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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(四十九)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  DDT, the most powerful pesticide the world had ever known,
9 C. I( {& }+ d: U, X; V+ M  exposed nature’s vulnerability. Unlike most pesticides, which effect- __1__
) R3 l3 y! Z. m  tiveness is limited to destroy one or two types of insects, DDT is __2__4 _+ Y* M( g$ a8 R0 K
  capable of killing hundreds of different kinds at once. Developed in( Z( l7 y) q$ B& r: g
  1939, it first distinguished itself during the World War II, cleaning __3__
/ R% `, u& N6 L& D  South Pacific islands of malaria-caused insects for U.S. troops, while __4__
# \& q$ z/ w7 w/ j0 i( M  in Europe being used as an effective de-lousing power. Its inventor& c; n1 e/ X, |# K+ x
  was awarded by the Nobel Prize. __5__. J; o3 i8 j( G9 w7 Q& j
  When DDT became available for civilian use in 1945, there were" i: n& f8 f/ d2 m2 V# ^! ~9 K
  only a few people who expressed the second thought about this __6__
+ {- D0 k) c3 p( r7 {: m/ z  new miracle compound. One was nature writer Edwin Way Teale,
  `. i2 R" U( b- ]7 d% F& G  who warned, “A spray as discriminate as DDT can upset the economy __7__
. p7 [! p! Z8 j  d' U! [# B  of nature of all insects are good, but if they are killed, things __8__
/ m8 O6 t0 L; r3 Y7 o  go out of kilter right away.” Another was Rachel Carson, who$ e0 K' b) @6 h" `; s. R" W& S
  wrote to the Reader’s Digest to propose an article about series of __9__
: o* J. U  A: {' v; C" q5 U  tests on DDT being conducted not far from which she lived in Maryland. __10__( J4 \1 n0 f: d
  答案及解析:$ |0 v* \8 |0 N9 D& K1 \
  1.which—whose, z* n+ Q+ x  u/ E" F6 e
  whose在这里作关系限定词,与effectiveness构成名次词组在关系分句里作主语。whose的主语可以是人,也可以是物。9 k/ h+ B7 r) x1 @5 k0 j$ f! f
  2.destroy—destroying1 r! p2 _& d% y
  be limited to 词组里的to并不是不定式标记to,而是介词to,要谨访介词to“冒充”不定式to。其他类似的词组还有be opposed to, object to, get used to等等。  t/ T" M  k. }3 u
6 l1 C0 {7 y! B- {4 G, H  clean和clear这对形近而且意近的动词容易被混淆,但是clean指“使某地方没有灰尘,使干净”,而clear强调“清理不需要的东西,而且clear 可与of连用,而clean很少。(这两个词的改错之前也有遇到过,大家都要记住啦!)3 ?! c; \6 L* g; E+ O
  4.caused—causing: B; W) B6 h( O- A4 M
  此句中malaria-causing insects 相当于insects that caused malaria,因此是主动关系,所以应选择-ing形式。
: B$ x5 J* g8 n  5.by-/. k2 S7 L- R8 ?" j3 B
  the Nobel Prize实际上是award的另一个宾语,还原成主动结构是…awarded the inventor the Nobel Prize.所以这里应删掉by。
- D* [4 g1 F# z# e6 Q  6.the-/
; l9 S" c+ z" _% J4 V  短语second thought或second thoughts意为“仔细斟酌,三思”,如:+ U. l/ }0 X+ q
  Robert didn’t give a second thought to borrowing $2,000 from him.
" Q9 G  O& E9 x4 Z$ a  7.discriminate-indiscriminate" r" v' \2 c' L
  discriminate有“区别”之意,indiscriminate意为“不加以选择,不分青红皂白”。从上下文来看DDT的特点是没有分辨性:它既能杀死有害的昆虫又能杀死有益的昆虫。6 U& ], w  b4 d( c5 ^" ^
  8.but-and/so' N( h' W) A7 z
  本句的两个意群的关系是顺接,不是转折,因此应选用顺接的连词,如and和so等。& X  @' I# G4 G5 A
' T5 s) U5 n' r" @: b  series这个名词属于单数复数同形,它经常与a和of构成词组a series of表示“一系列的”。
$ n+ z( n5 A  D( c. S  10.which-where
: e- M. W4 @7 ?7 M* }) ?3 p  from这个介词后面应接一个介词表具体方位,因此这里只能用表方位的副词where。

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