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[商务实战] 商务实战:022 Being a Good House Guest

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* G; \" O1 x% @3 J% _- |  (Office ambience)" g9 ~. [9 X' B8 O: w5 W# R6 [
  A: 陈豪,do you have any plans for the weekend?8 q# T0 z' {8 A
  C: 这个周末还真有活动。我们老板夫妇请我到他们家去玩儿,我没告诉你吗?说实话,I am a little nervous.8 l" E5 f, @/ P. Y
  A:What are you nervous about?
2 G7 e  q9 q4 A6 u) n" W+ O8 I: ~/ O9 e; l  C: 我怕自己会有失礼的地方。唉,你给我讲讲,在西方,去别人家作客有什么需要注意的吧。
& U/ h$ [9 c* F+ _9 g9 t6 `  A: Do you have gift for your hosts?% ]& k; l  a9 b8 G2 o7 T& a
  C:礼物,可我不知道买什么呀。0 e4 F* g$ ~2 S1 q7 W8 q2 }. z
  A:Here's what I do. I take a gift with me when I know my hosts' taste and hobbies.
; @$ s! k/ C: H7 o8 F7 P  C:那要是不知道他有什么爱好呢?
1 ^0 W4 r  {2 ], T3 e0 v  A:When I don't have a clue, I pay attention to what they like while I am there. Then I send a special gift after the visit.4 ^( W: M* O) E
: B  z6 W" B: E9 R! G1 M* @' z3 }5 P1 {  A: Unless you have food allergies or need to follow a special diet that would be rude. The rule is to "make do".
# J  N3 ?( K9 y1 B3 N  C:我倒是没有食物过敏。那要是不爱吃呢?中华考试网(www.Examw。com)! V* z) A/ U* u! |
  A: If there is something you don't like, don't let your hosts know. Have a little bit of everything to be polite but fill up on the things you like.
" k/ X4 M; n0 M3 h9 S8 y6 S  C: 你说得有道理,我可以每样儿都尝点,哪个合胃口就多吃点儿。你放心,不好吃我也不会告诉他们的。还有Amy, can I take my dog Freckles?
. |  g0 |$ F- S" D  s* t5 ^% ]$ i  A:绝对不行. Unless they invite Freckles, ask your neighbors if they could look after him.& m+ S- x7 s4 D
  C:那我到他们家能看电视吗?* l# e6 l: ?' e6 ^1 m4 J
  A:They may ask if you want to watch television and if you have any favorite shows. 不过,要是没人问你,那他们看什么,你就应该跟着看什么。' C4 t. w% R8 q7 r/ \
  C:他们睡觉以后我能看吗?( D7 `" k0 u" X! H
  A:I hate to disappoint you, but if your hosts go to bed, you should retire to your room.' D' o8 N+ b1 g9 l. h% Y& @
/ V! g0 A6 B; h3 B  T  w' K  e  A:Take something to read. It's much more courteous to read quietly in your room than to stay up with the televising blaring.9 C( ^  W& A# x8 n. j" m
  ******' ^/ r+ h6 q; |  G3 ?
  C:Amy, 我还有什么地方需要注意吗?! B! N; }! D, C5 Y+ H0 P
  A:Don't forget when the visit is over to send a handwritten thank you note?
' i% X1 F; W. b  C:一定要手写吗?我能不能写个e-mail,表示感谢呢?7 O8 I* s+ ]9 @5 R) o8 ?8 P
  A:绝对不行。E-mail is too impersonal.
& z5 O0 X& L3 x+ @( r  C:可我没有像样的卡片和信封呀。
% |. c( {0 h, _  A:Then buy some and take it with you along with a pen and some stamps. You can write the note before you leave their house and mail it on your way back home.
4 g; H5 t! V; z  C: 我还以为这个周末可以好好放松一下呢。看来我得随时注意,做个好客人,可别闹什么笑话。
( e2 |1 e2 ^" i" o  A:没错。还有就是要enjoy yourself.

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