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[PETS四级] 公共英语考试:四级口语练习-害羞

发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8. A Shy Little Kitten (1)   The little boy grew red at the sight of the cute girl. 那个男孩子见到可爱的女孩而满脸通红。/ t7 h$ S/ z  W; w
  She is afraid he'll think her a pig. 她怕他会像对猪般的厌恶她。
8 ]! S4 M' O. P: E9 B8 P* U% Y  Don't be shy, dear. 亲爱的,你别害羞嘛。
, ]: l% W0 d1 K  I'm ashamed. I couldn't tell you my love. 我真的不好意思,爱你在心口难开呀。
# ?% x2 c4 j0 W  Y5 E! M  They feel uneasy. 他们因不安而没法镇定下来。
8 n" A" L- K7 d7 T2 L  Behave yourself, or I'll shot. 乖乖听命,不然我就开枪。
5 e5 N& j0 R* q  The audience laughs. 观众在大笑。
* C. M$ N3 z6 c9 W" u2 E* C  He is embarrassed because he made a mistake. 他因为弄错而显得很窘。
/ J, e( c- f5 y1 e8 s: u% p0 `  She blushes for him. 听了他的话,她羞红了脸。
  |2 a1 y2 \1 u  x  w+ f  You should see my wife in a bikini... She's a knockout. 你应该看看我太太穿比基尼的样子,致命眩晕。, d; m! n- B0 W- D3 B
  9. A Shy Little Kitten (2)
/ H: N9 j( \& {  She lost her dignity. 她失去了镇定。7 a& l) v6 ]2 o6 C" u3 s
  She is timid and completely at a loss what to do. 她羞臊得不知所措。" j5 R& q  g, _& W1 A7 G: m
  Yak, yak, yak. 哇哇哇!(好像是装出呕吐的样子)* M5 ?4 W/ h, M
  I told you, my mom could beat your pop. 告诉你,我妈要把你爸揍一顿。" n) S! _3 L6 i4 j- I+ R  X
  Ahh, shucks! 哈哈,没关系。* J6 h1 T$ e! h' v! ]
  He is pinned down by the demonstrators. 他被示威的队伍给钉住了。
8 `* l/ H9 H; D& X3 \  She felt awkward. 她想到受到惩罚时的尴尬。$ B0 I* N1 J/ e% U
  He will be too afraid to do anything. 他害怕得什么都不能做了。2 u, K% l& a4 [* y% H1 R
  Nice guy! 好家伙!0 n) G! a6 H" S7 P7 \5 o
  Bully! 暴徒!
/ z" c+ h9 y* `* ?; Q6 t+ @  Have a little wine, punk. 小伙子,喝一点酒吧。(可以缓解一下精神紧张)1 {# F9 D3 J3 U3 S
  The drunk humiliates the gentleman. 醉酒使得这位绅士丢人现眼。
7 s( f1 A9 g  H1 E! _- N8 A  He is teasing a friend. 他在愚弄朋友。
# ~1 k  j" P8 D; g- M; r% v2 o" k  He feels awkward. 他感到困惑。1 Z. ]0 J* Z- o: B: ]5 k( s/ n
  She likes you a lot. 她对老兄你很倾心。0 D- u, e5 d3 F4 l$ D" Q: U* P
  I could die. 简直(爱得)要死了。(注意语气)6 I4 Z# L9 X3 o% a. v4 Q" q
  Losing her eyelash cause her to blush for shame. 她因为弄丢了假睫毛,羞得面红耳赤。

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