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[商务实战] 商务实战:020 Voice Mail

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ V, I+ R7 k$ [7 O9 D0 K  (Office ambience, telephone rings....)
; O9 z% Z9 B% R9 ^  (CH's Voice mail): "This is Chen Hao. Leave a message."' A' p0 Q# f6 i! d$ Z( S: r
  M:(After the beep). Hi Chen Hao. This is Mary. Please call me back when you have a minute.
" _& E- t# n" C5 i; T& @, f  M:(CH passing by Mary's cubicle) Hey, Chen Hao. 来, 来, 来。 I'm looking for you. I just left a telephone message for you。# I) N1 e5 z  E: V6 L
  C:找我? 有事吗?
2 m4 F4 u% j2 Q  M:有事。But let me tell you first that your telephone greeting sounds too abrupt。
' p. q$ P% Q( w2 d/ {; q! s9 r  C:不够客气?What's wrong with:"I'm Chen Hao. Leave a message". 我觉得干脆利落,no nonsense., o: h$ ]6 V0 c, E; E2 H
  M:You know that other people will judge you by the greetings you recorded.
! }7 W, b( ~. }+ z" t# j" B8 h  C:那你说该怎么说才有礼貌呀?$ B1 a4 b$ S  u' w1 i
  M:You should have offered a welcome like "Hello" first.2 n: k% ^# W4 W$ H8 U; J) H
  C:噢,这不是很简单吗,加一个词就行了。对,这样听起来是比较客气。( Y: ]8 k9 F5 j
  M:你在录音里把自己的姓和名都说了,这很好。But you should have said, "Please leave a message." Saying "please" is a simple but necessary courtesy.* c' q1 s- }! V% @! K$ h
  C: OK, Mary, but I got to go, my boss is waiting for me...6 s8 R  V' x7 s# K
  M:Hey Chen Hao, I have something to tell you...
) W7 L& u0 Q" @$ g  ******1 w+ [" ?$ ~! l0 s" e
  C:Hi Mary. Sorry I was in a hurry this morning. You have something to tell me?4 v5 O  f% Q7 C
  M:I have good news. I am leaving ABC company and will start working next week for D&E Company in Beijing as the head of the Human Resources Department.
9 o( L! v9 f& T" P1 \" Z2 S  C:Oh, congratulations! But... it's bad for ME. 我要有问题问谁呀,能打电话给你吗?& t- I. s. {" z( Z: F. A
  M:Sure. 不过,到了D&E我会经常出差的。
* [# D2 E. S; A* d8 D  C:那我怎么知道你出差了,什么时候才能跟你通话呀?
, [$ y7 f# X' G5 x  {* Y% I2 U) G  M:I will record a greeting that says I am away from the office, when I will return and who you can contact if you can't wait for my return. 陈豪,你出差的时候也应该这样做。% u/ X; d% c" A" T9 C- F5 w- U
  C:是啊,有的客户是有意见,说给我打了电话好几天都没有回音。看来,我得先把平时的greeting改成:“Hello, I'm Chen Hao. Please leave a message."
. ], Q9 |6 C' d# U3 T5 Q* r" U  M:That's good! When you're away from office for a few days, re-record the greeting to tell
' y$ ]' _$ c  f4 Bcallers that you are away, when you will return and who they should contact in case they need immediate attention.
  d; I& L4 A9 R9 o  C:Oh Mary, I am so happy for you, but I will miss you.! P5 L# t7 U$ F7 S# D7 l* }/ C
  M:Don't worry. We still can have lunch together!

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