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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(二十五)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Tracing missing persons can take much patient detective work. But a special9 Q( z4 X9 }7 l8 p8 _# U* @
  kind of “private eye” can trace the missing ancestors of whole peoples by% h5 t! a$ _% }; Y
  studying the clues buried by words. __1__
0 U% t4 |, {' Z  These philologists, such as the language detectives are called, have traced __2__
% u  ^/ u- ^6 i0 D  the word trail back from peoples in Europe, India, South Africa, the Americas,' `+ q* ]( a/ R( t
  and the Pacific islands in a tiny nameless, and forgotten tribe that roamed central __3__
) ?3 C) I, S/ Y  q% r4 l  Eurasia 5000 to 6000 years ago, before the dawn of writing history. __4__
1 _6 L, B4 E6 x/ y) Z  Since a long time scholars have been puzzled over the striking __5__
& Y0 P4 S9 ~! V$ X2 B: w# J# f- ]  difference of words in different languages. In Dutch, vader; in Latin, pater;in __6__) z, ]8 y" T7 D% L  S
  old Irish, athir; in Persian, pidar;in the Sanskrit of distant India, pitr./ [, y0 \0 I  n+ l# @
  These words all sounded likely and meant the same thing—“father” __7__$ X6 G3 e) N1 i3 J" ~
  Where did it happen that widely separated peoples used such __8__
+ k- ~7 n! I. R0 i  close related sound symbols? The problem baffled linguists for years. The more so __9__
" L5 L+ ?/ q6 }& v3 O: H  because “father” was but one of a host of such coincidences. Towards the end/ H: B7 z$ L6 @) b) J
  of the 18 century it dawned on scholars that perhaps all these words stemmed __10__
: e% X2 ]! H6 c' V, Z. x  from some common language.
9 y1 V3 q5 z8 T; A, v  参考答案及解析:
# q1 O' |" R& s% D  1 将by改为in
; [+ ?7 Z  a+ E5 c2 ?# `  (be) buried in 意思为 “被…所掩盖,掩蔽于…”0 w+ _, P+ y. }5 i( a
  2 将such去掉
! g4 N0 ^& I% d, H  在这里as是连词,引导状语从句.
, |/ H8 T7 ?$ y' B* l# U  3 将第一个and改为to (这个句子长,小心上当呀)
. q1 K% ?* S% a! c+ q4 }, R  以便和前文的from构成搭配 “from…to…”,表示 “从……到……”.7 J- u8 C8 K, T) ]; l
  4 将writing改为written`
  I0 ^& s) y' ^. p  “有文字记载的历史”英语为 “written history”." v, O6 O* e/ J' j' D! t
  5 将Since改为 For
" C, ^  Z8 G+ g: M# p1 C  因为since做介词, 表示 “自从……起” 之意时,后面一般不跟表示一段时间的名词.
* [& w  j% n$ q6 B$ e1 A  6 将difference改为similarity
" S8 j! d; F' E  从后面的例子我们可以看出,作者在这里讲述的是文字的惊人的相同之处,而不是不同之处.( }8 r& C- u( Y6 ?  Q: x' R4 [3 h
  7 将likely改为alike' E1 U, k4 R7 a* Z
  likely 意思为 “很可能的”,不做 “相同的,相似的”解.* d1 i6 c1 q* B
  8 将where改为why
% x1 Z( d4 _5 k- b4 `9 `  这里不是问地点而是问原因,从后面的because也可以看出.1 {% O8 t7 E) {- q  R5 u7 Q0 k
  9 将close改为副词closely# O# i1 b5 I* q9 m
' j1 Z% H( t6 P" x  h4 i  10 将18改为 18th.
7 B& K4 R- R% S5 v4 M) d$ l7 t  The more so because “father” was but one of a host of such coincidences.
+ U6 @/ G3 L" y2 s2 Z" u; b  这句话的the more so because是什么意思呢, 以为人家出版社错了,不过看两本资料都这么写. 有谁看得懂么?还是说真的是出错了.6 k$ V1 P' P' M3 \, d& p% m
  原来the more so because意思为: 更何况. ^_^

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