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[专八辅导] 专家敲定的常用中译英词组之生态环保

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. 保护和改善生活和生态环境  protect and improve the living environment and the ecological environment
2 Z4 h+ S" ]1 A! f+ {( R' m8 R  2. 保护珍贵动植物  protect rare animals and plants. D7 h0 \# C) g
  3. 普及环保知识  popularize environmental protection knowledge
" Y7 v; h0 v* K# S5 \$ i* {  4. 增强环境意识  enhance the awareness (consciousness) of environmental protection0 x0 m* U/ J9 v
  5. 改善生态环境  improve the eco-environment
6 i6 {0 ~1 w. S! E  6. 防治污染  prevent and control pollution
  j4 Z7 K* z# F3 F4 V# V  7. 加强水土保持  reinforce the conservation of water and soil
5 o' b  K! m4 S1 q( V1 e1 F4 t  8. 加强城市绿化  strengthen the greening of the city
% X! }4 N! z, M7 I4 I0 K  9. 提高环境管理水平  raise the environmental management level1 J- V2 P' w9 [$ j0 v. t/ o3 u( }
  10. 享受国家一级保护  enjoy first-class protection of the State
5 B6 b: Z! ?2 r6 f- v: A  11. 加强环境保护  strengthen environmental protection3 j9 m: X& v9 q( Y- b% e0 V
  12. 保持生态平衡  keep ecological balance
4 c1 t7 d3 U3 X, z' }  V% z  13. 创造良好的生态环境  create a pleasant (good) ecological environment
1 E' h4 j* @( o1 V  _, M' G0 h  14. 采用环保技术  adopt environmental friendly technique
% |& H: f3 x6 w8 O% N3 Y7 e  15. 为大量野生动植物提供栖息地  provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants3 {# s$ a1 e0 h5 o3 u  b% ?, F
  16. 为人类提供水和食物  supply water and food for human beings% _" _/ a6 k; }! u
  17. 非常注重保护森林  pay great attention to the conservation of forest2 [: [# k! w: x2 T; A! g* c" T( j# `
  18. 产生巨大的水文效应  produce great hydrological effects2 Z0 T' l9 N7 c/ w* _/ e" P0 r) w
  19. 引发一系列的问题  result in a series of problems, [, p$ ]% Q% t: m
  20. 帮助减缓全球变暖速度  help slow down the pace of global warming8 P1 G$ m% v  [  m) T: j: Z
  21. 提高居民的环保和生态意识  improve residents’ environmental and ecological awareness
* A) G' Y0 Q. O  R8 |! d  22. 完善城市基础设施建设  improve the construction of urban infrastructure( r& b4 T# m9 T% d
  23. 促进城市可持续发展  promote the sustainable development of the city
3 _8 @" Z( s8 w& Z, X2 o9 X5 ~  24. 符合举办奥运会的要求  meet the requirements of hosting the Olympic Games6 Z" _8 h3 y3 \% ?8 ^  a. }5 k
  25. 扩建管道网络  expand the pipe network
0 M+ `+ r$ |# ~  26. 淘汰或改造燃煤锅炉  eliminate or convert coal-burning boilers/ R1 }  ^6 e% M- c! ~! b8 A
  27. 禁止露天焚烧  prohibit burning out in the open
" r$ c& o" J! U  28. 发展太阳能  develop solar energy
0 G& T5 W# F* D8 ^9 ~) m7 y2 a  29. 提高清洁能源的比重  increase the supply of clean energy
$ U& d  @3 Q0 F  30. 减少机动车辆  reduce the number of vehicles
8 Q% N: ?# K8 b5 i0 G1 j  z  31. 使用清洁能源  use clean fuel
& g/ D1 K; g. n0 b  32. 实行严格的机动车排放标准  implement strict vehicle emission standards
2 z4 _# |! d5 G7 z$ Z  33. 关闭化工厂  shut down chemical plants" i% [9 F5 x: |
  34. 加大污染治理力度  strengthen pollution control) c6 u+ J# ?5 E9 B
  35. 治理沙地和水土流失问题  tackle the problems of sand and soil erosion/ S2 ~& y+ _5 ^0 e- }/ |( ]
  36. 加强珍稀野生动植物的保护工作  protect rare wild animals and plants
1 p2 [7 y: L" _3 c% W  37. 崇尚绿色生活方式  pursue a “green” life4 [+ T1 h: F3 y6 U3 e
  38. 使用再生纸  use recycled paper
6 ^( A( o) u7 g+ P& j  39. 参加环保运动  take part in environmental protection activities8 j# z+ I3 W6 a0 S
  40.门前三包 "be responsible for general sanitation, green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building "
% P' r4 h: b& e$ c" Y, ~, r6 \  41. 参加城市重建  participate in the reconstruction of the city
+ ~6 O- e! C; k. W/ G  42. 注重节约资源  attach importance to saving resources# n3 w+ O& \- V7 q6 V4 Z/ M: I+ W
  43. 采用新的开采方法  apply new exploitation methods% v! g% t6 @! R9 L( m
  44. 削减污物排放  reduce / cut  the discharge of pollutants
: i' K) C- z& [/ d  45. 抑制传染病的传播  restrain / prevent the spread of infectious diseases

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