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[综合辅导] 商务英语考试写作讲议:第一讲(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% [( x8 N2 ^1 q( f, R! [- t3 s8 w  这一题型要求考生根据所提供的短文,如书信、传真、便函、留言条(电话留言条)等,起草一封书信,字数要求达到120—140词左右。% h, o1 x7 l2 L
6 j" |6 ~' v# S+ X* P- R4 b! y  Input: 1 situation description4 M2 J$ e* h" a8 J
     2 task
  v" d0 Y  Q" w9 l' L9 k- b     3 target reader
7 K( P1 a: q1 {* Y0 u( o7 P  Reading: texts in note, letter, fax, memo + content points (handwritten notes; second letter)# S1 O& R" n! V
  Write: business letter (120-140 words), R$ ~3 O' T7 o4 b* d
  注意英美拼写问题3 v# U# c# ~' q0 @1 K! g" T& j
/ [. M3 c; {: ^9 A3 L8 @  You have organised a production conference for your company which will be held on 10 October 2005. The following is the letter of confirmation you received from the Conference Centre.
! |" z: ]( h" g/ y% v  Read the letter and fax below, which gives details of the conference.
3 g  h2 P: d/ {/ Y& H2 r  Then, using all information from the fax, write your letter to John Smith at the Nuffield Conference Centre, explaining the changes to the arrangements.% y/ }; }! F% \$ D
  Do not include postal addresses.' D. B$ t4 h6 q
  Write 120-140 words on separate sheet.
1 f% V) g% I" }, I! r( DDear Conference Organiser,
4 [  F. {- J: \) KI am writing to confirm the arrangements for the conference.
- v2 S6 e+ \) ^$ GDATE AND TIME:              10th October-10 a.m. to 5 p.m.- ~) i) H8 |5 f! g
NUMBER OF GUESTS:          50  _. _! \: @/ d% c3 Q( j
ROOMS RESERVED            10 a. m. to 12: 30 p.m./ K3 U6 R+ \. z" b  ~; y! _& g. w
2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
4 m  ~& T# J2 A8 p5 v  S9 FSEMINAR ROOMS 1, 2, and 3) J* L% g7 `0 B% h) Y
CATERING:                   Coffee--11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
2 S* c+ T6 j' W6 j& tLunch-12:30p.m. to 2p.m.% R. |& F) o4 t* e, \0 O- }
Conference Centre Restaurant
) u7 I' n& s1 X6 f4 g( R' B" f8 ZTea-4 p.m.
, j. d  G" K  v8 ~We look forward to welcoming your company to the Nuffield Conference Centre.
0 b- D1 m- Z3 J+ X+ \0 F; B" tYours faithfully,
9 H% L. S* v! m% T0 g% l& pJohn Smith
. B+ A6 N! V9 h+ a& h3 l1 M5 z+ \  Today your Production Manager has sent you the fax below with changes he would like to make to the conference arrangements. I1 J  z; ~, |5 I+ i5 b
/ v. ?& K8 v8 N  D0 X9 kI’m afraid we have to make some last-minute changes to the arrangements for our production conference.8 L4 o7 h! I8 r8 j" m& p9 {
Ten more guests have accepted. The President wants only one hour for lunch, and just a simple buffet-not seated in the restaurant. The Conference Speaker(Tom Moors)can’t come until 2 pm. So he will give his presentation in the afternoon. Can we move the seminars to the morning?7 c0 U6 A' a& }* P3 E
Sorry about this!* E. W+ f* p4 Y+ n  f- b
Sam# P/ Z4 `/ a! A7 r
  注意:3 e4 X/ @9 F& }- @, L$ H' ?# s
  1 不要跑题
* {% E& d1 B0 x" D$ i: t) v! r, J4 L* f  2 适当发挥4 s/ D1 p" ?* n  F, x; X$ M; O6 Q+ I
  3 目标读者
3 H% r5 u. Y& r1 r; x! t/ F' T  4 不要抄袭2 f( X- F0 n# k8 b
. s5 E* r9 ^, m. }  a 换句型中华考试网(www.Examw。com)' Z/ W+ ~( e' m, \: }$ g' v1 B
  e.g. This rule applies in every case.1 `4 Q9 d# p6 F7 G
  There are no exceptions to the rule. (肯定句变否定句)5 y$ E; T4 i, t5 y$ r' F2 w
  b 换同义词
9 N7 Z5 S# y1 ]2 v1 v  e.g. The arguments put forward by these two authors are nearly the same.
% i# B3 S$ g5 i1 u; k. W9 L  v  The views expressed by the two writers are almost identical.
; e: Q9 i6 c/ H% S$ F) L  c 改词性
2 w. O& F6 o- C. m9 K- \8 p! z+ o  e.g. The English language has had a major impact on developing other world languages.
1 x5 H& ~' o* ^( q" d8 D  Other world languages have been greatly affected by the English language in their developments.

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