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[商务实战] 商务英语email高手系列:写订单三

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
主题;缺货1 D& Y7 p: e' `5 {7 C( ]) V6 G
7 U9 I& `2 l# _) G' U1 A我们今早接到贵方222号订单,定购8000打棉质衬衫,十分感谢。但可能要使贵方失望了,十分抱歉。
; \! Q6 `# l1 [目前我们没有贵方所需尺寸的衬衫存货,而且至少在5个星期内亦不会有货。在此期间贵方可从别处购买衬衫,如未能购到,一旦新货运到,我们定当立即通知贵方。
3 I. V8 e2 T" X3.典型句型) R+ t( w# W; |7 j# s
a.We have pleasure in sending you an order for Cosmetics.
& Y; {& _# m2 d5 Y7 o# F  ]; S我们愉快的给贵方寄去化妆品订单。
! N/ z2 ]; }" N) {1 A( w4 @3 b* _b.We want the goods to be of exactly the same quality as that of those you previously supplied us.+ N$ F8 W# f6 j5 R2 b* }/ B4 [
我们希望此批订货质量与以前供应的完全一样。" E3 F  {$ @& \
c.Please supply ... in accordance with the detail in our order No..- B1 H7 V  h3 m
请照我方第。。号订单供货。/ |. n5 A+ f# U0 N
d.This is a trial order. Please send us 50 sets only so that we may tap the market. If successful, we will give you large orders in the future.$ M5 I6 P& F( h" h
" r4 C) {( ]) I3 `3 j0 V3 se.This order must be filled within five weeks, otherwise we will have to cancel the order.2 ?6 E, i! w, n* l' Y
& n( h$ N! G' y9 c9 ~) Q. Z* B1 \f.We hope our products will satisfy you and that you will let us have the chance of serving you again.
2 L+ Y, S2 O! N% v0 Q希望我方产品是你们满意,今后再来惠顾。

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