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[专八辅导] 大学专业八级的改错练习80

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Before 1973, abortion was illegal in America unless the woman's health was threatened. In March of 1970, Jane Roe, a single woman, instituted this federal action against the District Attorney of the country. The original idea was that women who truly did not want a baby should not have to have it. __1__ Since pregnacy may be a blessed act when planned or wanted, __2__ forced pregnacy, like any force bodily invasion, is anathema to American values and traditions. As legalized abortion has become an everyday part of American life, a different side to it has emerged out. __3__ Where women once were aborting because they did not want a child, the reasons being given now were becoming very different. __4__ Abortion has turned into something that women are being coerced from boyfriends'/husbands' unwilling to be fathers, out of fear __5__ of the financial pressure, out of the panic from losing their jobs, out of panic from having to quit the school, or becoming __6__ homeless, or out of fear of their parents kicking them out into the street.Abrotion for these reasons can lead to problems which develop when a woman is unable to get round her emotional responses __7__ from the trauma of an abortion. There are women who abort and do so completely of her own free will. These women have no __8__ regrets, no remorse, but are happy they had this choice availble. __9__ But a growing number of women are speaking up about how abortion effected them adversely. __10__
- u6 S; h5 o3 F/ p  [  答案:1.it--one。it和one用来指代时,it通常用于特指,one通常用于类指。结合上下文,此处应当指代前文的a baby,是类指,所以应当用one。
; z7 T0 B5 y% R9 {  2.Since--While。这里考的是根据上下文的逻辑关系判断连接词的使用。前后两个分句是对比pregnancy和forced pregnancy这两个方面,所以应该选用表示对比的连用词while。0 ]1 T: v9 W) x  H
  3.out--/。emerge一词后面不要受到中文的影响加上out;但是可以说come out。emerge可以和介词from搭配,表示“从……中浮现出来”。3 u' N2 A. `/ b2 X* y; q, A  A
  4.were--are。虽然这一句从句中是过去时态,但是主句中谈的是“现在”的情况,所以应当用现在时态。6 V* k" E( P3 f- X
  5.^from--into。动词coerce要和介词into搭配。coerce somebody into something,意思是“胁迫某人做某事”。
9 S1 E/ ~% ]: ?3 g. _: [  6.the--/。school 前带定冠词时通常是特指,不带冠词通常是类指。这里说“辍学”,应当是类指,所以不能带定冠词。- c6 j( X& G/ R+ \3 ?
  7.round--through。get through 的意思是“度过(经济,感情等的)难关”,get round有“说服”的意思,原文是说“客服流畅造成的情感创伤”,应当用get through。
' g( S* o, N! J4 r) B$ q  8.her--their。这里的代词是指前文提到的women,所以应该是复数。7 \9 F: S& z8 R, I. m; p
  9.but (are)--and。从逻辑关系来看,这一句“很高兴有这个选择”和前文“没有遗憾、不后悔”是一致的、并列的,所以不能用转折连词。
6 @' R* f. A( G* U+ W  10.effected--affected。effect和affect两个词形近,而词性不同,容易混淆。前者通常作为名词,后者是动词。

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