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[人文知识] 专业八级人文知识考点应试技巧

发表于 2012-8-14 11:42:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.Which of the folowing is NOT a compound word?# g6 V! T" o5 T2 N! [  T
  A. Landlady
! v! `2 P: m* j4 n$ H' A6 K! L  B. Greenhouse0 u2 P# B7 s4 R5 N! p% q+ M- W& W
  C. Uplift$ u1 b9 a+ O9 S  X' N5 }% B4 ^
  D. Unacceptable
) E& U+ e/ ]9 f* D8 n( R/ a4 v1 g1 f  [题解]D 属derivation
" R" o: K5 ^9 s# m! D  2.The word holiday originally meant holy day; but now the word signifies any day on which we don’t have to work. This is an example of ____% j7 u& B/ L( A* [5 n
  A. meanng shift! p" v2 e" Y. m/ u
  B. widening of meaning
0 u2 R. w* }$ p5 l4 f  C. narrowing of meaning
- l! @+ ^3 b* ^  D. loss of meaning
9 B5 K6 }; h3 H) Y; _7 d/ J  [题解]B 关键字any% n8 q! U& A' e5 t: N1 X2 f
  3.The capital of Australia is ____/ V& ^1 W) ~& x' F9 ~/ t  D
  A. Sydney  X& i9 h: a6 T) p( F$ c
  B. Melbourne- E9 B3 p# B- k/ i
  C. Canberra
" [  U$ [! [. b5 o: l  D. Perth
$ R0 A" ?9 F5 A8 c- S, O  [题解]C
, H) ]/ t; x& h- B9 Z6 b  Sydney第一大城市,位于New South Wales州;
, h3 M. i$ E) O0 n  Melbourne第二大城市,位于victoria州;0 a9 k$ O7 x1 ]5 N8 L
4 ~5 Z: @& ]  b/ W0 w( o8 J- E  Perth位于Australia州
1 `4 S3 m4 K& b8 F- m  4.Which degree is offered in community colleges in the United States?; a1 N  q, M( T) b7 d2 F& W# A
  A. Master’s degree4 X. l" e( R& ~- G. |4 Z
  B. Docter’s degree
5 n; h3 N. B, q  M& a  c. Bachelor’s degree
$ j2 k7 a2 t9 g7 g  D. Associate’s degree
" b, \/ G' i! Q, U  I5 i: T4 D. e5 }# [  [题解]D
% `6 \1 W% @: i: f* u2 O  5.George Bernard Shaw was a(n) ____
" i  x7 C) A7 E7 v  A. playwright% p# V1 e/ A+ r6 c
  B. poet
; S' P4 ?( t5 \' S  C. novelist
( K: d2 O4 u" u! K) |# i' K' @: y  D. essayist: R( \% `7 ]) e0 J/ M
" U0 _+ B2 X: w* m% h# Z8 l  (英)萧伯纳,爱尔兰裔,剧作家、批评家、社会评论家。着有Man and Superman,Back to Methuselah, Saint Joan圣女贞德, Arms and the Man,Pygmalion茶花女,获得1925年诺贝尔文学奖
) R4 |! a, m  c! c! P+ Z* z  6.John Galsworthy was most famous for ____
3 k# h0 n4 B0 t6 H' q  A. Heart of Darkness
. X5 k$ a+ \. W* P* R. l$ y3 q3 X2 \  B. Ulysses
0 m) K' z9 M7 _% t, M! R  `  C. The Forsyte Saga
) ~- m2 |  v/ V, b' Q  D. A Passage to India! a, `- I" k: N- T" R
  [题解]C- L8 P* i# \% e8 n; @
  (英)高尔斯华绥,小说家、剧作家。着有The Forsyte Saga福赛特家史,于1993年获得了诺贝尔文学奖;  h9 e, G" N% Y8 \* `, m
  Heart of Darkness,作者Joseph Conrad,波兰裔英国小说家,另着有Lord Jim吉姆老爷;8 \- U: b/ g8 u3 ]1 n& Q7 W) f
  Ulysses,作者James Joyce,爱尔兰作家,另着有Finnegans Wake为芬尼根守灵;
% Y* }' _; C" k# a6 k8 R  A Passage to India,作者E.M.Forster,英国小说家,另着有Howards End霍华德别业
' z9 j) d. ^7 Q" m+ j6 V1 g  7.The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was witten by ____% \% K( K' ^# q8 J6 C6 S/ K
  A. Henry James! I* C' [$ R4 t
  B. O. Henry( Z( n4 w, O( ]' I5 Q$ r% O
  C. Harriet Beecher Stower
, n; B3 m2 r; J3 i  c. P  D. Mark Twain

