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[PETS四级] 公共英语考试:四级口语练习-羞耻

发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4. Shy (1)   1) The student felt very shy as he stood in front of the class.! {( |2 m+ P6 h3 k. J4 E. n0 o
9 U( y4 u* n  _. Y$ L  *这里是“不好意思”、“难为情”,与罪恶扯不上关系。
# o3 A* T) }! N: u  I  2) You should be ashamed of your bad manners.$ ?! |/ [9 ^4 M
  你应该对自己的不礼貌感到羞耻。7 k2 d8 |& Y/ C" c% n+ K$ _
  3) She felt very awkward about the unpleasant situation.
$ Y2 A) P: t5 M, k; c- k  她因不愉快的场面而感到十分困窘。) R* u/ {0 h) l: I" H& e( M
  *feel awkward用于轻意时是“为难”,有时也做“非常困窘”之意。+ o' E0 u* I) t; Q+ ~! n4 y8 a- i
  4) Nikki began to feel abashed by his praise of her beauty.
) Q; i, R4 A9 }( t/ n- c1 L  他赞美着尼基的美貌,使她羞得面红耳赤。
; w! R& L* \# J  5) Won't you be embarrassed to leave the party early?7 R# k8 W+ o' b# `; u, \2 K
8 G5 `2 ?$ b& P- Q$ Q  6) Jane blushed with pride.
' A7 A2 O1 t* [/ ?  珍因为自傲而丢了丑。
" l: k+ R) n' g; M. ]' F  7) Jeff will lose face if his friend fails to work hard.1 x; [$ h; {! @6 L8 X# u4 R
  杰夫因他的朋友不肯勤奋工作而丢了面子。  _5 f& n* K$ {( B# s
  8) You will disgrace yourself if you dress in rags.7 h4 }' T& x  P; p) n2 `
) t7 G" B% }- f  9) The proud man felt humbled by Karl's kindness.
5 @' j' x* H# q7 ?  那个傲慢的男人为卡尔的和蔼亲切而自惭形愧。
6 D7 c8 o2 Z4 D2 |- Y0 U" S  4. Shy (2)7 G0 l/ ?( ^# x6 \  _( c) S
  10) I usually feel timid in the presence of very bright people.
/ C. g) ], `4 z" H1 V  站在聪明人面前,我感到羞怯。; [2 r, @5 C' ]+ ?& o" T
  *这也是一种羞耻,作“胆小”解。' h7 t0 a% c, u* V- u
  11) Judy is so reserved that it is hard to understand her.' T1 Q0 J. i5 G$ G- d
  朱迪非常内向而木讷,因而很难使人了解她。, T& F- N2 \8 Z8 K/ \
  12) Dick is very modest about his accomplishments.' l: {, \0 ^- X. s
% m& X$ L: Z% @* f4 H0 {% Y  *这里,modest令人感觉高尚、客气,和“耻辱”扯不上关系。
! c  L9 X, D9 b  13) That important man is very unassuming in his manner.7 f. a7 O' _, F4 H+ V; K
  那个要人彬彬有礼,是一位毫不摆架子的人。# z; G# A% i9 c- m2 G8 B
  14) There is a natural coyness about her behavior.
- ?. w% }. E* ?  她的举止令人有种自然的羞答答的感觉。
3 j! p8 }2 e8 _  B6 X" e$ @, |  15) Try not to be so timid when you speak.
& r# q9 g, M" r( c  N$ F) c& ?( Z  你讲话的时候不要那么紧张。(应该放轻松,自然一些。)
" J( A, W+ t2 ~4 ~( ?/ T$ ^  I  16) I won't embarrass you in front of your friends.
' H1 n! R. H, A0 @6 q  我不会在你的朋友面前使你丢丑。
+ B) |. d; J( ~5 ?  17) She feels shy about meeting Frank for the first time./ U8 p( Z- N) Z! @
  她对于第一次和弗兰克约会感到难为情。3 n: y9 K. v: C$ D
  18) The timid child would not leave his mother's side.4 k  L- G  d- w6 L2 {

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