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[人文知识] 英语专业八级人文知识精讲NO.38

发表于 2012-8-14 11:42:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  __1__ Harriet Beecher Stowe is most famous for her ___ that spoke for blacks.- z, h& z( M5 }: z  |  A: k
  A Voice of Freedom6 d) ~! ~9 f6 j. _9 j- {# H
  B Uncle Tom’s cabin
) N& T( O$ n2 x1 y  f8 K8 ^: x  C Clotel
7 I9 O$ ~9 C2 g$ T+ Z0 ~- v/ ]  D The Garies and Their Friends
) X; C2 }0 ]1 k0 ~  __2__ The first novel published by the blacks in ___ Clotel.
! t6 p  j3 A; f$ E/ d3 ~) F  A Harriet Beecher Stowe
9 l. Q  w8 e! B# @' E  B Harriet Wilson
3 w8 F5 {* \+ T  C Williams Wells Brown
0 O5 i8 c6 N4 K3 L' c  D John Brown
, V( F% {1 P5 g# E+ a  __3__ Most of Emily Dickinson’s poems were published ___.
# ^9 H# G* O# G" i8 b2 G3 X  A when she was young) L6 S+ C6 O) I% D
  B after her failed love affair7 w" l! q  \* F
  C in her old age+ J3 y2 c0 ^6 j$ i1 c4 [6 Y
  D after her death
4 @% s6 ^$ b: K5 i( T4 i  __4__ Palph Waldo Emerson, the American Transcendentalist, argued for the following ideas except ___.7 d" r+ f* J- r/ q
  A man’s dependence on himself for spiritual perfection+ A# O( `0 u  S
  B Faith in Christianity
  f, T8 L3 t2 `8 M  C direct intuition of a spiritual God in nature1 q/ M: Z+ b5 O6 |" {" v8 i
  D the importance of an independent American culture0 f( `( ^  K8 A+ Q& K* T8 `; X, t
  __5__ In 1837, Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled ___ at Harvard, which was hailed by Oliver Wendell Holmes as “Our intellectual Declaration of Independence”.; C- |; Y- r% B4 b2 e4 F
  A “Nature”
- K  Q$ t; v8 M' H+ Z+ \  B “Self-Reliance”8 S# G* ~) y3 d; Z
  C “Divinity School Address”
4 K$ |; M, Y, e9 A* J  g. m  D “The American Scholar”
! K5 k' O" i1 g9 I6 Z  __6__ In 1838, Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled ___ at Harvard, which expressed his disapproval to the faith in church and caused the protest by church.
1 `2 r# F% n6 d  f  A “Nature”3 P2 O) E- N0 {5 j) _4 ~" M
  B “Self-Reliance”
% h; z0 W7 M& `) b5 W  C “Divinity School Address”6 s) |* W  S& e( g
  D “The American Scholar”% B  R% x0 H) H* W/ a5 B% w$ q* l' M9 ^
  __7__ ___ is Mark Twain’s master work, the one book form which as Ernest Hemingway noted, “all modern American literature comes”.
9 t# s9 X  w3 z: ]; Z  A The Gilded Age8 |7 V! \5 k3 w: @' }
  B The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County: n/ j5 H4 \3 r4 U9 b5 w& A9 K9 s
  C The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; d% Z7 q; h$ R4 G. i
  D The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
$ b  b6 z6 s; g7 Z  __8__ Which of the following is NOT the fiction written by Mark Twain?
