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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(四十)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  There are three main groups of oils: animal, vegetable and mineral.. f8 k# j2 p) G  U
  Great numbers of animal oil come from whales, those enormous __1__
+ e% S8 g  k  j  creatures of the sea which are the largest remaining animals in the: I% }; J+ A. q$ t* M" R
  world. To protect the whale from the cold of the Arctic seas, nature
1 b% a: e- a7 g  has provided it with a thick cover of fat called blubber. When the __2__
8 x$ e& d& l3 {; m7 M% a( ?  whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down, either% g- {8 H! t* X+ l! ]- s
  board the ship or on shore. It produces a great quantity of oil which __3__$ Y. Z9 d  d5 O2 K& B+ S
  can be made into food for human consumption. A few other creatures; Z! F# S5 U- k- Y+ r( p- v
  yield oil, and none so much as the whale. The livers of the cod and __4__) z' ^- T. y0 ?
  the halibut, two kinds of fish, yield nourishing oil.: U# J7 F/ C( B# E) m0 @) d# ?/ e
  Both cod liver oil and halibut liver oil are given to sick children
& `7 y. I4 I% ^' J. ]1 N, x6 ]  and other invalids who need certain vitamins. These oils may be, j: d% n( T; K) _1 R8 O' I
  bought at any chemist. Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity. __5__
1 O7 _: t8 b& F  No household can not get on without it, for it is used in cooking. To __6__
' C% C/ l0 {  J1 P9 I( [  the ordinary man, one kind of oil may be as important as another.% E% m3 t3 S8 B
  But when the politician or the engineer refers to oil, one almost always __7__
: r5 g8 K, z/ @, d8 M1 X+ W  means mineral oil, the oil that drives tanks, aeroplanes and warships,
6 x  _4 e8 B* g* F  Y/ M- l2 p. U  motor-cars and diesel locomotives; the oil that is used to lubricate
/ W0 t0 |, }9 q$ ^# _; M3 i  all kinds of machineries. This is the oil that has changed the life __8__' ~# O4 A0 h1 W# [: m9 S. {
  of the common men. To it we owe the existence of the motor-car, __9__
6 u8 [4 n4 g' C+ [  which has replaced the private horse-drawing carriage. __10__

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


8 p0 V1 o1 w9 ]; A' u4 R5 ~; L  1.numbers改为quantities
( o4 e. D  K7 v" C9 C" U  animal oil 是不可数名词,不能用number of 来修饰。可以修饰不可数名词的限定词有:, j; X% R6 J. \( c8 }! H
  a bit of,a large amount of,a great deal of,a lot of,plenty of,a large quantity of。
: z$ ^/ p$ ]4 W7 W6 b5 |  2.cover改为covering! k2 w/ G( p* p4 a1 H
  cover和covering虽然都是名词,意思却不一样。前者是“封面,盖子”,后者是“遮盖物,覆盖物”,可以说蓝鲸的脂肪是它防寒的遮盖物,而不能说是“盖子”。1 q* Q- h1 A% f* D1 z
  3.board前面加on" Q) x& r9 R6 i2 Y  V" V! V
  board可以作为名词和介词on连用表示“在(船,飞机,车)上”,如:on board the ship 就是“在船上”。
5 [7 K7 r( a( g5 R% M; U) o. V  4.and改成but% x, C( w. c7 T# E$ O! p( _8 n! V
  前后两个分句是转折的关系。' w& f9 t+ a6 l; _( T
  5.chemist改为chemists$ M0 F4 I. z$ I& S
  文中要表达的是“在药店”,那么应该“介词+名词属格”表示地点。所以应该是at any chemist’s.& C% y% E7 t3 K6 D* u, t
  6.去掉not, ~' \0 f7 }6 s
  7.one改为he/he or she. ?& R0 u* q% n. w  Y1 {8 i
  代词的先行此是politician和engineer,这是一类通性名词,既可以是男性也可以是女性,这类名词以单数形式表示类指时,通常用相应的阳性代词he,有时也用he or she。, f# `! `! y) k" H* Q0 w
" Z0 ?9 O; S1 R) n7 B! |  machinery是不可数的集体名词,没有复数形式。
5 d. f9 q/ o5 Q/ Z* ~) V  9.men改为man或者the(common men)的the去掉7 n+ I6 J$ @4 s0 l. ^$ h5 ^2 ]
  the common man 是类指,既然有定冠词,那么应该用man的单数形式,或者保留复数men而去掉定冠词。& P1 k0 v" N/ l
$ S" f3 w( o2 l3 x, }  “用马拉的车”,draw和carriage是被动关系。
: M9 k! u5 e% b$ h0 t1 v  发现很多同学对oil的用法不熟悉,这里再简单说一下吧:
' Y- B. r# V0 K! e# _1 Z; ~* f  @  oil 表示油,油脂的时候是不可数的
+ r7 S" B$ X, r  cod-liver oil 鱼肝油
& R/ a5 J! S+ F1 t0 |7 Q  crude oil 原油6 [( R: ]- i6 L4 a
  所以第一个改错 great number of oil come from whales 不需要把oil 改为复数的+ c- A3 H  M* _7 ]5 {3 k
  但是大家可能被第一句 There are three main group of oils:animal, vegetable and mineral 迷惑了,这里的 oil 是可数的,表示不同种类的油,如4 J3 f5 k' y( K+ h
  Animal and vegetable oils are used in cooking and medicine.
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