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[商务实战] 商务实战:019 Identifying Yourself over the Phone

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。每当有什么礼节方面的问题,他都去问美籍华人Mary。现在他正在打电话约Mary去吃午饭。3 |. u0 K4 [" @9 v. P
  (Office ambience)
1 ?% p. D3 y6 |7 ]7 Q. M0 v  M:Hello, Human Resources Department, this is Mary.
. U, j% m6 m$ p* T  m6 G  C:Hi Mary. How would you like to go to lunch at the new Italian restaurant in our building? 我有一张优惠券,买一送一。Sounds good?
+ m  D7 B  m! p* O5 ]  M:Excuse me. Who's this?
$ @) ]2 R  g! Q' P  C:是我呀!陈豪!你连我的声音都听不出来呀?% }8 h' |# B7 l7 O. t1 e4 X
  M:噢,是你呀!陈豪,You really should identify yourself every time you call someone.3 h6 r0 l$ p& N  I& W4 I) e: X
; E" i3 {7 z. m' p  q" |  M:Not every one has the ability to recognize voices. Sometimes, there is background noise or a bad connection. 而且有的人的声音听起来很像的。
! G4 R8 M/ f& z" |  C:That's right。我有个朋友,他儿子的声音跟他的非常像。每次我朋友接电话时,我都以为是他的儿子,所以我就问:你爸爸在家吗?4 x. C' f% K5 F. \/ H
  M:How did your friend react?
2 `1 T$ Y  g) W1 V# t2 C6 M$ g  C:开始他有点生气地说:我就是他爸。可有一次他回答说:我爸早死了。. Q5 @- {6 q8 t7 N- I# u
  M:It would not have happened if you identify yourself first. (Telephone rings...) Hello, this is Mary.# ]7 u. }& W& @7 `
" I( ?6 @" U9 w' W9 u  C:Hi Mary. 早上我看你有电话,所以就走了。6 _5 b3 g" P3 ~- a! o" e
  M:You did the right thing. 美国人打电话时一般不喜欢别人站在一旁听。& ^( p. i, d3 g; G  T) \9 ?: u, X2 e
  C:不过我还有个问题要问你。7 @8 x! ?: {8 `9 q3 a' `% K
  M:What is it?
( W: j* [& R" p  C:我有一次打电话给一个很重要的客户,他的秘书接的电话。那秘书就问我:"May I ask who is calling?" 等我告诉她我的名字后,她又说:"I'm sorry. Mr. Moore is in a meeting." 你说他是真的在开会,还是不想跟我说话?0 K7 M* L) m4 T4 r' q
6 r5 O  C- @$ g- l  E* h4 c  C: 那倒也是。Mary, is there any time when I wouldn't need to say who I am?# X1 V/ j+ m+ t( ?, k1 R" c
  M:Well...If you call your girlfriend three or five times a day, I don't think you need to identify yourself. 你可以说:"Hi honey...", or "Hi sweetheart..."
2 g6 c' T0 ?  g( k, l8 a7 v# Z  C:你开什么玩笑呀! I don't even have a girlfriend. 我连女朋友还没有呐!
0 n  L% o1 j7 K5 Q6 C4 O& }; m7 ~  M:Yes, I WAS kidding. 因为在商业场合是不可能,也不允许这样说的。$ Z$ d) R3 w" D7 g5 l& C+ g5 I
  C:Mary, 请你把我们谈到的电话礼节总结一下吧!. y8 Q& Y% g; L& j! P
  M:It's simple: always identify yourself when you call someone; step away when someone is on the phone; be aware that business phone calls should be formal and are different from private calls.
8 b0 m9 E, U  O, O  ~: T  C:Thank you Mary!

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