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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(五十三)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Whether the eyes are "the windows of the soul" is debatable;5 u/ e0 l8 F" g3 `
  they are intensely important in interpersonal communication is a __1__* g" U3 n  {6 w& R/ L2 A
  fact. During the first two months of a baby's life, the stimuli that __2__
4 p! P2 e/ H  P; G8 Z  produces a smile is a pair of eyes. The eyes need not to be real: a __3__9 A7 a0 u/ B6 ]. P( k3 i
  mask with two dots will produce a smile. Significantly, a real human
8 A8 B- ~8 K) F5 b% c3 X  E9 ^' S  face with eyes covered will not motivate a smile, or will the sight of __4__# t& H5 L* |9 A) E' _( z
  only one eye when the face is presented on profile. This attraction to __5__
+ x" `# U% _, t: Z  c  eyes opposed to the nose or mouth continues as the baby matures. __6__+ Z" ?: s5 ?' O: z
  In one study, when American four-year-old were asked to draw __7__/ d% E4 P5 F# ]) P
  people, 75 percent of them drew people with mouths, and 99 percent __8__% V9 K$ D, R, m! T
  of them drew people with eyes. In Japan, furthermore, where babies __9__1 a2 f( F$ l  l4 N0 F$ y
  are carried on their mother's back, infants do not acquire as much
8 Q$ v4 Y2 ]4 C5 }* s( `+ g# J, e  attachment to eyes like they do in other cultures. As a result, __10__
" s. ~$ q0 Z" Y1 |- P$ U1 o# m  Japanese adults make little use of the face either to encode or decode
9 `( w: j+ O7 m; s% Y- _/ y  meaning.
# @  W5 U/ Q* a1 b* M$ V" D( d  答案及解析:% _# ]( S8 x. K5 k4 i
7 n. Q6 ~1 z# ^& f) B8 H$ p9 G- f0 k  分句后的分句应有它独立的主谓结构,正像它前面的结构一样。而后半句的谓语是is,表语是fact,主语似乎是缺失的,因此在they前面加上that就构成了主语从句作为这半句的主语。
  I- s) g; K$ P% n5 i* }  2.stimuli-stimulus
" \2 I+ [* V  s' [$ s  stimuli看似单数实则是stimulus的复数形式,因此应改为stimulus。
. a/ i7 ~0 O% L) ~, c3 O! B  3.to-/
0 Y" u5 n/ Y& G$ i3 s. O  这里的need作情态动词,因此删去to。6 {. p9 D* n+ H' R
  4.or-nor" Z5 j% ?2 l& X/ F) Q
0 j5 X3 n& j5 ^$ E  5.on-in% g3 w" p. c7 s6 j7 @
  in profile表示 “侧面,从侧面”。如:
8 S1 F2 r# L8 K) M! {9 m  The painting shows her in profile。
/ w; s# v! p. `% y3 Z. Z# G  6.^opposed-as- w. L  Y  i5 i  o% M! s+ K  d1 a
, l! p: @8 r# {$ p) i  7.old-olds
, b+ s. C8 w* ~( o. ~3 \1 F- I1 v  由谓语的复数形式可以看出这里需要用复数形式four-year-olds。
4 w( Q" N& _2 Y8 b/ c( |5 `9 O2 \  8.and-but
; x, R% a% h3 O6 a5 ~9 h# V' @/ o  9.furthermore-however
! T- G$ Z9 X1 w; L( p: r  上一句话指明美国文化中眼睛的重要性,而这一句话似乎指出日本文化中眼睛并不具有同样的重要性,因此两句话的关系是转折而不是递进。
- L3 D0 o6 b" _2 |3 Y5 [2 F! x6 h  10.like-as% a" x1 i, \: F. k; H' c% U
: _, o# A2 t" [% {6 T 

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