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[专八辅导] 专业八级英语备考资料之写作篇08

发表于 2012-8-14 11:35:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1) If sth. is allowed to take its course, it will be sure/bound to bring about/leave/entail desired (unexpected/grave/immediate/reverse/disastrous/far-re aching) effects/consequences/influences.
9 ]7 r  R- q1 W, [  如果我们任其自然,某事物将肯定/必然会引起/导致/带来理想的(出乎意料的/严重 的/接踵而来的/适得其反的/灾难性的/深远的)效应/后果/影响。
" R9 R0 z& n, ^' v" L$ v: D5 K  2) There are sure/believed/supposed to be some good/bad/beneficial/harmful effects/consequences/influences.6 ~; L% T& {8 {5 J% Q( H
: u5 y. L: a$ t) T  3) Come what may, it has given rise to several adverse/wholesome effects.+ H$ {3 R& ~0 k* I% l- B0 t4 L
" e! R0 Q+ S( o* J$ i2 P2 R$ d  4) What merits our special/increasing attention/concern, therefore, is a number of effects/influences sth. has produced/exerted.
+ x! c6 ~5 ~2 a6 _% D4 U  因此,值得我们特别/日益关注/注意的是,某事物所引发的一些效应/所造成的一些影响。
5 r9 Z6 V' @9 y# C0 n  (e.g. What merits our primary concern, therefore, is a variety of effects the bad practices in our Party have produced.)
6 a' y6 O% ]1 W% i  例:因此,值得我们关注的首先是我们党内一些不良行为所造成的各种影响。) S* {6 v, U9 e1 a' V9 `. f9 m
  5) The influence/effect/consequence of...has not been confined/limited to...(It also...)
+ o1 X) \. S" I  K  ……所造成的影响/效应/后果并不只/仅限于……(它同时还……)
4 a5 m1 W8 X/ ~  (e.g. The influence of our outlook on life has not been confined to any particular aspect of social life. Instead, it has left its mark on every facet of our society.) 9 S8 x3 i3 x% N; @7 l
- @$ _* G7 {4 N/ ?, K3 }$ I9 @( F3 s  6) From the analyses of causes for...it is not hard for one to arrive at/come to/reach/draw/assert/deduce/confirm the conclusion that...(或...to distinguish/see the direction in which...)# r  h$ J  y: P4 Y# @1 ]* C/ y( F# {
  从对……的引发原因所作的分析出发人们不难得出/推出/断定/演绎出/推断出这样一个结论,即,……(或:分辨出/看到这样一种趋势,即……)0 l7 j: A% P* m; l, x7 y& ~. e
  (e.g. From the analyses of causes for divorces, it is not hard for us to draw the conclusion that the divorce rates will go up steadily under the current circumstances.)
9 k1 s3 P, M: \: Q3 |: x  例:从对离婚引发原因所作的分析出发,我们不难得出这样一个结论,即在当前这种情况下离婚率将持续上升。
6 G9 `! d. {' L% Y  `) u  7) If one continues to cast an indifferent eye on/to turn a deaf ear to/ to be blind to/to overlook the problem, things are sure to go from bad to worse.
6 P7 g! P% m9 t1 @: H  如果某人继续对这一问题漠然置之/置之不理/视而不见/忽视这一问题,情况/形势将 肯定与日俱下。0 a( G/ v) T( g3 r- L+ ~
  或:If one is in real earnest in giving all his attention/concern to the problem/matter, things are bound to go from good to better/from bad to good.   a& E* E% o: Q- I6 z4 }5 Q5 P$ h
  或:如果某人真正全心全意关注/关心这一问题/这件事情,情况将必然会越来越好/有所好转。: z4 u1 z8 d. _
  (e.g. If the governments at all levels are in earnest in giving their special concern to the problem of unemployment, things are more than likely to go from bad to good.)
# y7 R. \3 `/ T) M  s" \  例:如果各级政府对就业问题真正给予特别关心,情况很有可能会有所好转。; O. j  u1 g* V/ g
  8) Thus it can be seen from the above that (doing) sth. means much/a great deal/lots more than itself.# J' [6 e( _. c" W, q0 ?
  因而从以上/上述……可以看出,(做)某事物的意义远远/大大超出其本身。% K$ y* u: `8 _
  (e.g. Thus it can be seen that nourishing honesty in government bodies means much more than itself.) 1 X. U* T/ d+ z! R: H- m" y4 B
  例:因而可以看出,在政府机构中的养廉行动其意义远远超出其本身之外。3 M5 ?$ c8 S1 ^# d. [0 ~/ D2 _- {

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