: Q  4. B)   【句意】  有人建议我们应将我们的决定
" E' V1 Y' E) n3 K: L" N" i  推迟到下次会议作出。
6 c: m1 s7 X3 ]2 C  【难点】  在suggest, propose, demand ,insist 等动词后面的宾语从句
9 a  w, H7 r3 g% j% H1 W5 M- N: u  中,应使用(should)+动词原形的虚拟语气。- `. P6 N; T9 ~
  5. A)   【句意】  飓风是生成于热带海洋水域上
) l5 t9 _2 S+ L3 h$ ]2 s  空、风速达每小时75英里以上的强烈气旋。3 k) m# b% e# [4 ]: K' y
  【难点】  关系代词which引导的定语从句修饰名词winds.! D1 ^" M* {/ f& G( ~
  6. B)   【句意】  正如报界所宣传的那样,我国& p/ ?$ u6 l/ P
1 X7 x2 Y3 x, Q3 H' ^6 p  【难点】  as在这里是一个代词,常用在类似as is well known这样的句子5 y! z, _" g+ F! P$ \  V1 l  @
  中,意为“这一点”。3 w, n+ B( E% P2 I. x
  7. D)   【句意】  所有航班因暴风雪都被取消,, U6 t" W3 y8 f3 _! u/ Y- D
4 d0 K( R0 D0 Y, R9 p: g8 O( ?. h  【难点】  该句的前半句使用的是独立结构,由于动作发生在过去,所以根
" S( |. z/ P3 O, Q3 j* k  据题意要求,使用了完成式被动语态。/ j+ m( N+ c7 b
  8. C)   【句意】  这座电站一建成竣工,就将向
& e$ q2 `$ O  B8 H$ P4 A) @  周围城乡供电。
4 U6 J- X- ~$ B# I- W  【难点】  once在这里是连词,意为“一旦…就…”,后面省略了it is。[
7 G' R: U3 T2 D. s; m0 y9 ], ~  ZK)]3 M# R' S1 t' r
  9. A)   【句意】  要不是救护车及时到达,他可; u. T1 y( X6 Z5 c/ x4 H  F, v8 G  L1 ]$ X
  能就没命了。$ G& b9 k) h" |" j: N8 m  x
  【难点】  but for 意为“要不是”,它的典型使用就是在虚拟语气的句子
" j. J: ~* U: s. d& Q2 i  中,所以正合题意。+ L2 M6 z0 _: x9 p* j2 Z$ _* z  _' i+ X; G
  10. A)  【句意】  如果你从未种植过任何东西,
& i0 W- x: y6 t  y- F, {  你就不会明白观察你种植的东西生长所带来的快乐。+ q) D6 x! y% \  N9 Y; G
  【难点】  watch 后接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。/ Q0 f  X$ a  k# y) A
  11. A)   【句意】  他借给我十英磅,算是给我做3 S! _0 r! w9 ?* V) O4 `% u5 ?9 |) Q
  了件好事。# ^! o  b4 X/ h
  【难点】  当turn为“行为,举止”时,常与good,bad,ill,evil连用。do
; z" z' W! E/ [; A  sb. a good turn意为“做利于某人的事”。6 w5 @! L3 t0 ]: \: s% Z; Y. f  x' j4 G
  12. B)   【句意】  我们的鸡开始下蛋后,我们便7 r- x! C& m  G
  把剩余的鸡蛋送给邻居。. ~( s9 R  f, |
  【难点】  surplus 意为“过剩,剩余”;output 意为“产量”;product' `1 j) x& a& U
- x% A$ `4 B! h+ k/ C, G: W  13. A)   【句意】  下列是有关韩国人在不同的社
! F; x* ~4 H' ^5 Q( H  交场合可能有的行为的评论。
3 v% n- x' y4 A/ z( Z# ]$ i* c$ L  【难点】  occasion意为“场合,节庆活动”;case 意为“事实;情况”" c8 x! e4 N5 X; J* y, J
! P$ K, L; Y5 ]: Z3 P  14. B)   【句意】  他们认为自己的高生活水准是
4 ~( o3 |$ S7 F4 k  对实施基本信仰的一种报偿。
- g6 t! y4 P- }) A( Q  V  【难点】  reward意为“报答;奖赏”;award意为“奖;奖品”;result, |, [6 v8 Q- q- J. Z
  意为“结果”;consequence意为“后果”。* u. f3 ]7 d6 m9 l
  15. A)   【句意】  麦克和弟弟长得十分相像,人8 m3 O6 y" n0 b2 Z
, V/ O: L+ C+ e- _, P$ T( v7 U  【难点】  这四个名词中resemblance后面可接介词to,表示“与相似”。re
  g2 K* H- n- l1 @4 x  lationship后面接to 时意为“和…的关系”。; P. `. V0 A, J3 ~; c0 N
  16. C)   【句意】  小偷找钻戒的时候,把废纸撒5 h7 H$ T# R$ R! m: [" D3 y/ Z
  落得满屋都是。" _& U5 e' i$ {
