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[综合辅导] 商务英语辅导:调查报告示例相关的句型总结

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
●  广告的目标# y0 Z. r- A7 E) V+ n% W$ D3 T0 ~

% S$ S: x* }* {6 U/ G0 ^    1. Our main goal is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.
9 T7 k3 O- I6 ?3 x* `
% @9 c& g3 f$ B$ P4 n1 A6 f    2. Our main purpose is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.
2 {1 ?$ G9 p: t+ x: t0 }
# H1 @( n& D; L% ]+ e  l' l    3. The main objective is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.
5 o. v& i" U& B1 u" d9 w+ T% y. l+ m4 @3 F2 h
    本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展。"Main goal", "main purpose", "main objective",都是指‘主要的目标’。
  K! N5 U( Z: m! L7 L" u- J+ Y# g. }# c$ v- E$ T
    ●  调查的数据8 n( ^4 e- V: j
5 G, Q- P0 _6 k) s$ ?
    1. According to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50%said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazinesin Taiwan.
8 u( h) ?6 r, p% K
0 t% i" r( I& h& [+ S- f    2. The numbers we have show that of the working women we polled,50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women'smagazines in Taiwan.. d. P! I" ?; c& W6 E

+ X. q) c! k4 l1 r8 h8 ], K4 K7 F    3. As the facts prove, of the working women who responded to ourpoll, 50% read one of Taiwan's top-five selling women's magazines.
1 B# S! V8 k! ~( Y9 s% g& X+ h4 m8 E5 R, _1 r$ v
    说明调查的结果,并作为下文结论的根据。关键词为"figures"、"numbers"和"facts"等。* I! _( E( c( v& O( {/ E7 Q" i

4 L- Q5 }2 d! _$ W/ p5 q    ●  依调查判断
, y" p' N" _( H: @) e, v/ T9 j6 \9 n; N7 j& c6 h
    1. If you'll take a look at this chart, the best media mix, then, would be a combination of TV and magazine ads.! _; |7 u$ C1 h0 c8 {
& q! Q! N5 }# c5 a4 U
    2. By looking at the chart you can see that the best media mix would be a combination of TV and magazine ads." ?# ]9 m8 {/ k# w8 R

' ?! p% k" X/ F    3. As you can tell by the chart, the best media mix would be a combination of TV and magazine ads.
& c! x1 i( o: G! r: ?) @
  ]( r! D7 E! s; F+ p    根据调查结果提出方案时,通常会以图表作解释。请与会者看图表时可使用"if"句型,但它不是假设语气,而是一种客气的说法。
( ~# ^, Q6 F$ W: G2 l/ s
2 ?' N0 `) A  ^! ]( u    ●  下结论7 v% f1 u: J+ q& _. E7 Y1 j

2 D8 `8 y5 q( v$ Y0 p" s+ Q* ?    1. To conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducing a new product is always a gamble.
; s( j: [: q3 {  \) }& E  t' @0 A
8 |9 v( s* o: G8 [) h7 R    2. In summary, even though we have defined our target audience, introducing a new product is always a gamble.0 G- F, K: V  ?. }: \
) d1 I! s+ K" t. A6 x- F0 ^6 e) h5 p: r* Q
    3. I've shown you how to reach our target audience, yet I also think introducing a new product is always a gamble.
6 V/ c9 x8 s3 h9 Y
# i- D. Q3 [: T7 y% ^) M8 B    在最后一段可略述个人对此活动的观感,并简单扼要的下结论。"To conclude","in summary"或"I think"都是做结论的实用词汇。

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