$ B( K' F4 X% e. \7 M, E" W  A Innocent Abroad
8 H0 ?; y8 p5 M; Y* ^3 i3 s  B The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
# j8 s( Y9 ]9 O9 S2 H: S  C The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
/ O! ]) w# x5 S# u+ i  D The Golden Bowl$ Z# Y7 D% i3 ~, ~" C8 I
  __9__ Mark Twain is the pseudonym of ___.
+ M) U0 z  m% \/ D+ ^  A Samuel Langhorne Clemens+ ]# L+ E" U* Z  p
  B Henry James0 [5 ^5 R& Z7 `- X% p* b1 B
  C William Dean Howells9 ]; ]: \* o& B) t6 J
  D Stephen Crane
  \( [9 _0 `0 ]6 P1 F: x0 \  __10__ The Wings of the Dove was written by ___ who also wrote ___.6 h: Z' `: ~+ l5 O) i: |2 ^: G
  A Mark Twain… Tom Sawyer& q8 \: b% ^+ b1 ?9 ]. H8 Y
  B Hawthorne… The Scarlet Letter
  U; E1 r& Z7 a+ j5 k( H  C Walt Whitman… Song of Myself
/ G0 e+ g, \1 |& @  D Henry James… A Lady’s Portrait4 n2 t) Y9 r" ]2 j
  答案:9 k' k* J/ d: t; s% J6 n
  1. 选B。斯托夫人(Harriet Beecher Stowe)是废奴文学的杰出代表,她的《汤姆大叔的小屋》(Uncle Tom’s cabin)被林肯总统称为“发动了一场大战的小说”。
) y/ {3 O, G8 W5 n0 P8 ~  2. 选C。威廉.布朗于1853年出版的《克罗特尔》被认为是美国黑人发表的第一部小说。0 ?# l3 y* t. u8 d, {$ u* h
  3. 选D。埃米莉.狄金森(Emily Dickinson)的诗歌远远超出了她所在的时代局限,虽然她留给后人1775首诗歌,但其中只有很少的一部分是在他生前发表的。
5 f+ ?( V7 A3 R& J% m' U  4. 选B。拉尔夫.华尔多.爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)主张打破神学统治,摈弃以身为中心的请教主义,强调人再宇宙万物中的地位,人能超越感觉获得知识,人有能力凭直觉直接认识真理。更多信息
1 f/ i& P7 M6 ~7 U  5. 选D。1837年,拉尔夫.华尔多.爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)在哈佛大学发表了着名的《美国学者》(The American Scholar)的演讲,指出真正的“美国学者”应当是“思维者”,即具有独立思想的人,而不应该盲从任何约束,讲演引起了轰动。+ E/ [1 v  E. ~
  6. 选C。1837年,拉尔夫.华尔多.爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)在哈佛大学发表了震动人心的《神学院毕业班演说》(Divinity School Address),将批评的矛头直指因循守旧的教会,再获得革命者欢呼的同时,遭到了教会人士的强烈反对和抗议,此后将近30年时间,哈佛大学再也没有邀请他们这位着名的校友回母校演讲。7 \! z1 C$ \6 y+ `& U/ M
  7. 选D。海明威(Ernest Hemingway)曾给予马克.吐温极高的评价,他断言“一切的当代美国文学都来自于马克.吐温的一本书,即《哈克贝里.费恩》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)……它是所有书中最好的书,它是所有美国作品文学作品的源头,它之前没有作品可以和它相比,它之后也没有作品可以和它媲美”。
/ `+ T7 s: [9 F/ S$ s  8. 选D。《金碗》(The Golden Bowl)是亨利.詹姆斯(Henry James)的小说。《傻子国外旅行记》(Innocent Abroad)是马克.吐温的幽默游记。《卡拉维拉县驰名的跳蛙》(The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County)是马克.吐温发表的第一篇幽默小说。《汤姆.索亚历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)则是马克.吐温一部儿童文学小说。* j) w3 F: S" ^1 i4 V( Y6 ?

/ A3 t, R7 y; K# @* U6 `# r  9. 选A。马克.吐温(Mark Twain)是萨缪尔.郎荷恩.克莱门斯(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)的笔名。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:42:12 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  10.选D。《鸽翼》(The Wings of the Dove),《一位女士的画像》(A Lady’s Portrait)都是亨利.詹姆斯(Henry James)的代表作。
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