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[商务实战] 商务英语实战:经典商务谈判范例六

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 行至此处,谈判都还算是在和谐的气氛下进行,双方各自寻求获利的方案。但针对技术转移这一项,Robert所提的保证和要求能否消弭Kevin心中的顾虑,而今此谈判终露曙光呢?以下对话即为您揭晓:6 E! M, y! v  }3 w
  K: If we transferred our technical and research expertise(技术与研究的专业知识), what would stop you from making th esame product?
% Z* i. b7 q) H: j  R: We’d be willing to sign a commitment. We’ll put it in writing (书面保证)that we won’t copycat(仿冒)the Sports Cast within five years after ending our contract。3 D% r/ y# u5 L7 \
  K: Sounds O.K., if it’s for any "similar" product. That would give us better protection. But we’d have to interest on a ten year limit。8 y  D4 ?: H- p6 |, E* m0 O
  R: Fine. We have no intention of becoming your competitor。% k5 K9 Y+ U$ l1 U! O& X
  K: Great. Then let’s settle the details of the transfer agreement。% l! M2 [3 V2 ^* {+ U5 T3 B
  R: We’ll need you to send over some key personnel to help us purchase the equipment and train our technical people. How long do you anticipate that will take?1 @" G$ P7 v$ r6 L6 s; t  U
  K: A week to put the team together, three weeks to train your people. If so, when do you estimate starting production?
2 k7 u- ^" x9 q3 q2 s9 I1 j  R: Our first production run(一批的生产)should be one week after our team finishes its training. But I’d like your team to stay a full week after that, to handle any kitches that pop up(处理突发的事件)。
* G/ j+ l# `! r0 _, [4 ~& p K: Can do. Everything seems to be set, Robert. I’ll bring in a sample contract tomorrow. If you like, we can sign it then。

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