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:42:12 | 显示全部楼层


/ \; Q. C) a7 N. u  (美)Henry James,着有Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl;
3 Q3 b7 ]# M0 a' X6 u  (美)O. Henry,短篇小说家, 真实姓名为William Sydney Porter,着有Cabbages and Kings,The Four Million;. }; j" I3 ~" q/ [& z
  (美)Harriet Beecher Stower,其反奴隶制小说Uncle Tom’s Cabin,促进了废奴运动发展;- a+ S) d* N0 Q3 t7 z% Z
  (美)Mark Twain,真实姓名为Samnel Langhorne clemens,另着有The Adventures of Tom Samyer6 R! ^) p6 {) V9 H
  8.The study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication is _______
6 @: }$ t6 x0 e  A. morphology
( e  v, p' w  v; }7 q# a  `  B. general linguistics
  \5 j1 L  S: _8 m$ y$ P" `! M: }& z/ U# n  C. phonology
! |( x5 J$ O- }2 N& C  D. semantics$ q& A' v% f' }
  [题解]C- b' Y1 u0 P0 K7 n
  Linguistics语言学,the study of human language。包括Theoretical linguistics,Applied linguistics,Sociolinguistics,Cognitive linguistics和Historical linguistics。
* ~% y4 d% S0 W3 t# Z  这里主要考Theoretical linguistics,包括:
5 E" C$ Z( v, S7 P  1.Lexis词汇学, the study of what is a word and where words come from
3 ^$ F! g- E7 s+ v6 E% V$ ~  2.Semantics语义学,the study of meaning in a language1 |5 [7 m4 x. l. T! j. H4 f2 t. E
  3.Phonetics语音学,the study of speech sounds (voice).
% s( V+ J& H' ^  4.Phonology音位学/音系学,the study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication* U- k3 ~9 C2 \) l
  5.Morphology形态学,the study of the structure and form of words and phrases
( l( i! X. f3 N( E9 r  g  6.Syntax句法学,the study of the rules, or "patterned relations" that govern the way the words in a sentence come together,与morphology形态学并称grammer语法学, K* E6 Z5 j0 W7 D. x5 a
  7.Stylistics文体学,the study of style used in literary, and verbal language and the effect the writer/speaker wishes to communicate to the reader/hearer.
: R4 Q! d4 j0 p, r  8.Pragmatics语用学,generally the study of natural language understanding, and specifically the study of how context influences the interpretation of meanings.* }8 }5 u' g# g. Q
  补充:general linguistics, the study of the structure and development of language in general
) P7 l+ m) f4 O6 G( q& o$ e2 y* ^" r  9.Where is Edinburgh?# d3 E0 u3 s8 ~$ I, X
  A. In wales
, t  @3 p& n# j: M( Q# M  B. In Scotland0 i0 O, N  }& m9 U
  C. In Northern Ireland* g5 R) w: Q" e) j# g0 g
  D. In Ireland
6 @6 R, @7 B/ K2 V4 g6 Y  [题解]B wales的首府为Cardiff,' K( [/ q1 {: \$ H5 N
  Scotland的首府为Edinburgh,4 R8 J! X8 b7 Z& ?( S+ S
  Northern Ireland的首府为Belfast,3 l; Y( Q7 ?2 D: E
  Ireland的首府为Dublin: Y* v0 J3 d, A" N
  10.Which of the following is Not a U.S. news and cable network?; t8 R( N' j3 j. y: w4 u, Q2 I* ~8 `1 S
  A. ABC0 D0 S2 g$ x& C/ L
  B. CNN% N) u8 D/ ~" I' e
  C. CBS
+ `" {1 i0 E" I  D. BBC
( q' X1 v0 o* {+ w  {, i  [题解]D
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