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[专八辅导] 专八阅读训练:The Military Is In(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇:& u5 Y0 T5 \3 e0 S3 u$ d
  1. stage a comeback 再度走红,卷土重来2 U# c+ p) m1 M, L* h1 z) F
  2. standing tall 站得高# J" P1 S' H9 N; }- I5 f. ~
  3. babykiller 杀婴犯人( }& q  F" r' W; ?; ^" a
  4. denounce 谴责- Z0 @: _/ X; k# l. B
  5. elite 杰出的,名牌的9 a, |% T2 H6 j+ W* d, [) x
  6. ROTC=Reserve Office’s Training Cope (美)后备军官训练队
& `$ c, g  C2 j6 s9 G) v  7. falter 动摇不定,踌躇不前- w9 ~8 c. W  W+ C
  8. flourish 繁荣兴旺
1 f1 K7 Y( t5 u, \  9. allure 诱惑
4 M7 s: _/ Z' u( x) h6 P  10. come out 进入社交界,扬名( c( K1 i9 S$ t! e0 Q! M9 \
  11. the wide array 一大批,一大半$ j! k) L8 e7 \3 [: J
  12. PX=Post Exchange 陆军消费合作社. {& i2 X* l2 i" t. N
  13. sergeant 中士* N; J+ G6 G0 d1 e- D# q% w$ Z
  14. major 少校
0 N' m  j: h  W, ~  15. slick 聪明的,非常好的,吸引人的+ L3 d. j% x0 F  {$ K
  16. hallway 门厅,过道
, Y7 p& C* v- G% r  17. chant 单调重复的说话(唱歌)
: G/ x( \, V9 V  18. miscreant 无赖,恶棍. o. p9 \8 a1 m! f, ?% D
  19. retention rate 继续服役率,服役期满不退役的比例" \/ D- D/ {9 w* L, R
  20. real bargain 好买卖,十分划算0 ~1 P1 \1 `4 f1 |) v+ _
  难句译注:# x1 L! A+ K8 |1 ~+ q
  1. The services’ slick $175 million-a-year advertising campaign promising adventure and fulfillmenthas helped win over the TV generation.( J5 k7 h! q* s! u9 C* W! ~
  [结构简析] 句子的主语是campaign. 这里指大规模的广告(advertising campaign)。Promising 修饰 campaign。1 h& H' G, D) ]/ P& |
  2. The days of a judge telling a miscreant to join the Army or go to jail are over.2 z  }2 K. [* {$ }. D) r2 n" E& r
  [参考译文] 由法官判一名无赖不去当兵就得坐牢的日子过去了。3 S$ [& W1 L' K5 D+ v  [  h1 i' c. X
  3. And the retention rate is now so high, that the services are refusing some re-enlistmentapplications and reducing annual recruiting target.
0 e8 c- T  w! {+ _1 x  [结构简析] so …that 句型。" {" ?* D( {+ Y5 }7 g
  [参考译文] 超役留队率现在很高,所以各个军种都要拒绝一些再入伍申请,并降低年度招兵指标。
6 P4 q- |1 D9 w& D2 m- K! J  写作方法与文章大意:
) H; r: P' Q% J; H( k0 ?  这是论述军队在美国地位提高的文章,主要采用因果写法,中插对比。

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