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[人文知识] 专八人文知识模拟练习题(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:42:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. The sentence “shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s_____.9 p& T; A) n. Y+ O' R) ^% s
  A comedies  f  ]0 b7 F" I- A; e: R% h
  B tragedies- _( h+ j, R- M, p+ t/ B
  C sonnets
( O- B4 m0 z  O# F; H  D histories8 |5 ]1 U- G; v
  2. The three dialects spoken by____ _____and _____mixed into a single language called Anglo-Saxon, or old English.0 V% P3 W# k5 Z+ \. S
  A Anglos, Saxons jutes; y+ n  V! p' S1 @0 W) \7 T
  B Anglos, Saxons, Irish, p1 s3 a+ ?! C5 R- l3 v  G7 i
  C Anglos, Saxons, Scottish
$ p+ G+ ]8 X3 D& W  D Anglos, Saxons, welsh
3 X* e1 C" f3 c0 h7 M* R; D9 F  3. contribution to English lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter---the heroic couplet to English poetry.0 n  d1 M1 G0 h9 E% A# z: O
  A William Shakespeare’s
8 G( b: l) g: ^4 }  B Geoffrey Chaucer’s
/ _: Z2 N: `$ `9 S2 `* [; A* X) h  C Thomas more’s
2 n1 m* }7 P0 u: s7 z" N8 C  D Edmund Spenser’s8 L, @1 O/ \  L8 c# u7 \
  4. Spenserian stanza is a form of poetry first employed by Edmund Spenser in his long poetry_____.
" F% [: {; O+ p% A. h0 U  A the faerie queene$ p. T% P9 |$ w- S# D6 P+ Z
  B the shepherd’s calendar
' ?, |- O8 ?- N) p. t( V- n  C epithalamion
8 z3 |( ]1 E* P: ~# V  D amoretti
' _+ W* e  W* [2 d  5. Francis bacon is a ____.% _( W# P. S  h5 {  @  e- f1 z
  A poet- ~8 U9 W. w( V6 F0 b. W0 x
  B playwright
' u3 k# c* ^4 v! W) _  C essayist; j1 E6 s" P, A2 @
  D novelist
3 v2 \3 b/ B! J; s% m; t  6. We can perhaps describe the west wind in shelly’s poem “ode to the west wind” with all the following terms except_____.
% E1 S) n3 ]2 q0 N6 M  A tamed
$ C5 V  h9 }0 I' W" `! {  B swift8 j: T) y6 \: r( e- l
  C proud7 y, c) B7 S, Q( J
  D wild
9 b3 z$ D6 y. |; L4 P/ p& ^  7. The novel starts with “it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune ,must be in want of a wife.” The novel is Jane Austen’____.) I6 f7 y2 r" _% R$ t) h
  A Emma
0 P/ ?1 `; X, q  B persuasion
/ W! Q! _/ W( U: t4 d" G  C sense and sensibility" V$ O& C  _  \! E6 G6 Q
  D pride and prejudice, N- r7 Q+ e1 [% X1 x  L
  8. The major concern of ____ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature.
" U6 J" \: \8 P0 {0 M2 @  A Charles dickens’s0 M  e5 X5 @5 T2 R; ?! b2 {' j' O
  B D.H .Lawrence’s' M) Z- u$ e9 j2 T0 v& d
  C Thomas hardy’s
# p- |  M5 a# ~% F3 N5 F  D john Galsworthy’s
. _! M* h& `, Y/ y' f4 c  9. “do you think, because I am poor ,obscure ,plain and little ,I am soulless and heartless? And if god had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me , as it is now for me to leave you .” the above Is quoted from_______.2 ^7 @; `: O: Y) c3 o7 i5 F
  A pride and prejudice
+ P* e4 @" S: y0 t+ M0 r2 J  B Jane Eyre' _0 Q- D2 ^, u9 {
  C Wuthering heights
, B5 B- V5 k; d3 L9 q  D great expectations/ f( g0 P" c% C& N8 k2 Y
  10. Which of the following is not one of the Bronte sisters?- p; w/ L" h- X9 T8 ~) h% d
  A charlotte Bronte
4 U7 z* e# s6 `4 e  x  B Anne Bronte
2 W+ H& ~% f; `, w) h) B  C jenny Bronte; h. u  j0 H4 [! |, a+ E5 l
  D Emily Bronte

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:42:12 | 显示全部楼层


  答案详解:. _: [/ t; ^/ g8 J$ |
  1. C
4 U2 E4 ]% [" M  这句诗来自莎士比亚十四行诗第十八首。* G7 |8 j' T! D1 o% g9 O! O. A
  2. A
9 h- P% `- j7 ?3 Z0 _, s. `- }  公元五世纪,Anglos, Saxons, jutes开始迁入不列颠,这个部落融合成统一的民族英格兰,他们的语言也发展成一种叫Anglo-Saxon, 或者 old English.
1 W) d) X$ A) S' P% I1 H! t4 U  3. B
; g1 F7 y( _1 _1 i  Geoffrey Chaucer被誉为英国诗歌之父,是第一位用中古英语写作的大诗人。他的诗行以五音部抑扬格为基本节奏,每两行押韵,被称为heroic couplet7 g9 c5 _; v$ J7 z' l
  4. A
7 v3 I. V# d, a( Y$ s! N& X  Spenser的长诗仙后每节有九行,具有音乐性,被称为Spenserian stanza。; G0 O7 |! g9 h* p# E
  5. C
' Z$ T  h3 J& r" I' R- @) c: M- W  培根是文艺复兴最重要的散文家。6 I0 o% E6 h6 O* D
  6. A2 l* n& t  \- X9 q$ O: Q
  ode to the west wind是雪莱最着名的抒情诗歌,西风是破坏旧世界,创造新世界的革命力量。+ |* ?5 i  B0 N% i2 o" k
  7. D, D; o' q9 X! t$ W! m, }4 \' u
  pride and prejudice的名言。$ S( d5 D: p4 Y* e( C7 F
  8. B# H/ M* o9 p/ N& r. j* Q6 E0 D
  D.H .Lawrence将视线投向两性,对西方文明进行反思,将社会批评与性心理探索结合在一起,抨击资本主义工业文 明。
" n0 A# a, Y1 ?  9. B1 M, S1 i/ |& x. s# }
5 h9 W' C# |) G# z# Q1 P7 \  10. C- L% {! ]7 ?( P0 R' [( Y
  除jenny Bronte其他为在英国文学史占独特地位的Bronte三姐妹
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