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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(六十六)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Is language, as food, a basic human need? Judging __1__  J1 z0 P+ n( C$ m
  from the drastic experiment of Frederick in the* o. [: S. e. v
  13th century it may be. Hoping to discover what
1 G1 I' w! |3 G$ n  language a child would speak if he heard mother __2__
' }# r$ D2 p( L( A  tongue, he told the nurses to keep silent.( I+ @' N2 a0 B, L8 \
  Today no such drastic deprivation exists as ordered __3__" [& d8 y& S% W* f$ A! z! J1 T1 n
  by Frederick. Furthermore, some children are still __4__9 R" ^6 F. n6 j- E
  backward in speaking. Most often the reason for this7 o2 Q$ X; q- L
  is that the mother is insensitive to the cues and
2 I/ n0 j) J* |% l  signals of the infant, whose brain is programmed to
% w1 f# h' `# a5 F+ g  mop up language rapidly. There are critical times, it
- k: i/ L5 B! L6 N4 a4 m  seems, when children learn more readily. If these" {* V2 }! X5 c
  sensitive periods are neglected, the ideal time for
/ H! }. q) N: Q) f! ~0 T* X  acquiring skills passes away and they might never be __5__
& ~3 i7 I% L- j" H% q. w  learned so easily again.
; u% S- A, q9 @: T( l9 ~1 ]: R  Linguists suggest that speech milestones are reached
1 V5 G! f& ?& G1 ]. g. P$ d  in a fixed sequence and at a constant age. But there. f: X3 _' _3 T
  are cases where speech has started late in a child: d% w& i  S: y( C
  who eventually turns up to be of high IQ. Recent __6__
% m2 n# U  f0 q9 ?  evidence suggests that an infant is born of the __7__
; a- ~) ?; Q% _; a5 C2 c4 t  capacity to speak. But speech has to be triggered,& S; P) w0 {% e2 l0 Z
  and this depends on interaction between the mother
3 ]5 N( ^" v1 s  and the child,where the mother realizes the cues and __8__. |. }" g" e$ H
  signals in the child's babbling, grasping, crying,1 N  S1 }8 e6 t
  smiling, and responds to it. Insensitivity of the __9__# y; ?8 j1 b; v; e1 r$ {6 }3 S) E
  mother to these signals dulls the interation because
5 Z* U3 h9 h8 ^% T, |- t- X  the child gets discouraged and sends out only obvious
+ J; i+ J. u" w1 C  signals. Sensitivity to the child's verbal cues is __10__
% D% ]) y4 h+ t" {  Z1 J5 H  essential to the growth and development of language.$ a! t( l; F: n( k3 _6 e; E( q
8 F. \# y! l0 T. [- m: P' Q' ?  1.as--like
. t$ u$ ?+ z: I# D, T  作为介词,as是“作为”的意思;like是“像……一样”的意思。as用在此处显然句意不通。
2 P  A( H! f; e. M8 B9 I  2.^mother--no
7 W( D$ G1 n8 `, C4 a( n/ Y5 P. j( L  根据下文提到的he told the nurses to keep silent 可以判断出,此处应该为if he heard no mother tongue,即:如果听不到母语,孩子会讲什么语言。( ]+ o' Z  ?2 h) M- |1 C
0 k9 E" Z7 Y  j/ q) b3 {  ]7 \5 O  句中的as是一个介词,后面缺少宾语,后面添加的that替代the deprivation,而ordered by Frederick 是一个过去分词短语,做定语修饰that。
0 n. d% }, M- ^! h& s6 t  \) t) A/ R  4..Furthermore--Neverthless/However
- u; Q0 R6 ~2 R! S% P  Furthermore表示的是递进关系,而这一句话与前一句话明显构成的是转折关系。* y$ N2 N# s, M  B0 w
  5.away--动词pass是指“经过,通过,流逝”,而pass away是指“去世,死亡”,用在此处不和文意。
- w1 E: ?2 {% [8 o+ v7 D  6.up--out
$ Q% D! C1 I5 X3 V) @  短语turn up的意思是“出现,找到”,而turn out 的意思是“结果证明是……”,这句话的意思是说:有些情况是说话比较迟的孩子,最终却被证明智商很高。
* E! O+ v% P* _! s% t# V  7.of--with+ s/ N$ y. b+ A( O
  be born with...意思是“与生俱来的...”是一固定短语搭配。
( B* y# |0 B# _' M. ]  n9 z  8.realizes--recognizes0 l' ~. {, s4 S' ~
  realize意思是“认识到,了解”,recognize的意思是“识别,认可”,可见recognize符合文章意思:语言需要激发,而这取决于母亲和孩子之间的互动,在互动当中,母亲识别孩子的牙牙学语声和笑声哭声中的暗示和信号。! E0 o" C& A6 o
  9.it--them* m' w) l5 X2 _9 x; {
  此处指代的词是cues and signals,所以,代词应该用复数形式them。, i+ j# G! m- `2 {- b2 P
  10.verbal--nonverbal$ e  i+ X, t: F7 }1 w

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