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[商务实战] 商务实战:017 Breaking bread

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  陈豪昨天晚上陪一位总裁去出席晚宴,可是他还个问题不太清楚。为了请教美籍华人Mary,他约她今晚一起去美国餐馆吃晚饭。  V5 V" n) {/ }  S* @: O* F1 q
  (Restaurant ambience)
  g# q- J; D* H! L  M:嗨,陈豪,how's last night's dinner? Everything OK?4 m4 t% f( Q# }
  C:你告诉过我怎么喝汤,各种刀叉的用法。可是,It may sound silly,昨晚我发现我不太清楚该怎么吃面包。美国人好象跟我们的吃法不一样。! w6 T4 n1 c" u. o
  M:别着急。你看服务员给我们送面包来了。The first thing is that your bread goes on your bread and butter plate.0 R( X/ L2 F3 ?
  C:面包放在面包和黄油的盘上。Which one is my bread and butter plate?2 A0 I. _" q5 X) A- x8 V
  M:It's the one on your left above the forks。* w' W+ A0 w# Y1 e7 F6 i! b  P) T
  C:噢,就是这个。$ V" M5 R% R+ ]( I$ h  i
  M:Just remember: Bread and butter on the left; water or coffee on the right and meat goes in the middle. 你就记住德国的名牌汽车BMW就行了。" c; c2 z/ t; S" [! p/ i+ ~
  C:What has BMW to do with eating bread?考试用书
! J2 j% T8 k1 u; F  M:B代表bread, 在左边, M代表meat, 在中间,W代表water,在右边。
* u$ W: p9 e0 E8 B3 G  C:BMW!* a, Z( C5 F' z' j. V
  ******/ p" k+ V/ Y* H
! ?: z  {, d4 j5 x' n  X$ S  M:Yes, I noticed that too. 我给你示范一下。Tear off a small piece, butter it if you like and eat it. Then tear off another piece and continue until you are satisfied or have eaten the whole thing。. ], A) l+ ]5 V" h/ k) w
  C:That's the way I saw Americans eat their bread last night. 现在你证实了,我以后就没问题了。
! [# `' x( b- ]! ~6 }& A  M:So everything is clear? 没问题了吧?( @; H" d. D) b8 D
2 u6 R" c1 ^/ |" o  M:No, the bread plate remains in its place. Just break the bread and butter it over the plate and let the crumbs fall where they may.
9 Z5 T6 ^/ D* R6 }# h  C:噢,面包盘是不能搬动的,一直放在左上方。然后掰面包,图黄油都在盘上面。So the bread crumbs would fall into the bread plate。+ M  b7 a( I6 a7 ]8 T+ B' }6 F
  M:That's right. Now, let me sum up the main points: bread goes on your bread and butter plate which is on your left above the forks; to eat bread, don't bite, but tear off a small piece, butter it if you like and eat it and continue until you are satisfied or have eaten the whole thing.

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