  【难点】  scatter意为“散布,撒播”;scratch意为“搔,抓”;spread7 S4 W0 p+ B5 B0 \8 ]
  意为“传播;使蔓延”,burn意为“燃烧”。: ]5 a9 W( ]" E1 V
  17. B)   【句意】  我女儿凯蒂一看见水果色拉就
! Q' w! u$ w' k6 ?- `, v% V7 E  流口水。" [/ F- }5 N  K
  【难点】  wet 意为“湿的”;water意为“流口水”;soak意为“浸湿”
4 v/ E, `: p. v  K$ C- Z" a8 F  b  ;taste意为“品尝”。# z( }' r9 z8 W4 _
  18. A)   【句意】  使宇宙飞船从月球上返航的技
7 u& [" o9 {( S* J+ q1 Z/ P4 ?5 O  术问题已被解决。/ t9 a" @, V: W4 t2 R
  【难点】  technical意为“技术的,技能的”;technological 意为“技
0 h/ Q) I% M! G  术学的,工艺学的”;tec
$ `# D) E7 T2 g% K  b. ~9 o  hnique意为“技术,技能”,是名词;technology意为“技术(学),工艺(学)”,也是' a: C. j  w  \0 ?" c
' ]& N# q( h6 b, g0 V0 Y" m  19. B)   【句意】  一个人的大部分记忆是用词和
5 `! T2 A3 t3 o2 W8 Z' u) S  词的组合进行的。$ Y& v% h1 |/ H) m' W6 U- Y; N
  【难点】  in terms of 意为“用…的话,以…措辞”;by means of意为( e5 x) q; d$ o, q8 t7 g
  “借着”;in: O( b8 S1 l' x6 e; |( G4 d
  connection with 意为“与…相关联,关于”;by way of “经过…,经由…”。
7 w* u* p2 ~7 o  ]  20. B)   【句意】  听了她的话,她站起身,走开7 M$ y+ w4 m# H& Q( r6 |8 N
  了,然后停在窗前,拉开窗帘,向外眺望。" u9 {" M& E3 s3 t& ^5 E
  【难点】  look out意为“向外看”;look around意为“环顾”;look up
4 W* W1 g* z# [2 {3 O
1 U1 g+ y! O! Z2 Q  }; f  意为“抬头望,查检”;look on意为“旁观”。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:48 | 显示全部楼层


  21. D)   【句意】  他们的幸福非常脆弱。</p>  【难点】  fragile 意为“脆弱的,虚弱的,易碎的”;crisp意为“脆的
5 @0 ]6 d4 u8 L1 y  ,新鲜而6 ~7 T' w7 ?% e
( w2 N4 Z* B: N5 c# B  22. A)   【句意】  我下班回家的时候累极了,但
/ T  D' d/ G- [2 a& ?# [/ A6 Y  半小时的午睡又使我振作了精神。! \; \% T; k( J4 R( y$ e) X. m: M2 S
  【难点】  revive 意为“使恢复精力;使振奋精神”;release意为“放开
/ C- D0 J7 s3 n/ \* C  ,松开”;relie
$ p# z6 }% [5 f/ e  ve意为“缓解,减轻”;recover意为“恢复(健康,知觉,情绪等);使复原”。! H/ L/ E* t- M& D
  23. A)   【句意】  我们应该永远牢牢记住,草率
; W( d( @$ e; J  的决定常常导致后悔不堪。
9 K+ t3 C0 i- b4 F/ Y1 I1 l  【难点】  hasty意为“草率的,轻率的”;instant意为“立即的,即刻的- }" u$ i+ q) H9 e5 ]  z( C7 W0 P" |' i
  ”,prompt意为3 _: F$ b; }4 \! I6 @0 V
  “敏捷的,及时的,迅速的”;rapid意为“快的,迅速的”。4 z+ e5 y+ ~1 a  v! R- E$ z
  24. C)   【句意】  信息练习和见解分歧练习里必2 |, u7 X; r5 C6 b; m& Z
  须有值得读的内容。4 u( C/ [# r8 H( j9 U  X* j
  【难点】  worth意为“值得”,后接-ing形式的词;worthwhile意为“值2 h8 E1 Q7 X8 n. N( F6 q
/ d; Q% T( Y6 K2 z% H- e  间的”;worthy意为“值得的,应得的”,后接of;worthily意为“可敬佩地”。7 h8 }1 d  |$ a) X
  25. A)   【句意】  “如果我们不能现在采取行动7 R' a/ N% f+ M6 k% ^
  ”,汤姆说,“我们会发现自己在以后的行动中得到回报”。- `) c$ v" J$ H5 b4 f( U
  【难点】  pay back意为“回报,报答”;pay for意为“为…付出代价”
6 w* Z. O8 c8 b! C% ?$ [( E' n! D  ;pay up
6 J$ n0 u+ c6 H4 C$ N  意为“全部付清”;pay off意为“还清债务;清偿欠(某人)的债务”。
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